Rick Santorum Declares War On Heavy Metal

Rick Santorum has been on the offensive lately, but his target has not been Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney or even President Barack Obama.  For the past week, Santorum has been using his campaign to take aim at an issue he feels to be the single most dangerous force in America today: Satanism in heavy metal.   “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,” announced Santorum at a 10,000 dollar a plate sock-hop in Valdosta, Georgia on Thursday.

Santorum’s popularity in the polls has grown substantially since he began speaking out against metal and its assault on traditional values.   He has spent much of the past week in the Midwest encouraging young people to stay away from metal artists and listen to performers like Michael W. Smith and Pat Boone.  In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”

In the past, Santorum has accused heavy metal of being the cause of some of the worst crimes in American history including the attempt on the life of Ronald Reagan in 1981, 9/11 and the passage of Obama’s Health Care Bill.  He stepped up his rhetoric in a speech on Wednesday when he implied that heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance.

It’s probably not a coincidence that since he began his crusade against metal that his poll numbers have been surging upwards.  Picking out a small and unique group, singling them out as “other” and using them to frighten the masses is a proud tradition in American politics.  However, many commentators believe that his call for metal internment camps goes too far.  Santorum has openly advocated the forced re-education of metalheads.  They would be forced to endure 30 days of non-stop “values based” music that promotes the American way of life as well as the free market.  In order to leave, they will have to sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song.

In response to Santorum’s metal onslaught, Mitt Romney officially denounced his earlier position of “tolerance towards all fans of extreme music”.  This, in spite of the fact that GWAR played his inauguration as governor of Massachusetts back in 2003.  But things have changed since 2003 and embracing heavy metal music is about as popular selling baby organs on Ebay or clubbing seals.  Romney will need to begin pretending to be something else if he plans on facing Obama in the general election in November.

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  1. #1 by nopopnomanagers on February 10, 2012 - 1:14 PM

    1984 called, they want their controversial topic back.

    • #2 by Keith Spillett on February 10, 2012 - 1:15 PM

      HA! Well said!

      • #3 by Supercatpower on February 10, 2012 - 3:36 PM

        Is this satire? I just saw this posted on my Facebook. I can’t find any mention of Santorum in Georgia, or saying anything about heavy metal. It sounds like something he would say, but Google only shows this as a source. Who’s got links?

    • #4 by Heidi on February 10, 2012 - 3:38 PM

      Bwahahaha! That’s great!

    • #5 by Jeff Tilley on February 10, 2012 - 3:52 PM

      Brand new bands?!?!?! Where the hell has he been?!?!?

      • #6 by sharkmama on February 11, 2012 - 11:17 AM

        That was my thought, too. Makes me believe that this was taped years ago and has just now surfaced again.

      • #7 by Vu Long on May 7, 2014 - 10:39 AM

        A place we know as “the church”.

    • #8 by jc on February 10, 2012 - 5:09 PM

      I don’t think he has turned the radio on since then.

    • #9 by cfloyd72 on February 10, 2012 - 5:15 PM


    • #10 by Craig Smith on February 10, 2012 - 7:27 PM

      Congratulations on perpetuating a successful internet hoax

    • #11 by Jen on February 10, 2012 - 8:00 PM

      lmao im not sure what he’s trying to achieve by saying more dumb things.

    • #12 by Susan on February 10, 2012 - 8:35 PM

      Yep! This is just so ’80’s.

    • #13 by ShadowLady on February 10, 2012 - 10:16 PM

      Yeah, right! And these bands are “so-called” heavy metal and “NEW”? Get a clue!

      • #14 by ShadowLady on February 10, 2012 - 10:52 PM

        In other words…this is satire…lol. Look how many fell for it.

    • #15 by wizard on February 11, 2012 - 4:41 AM

      This Guy obviously doesn’t know his subject or done any reserch.
      For all those that follow the metal faith find a copy or download a copy of ‘Decline of western civilization part 2 the metal years’
      Noticeable performances by Lemmy, Ozzy and gene simmons.

  2. #16 by melanie on February 10, 2012 - 1:18 PM

    every thing is blamed on the type of music we listen to WAKE UP!!!!! It’s not the music it’s the lack of parenting and social skills. People don’t pull guns on other people because a song influenced them to do so it’s the haphazard way we go through life. Grow up and take your sensor ship some where else like the rapes and murders going on.

    • #17 by Dave on February 10, 2012 - 3:23 PM

      Nothing wrong with a little sensor ship. I sailed on one to the Canadian Maritimes in 2007. Great cruise!

      • #18 by Dylan on February 10, 2012 - 4:40 PM

        haha yea i remember that cruise i think the metal band “censorship” played on it right?

      • #19 by matt on February 10, 2012 - 6:55 PM

        My Arctic edition sensor ship helped me avoid icebergs on my last polar expedition!

  3. #20 by Striker (@TheMightyBreeg) on February 10, 2012 - 1:35 PM

    Santorum just signed the death warrant for his campaign. Metal can not be defeated.

    • #21 by jonathan on February 10, 2012 - 4:21 PM

      He knows metal isnt the only music that “Preaches” of violence in any way, shape, or form. Theres rap aswell but metal has less fans than rap(which is more mainstream)

      • #22 by Jay on February 11, 2012 - 2:03 PM

        No, if he singled out rap I guarantee it would be “racist”.

    • #23 by Cam on February 10, 2012 - 5:15 PM

      as tenacious d once said, you can’t stop the metal, the metal will live on.

      • #24 by Skullsmasher65 on February 11, 2012 - 12:27 PM

        and so will The WASP! \m/

    • #25 by Joh Marie Planesi on February 10, 2012 - 5:36 PM

      I’m not so sure anymore. All the lactose intolerant people miht rise up against us.

      • #26 by rainbownerdette on April 22, 2014 - 7:41 AM

        At least now I finally know why dairy gives me gas… It’s my record collection!

    • #27 by Alex Ferguson on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

      YOU CANNOT KILL THE METAL! The Metal will live on!

    • #28 by John on February 10, 2012 - 7:39 PM

      Just watch the cartoon metalocalypse

    • #29 by MCJB on February 10, 2012 - 7:48 PM

      In the words of Jack Black

      “No-one can destroy the metal
      The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
      We are the vanquished foes of the metal
      We tried to win for why we do not know”

    • #30 by Casey on February 10, 2012 - 9:02 PM

      I see what you did there 🙂 Tenacious D 4 ever! lol

    • #31 by Taylor Walsh on February 10, 2012 - 9:31 PM

      Just another politician biting off more than he can chew.

    • #32 by Stefan Griffith on February 11, 2012 - 3:19 AM

      It’s SATIRE. You really think GWAR played at Mitt Romney’s 2003 inauguration? C’mon man. Santorum is an idiot, but this article is fake.

    • #33 by the king on February 27, 2012 - 10:24 PM

      youre right: metal will defeat this retard. this guy want a communist dictature, he like castro.

  4. #34 by bean on February 10, 2012 - 1:38 PM

    rick is stupid and singling out groups because he doesn’t fancy the music seems like a pathetic way to try to win votes

    • #35 by Rob Liz on February 10, 2012 - 9:55 PM

      Says the person that doesn’t realize this article is satire and in no way factual. Read it again,dumbass.

  5. #36 by randy wallace on February 10, 2012 - 1:47 PM

    I smell bs……think about this guy what about all the gang violence that is in every major city in the u.s…..and what about a band called Hatebreed…..metal…most definetly……but their lyrics are about positivity. So its what you make of the music anyway and of you wanna go that route what about tv and movies. I’ve learned how to make drugs of I wanted to…rob banks of I wanted to……rape……and kill people…..if I wanted to…but do I want to…..not in a million years.

    • #37 by Uhlan Leasure on February 10, 2012 - 4:47 PM

      love hatebreed totally agree and most bands are more positive and christian anymore these days. rick santorum is stuck in the past cause them bands were from the 80’s i dont know why he said brand new lol

    • #38 by Tad Northcutt on February 10, 2012 - 9:59 PM

      Heck, Black Sabbath had a openly Christian song on one of their early albums, Master Of Reality. And just who the hell is the WASP?

      • #39 by stuart on February 11, 2012 - 4:53 AM

        Mid 80’s and from texas need I say more?

      • #40 by Jack Smith on November 23, 2012 - 11:56 PM

        Oh… Master Of Reality is NOT a Christian album. I can give a brief synopsis of each song off the album, and in no way, shape, or form does it condone Christianity or any other organized religion.

        W.A.S.P. are a heavy metal “shock rock” band. I like the Kill, Fuck, Die album. Check ’em out at http://www.metal-archives.com

  6. #41 by josh on February 10, 2012 - 1:50 PM

    Seriously?!? Give me a break, first off metal music today has little to do with satanic imagery. Lyrics range from the hateful to the intelligent. There is a lot of lyrics that protest the government itself which is why i think he’s REALLY doing this. Second there is no real proof that metal is making kids act the way they do, their style is a fashion trend, that will hopefully fad away, and their attitude is probably due to their upbringing or influences from peers. Stop blaming music for problems, there was the same problem in 70s. Stand for something real please

  7. #42 by Universe Number Five on February 10, 2012 - 1:55 PM

    The WASP!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

    • #43 by Universe Number Five on February 10, 2012 - 1:57 PM

      I really need more ‘values based’ music in my collection! Bravo, brother! Santorum is BoGus!!!

      • #44 by stuart on February 11, 2012 - 4:56 AM

        Values Based would the “cough cough ” Christian metal band Styper

    • #45 by Heidi on February 10, 2012 - 3:37 PM

      He doesn’t even know what today’s metal sounds like. His list is of old bands AND “the WASP”?? That’s just funny! haha

      • #46 by Universe Number Five on February 10, 2012 - 11:20 PM

        Calling them ‘The WASP’ just makes it all the more awesome, lol!!!! I guess Blackie won’t be his VP…

    • #47 by Joh Marie Planesi on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

      The only thing that WASP could have possibly done wrong was adding a torture scene to their concerts. It was for such a short time, no one really remembers it.
      But that was the 80’s, when concerts were all about going big and shocking. So it wasn’t really that big of a deal?
      And I also want to point out that tere’s plenty of values in metal.
      Just not the one that promote politicans with a shit ton of money using it to help themselvs instead of others, who are twofaced bastards who change their stories so they’re saying what they think people want to hear.

  8. #48 by David on February 10, 2012 - 1:57 PM

    In modern metal music there are just as many positive and encouraging “Michael W Smith” type lyrics as there are satanic.

  9. #49 by josh on February 10, 2012 - 1:58 PM

    Rick Santorum is an idiot. He using this topic because more and more metal music is exposing America for what we really are. The Government does nothing but lie and hide things from us and Metal is exposing those lies and growing at large numbers. America has been brain washed long enough and its time to rise up!

    • #50 by Mark Lysle on February 10, 2012 - 10:01 PM

      The doofus appeals to the lowest common denominator, and as a result, will scare all the independent voters to the Democrats. Obama will win a second term, Boehner and Cantor will be back in the minority, and then maybe we can finally demand our government do something about the entity that truly has done more damage to this nation than music: FOX NEWS and AM TALK RADIO!

  10. #51 by Sean on February 10, 2012 - 2:00 PM

    I am for the most part, a Metalhead! I’m listening to Blind Guardian at this very moment!! Do people not realize that there are other types of music that inspire even worse things? I have friends that listen to hardcore Rap. All you hear in that is rape and murder!

    One can still be a metalhead and listen to music that isn’t satanic.It seems to me that these politicians have only heard of GWAR and other satanic groups, and never actually listened to other types of metal. There’s such a wide variety of topics sung by metal bands. From topics of war, lust, and even zombies, there’s so much more than what they think.

    • #52 by Nick Morouney on February 10, 2012 - 5:22 PM

      Did you just call GWAR…satanic? LOL

      • #53 by Skullsmasher65 on February 11, 2012 - 12:33 PM

        I love GWAR, they have the best sense of humor in the whole industry.

    • #54 by Dennis on February 10, 2012 - 8:24 PM

      Blind Guardian, you say?? Then you are a double deceiver of the American way of life, it is a German band =P

      As a punishment, you ought to listen to the entire Best Of Celine Dion collection!

    • #55 by Dahlia on February 10, 2012 - 9:14 PM

      For a self-professed Metalhead, you don’t seem to have a strong grasp of what “satanic” is. Have you listened to much GWAR? “…topics of war, lust, and even zombies…” describes their music much better than “satanic.” They’re not Satanists, they don’t promote Satanism. I’d also add, “humor, censorship, and freedom” to a description of GWAR’s primary focus with regards to lyrics and stage performance.

    • #56 by Jesse Michael Gross on February 10, 2012 - 9:23 PM

      Gwar isn’t satanic, they’re satirical.

      • #57 by Rob Liz on February 10, 2012 - 9:56 PM

        Much like this article is.

    • #58 by the king on February 27, 2012 - 10:37 PM

      blind guardian is awesome and theyre not satanic, but they criticize fanatic christian like santorum so …

  11. #59 by moanthefish on February 10, 2012 - 2:12 PM

    This cannot be serious. If metal is the problem and he’s the answer,you desrve to have this moron as a president,then the rest of the world will truly know that America is a lost cause. What about fundi-mental religious nutters? I believe they have done more harm than a spot of loud music. I honestly can’t remember the last time a war was started over musical differences. I thought arguments over who’s invisible friend is better was a much more valid reason. Religion is the plague that retards human evolution,and wastes lives and minds. Just say no. With your voting slips.

    • #60 by Anti-Religious on February 10, 2012 - 3:20 PM

      Science flies men to the moon.

      Religion flies men into buildings.

      • #61 by Monch on February 10, 2012 - 11:54 PM

        And Metal inspired men to rise above the occasion knowing they’re the under dog.

    • #62 by Charlie on February 10, 2012 - 5:19 PM

      Evolution is a THEORY that Darwin thought up; who, by the way attended Seminary to become a pastor. Evolution is a singular thought derived from one man’s diary about him finding some animals a long time ago that sis completely filled with contradictions and flawed reasoning. I listen to metal too, and I play some metal, and I disagree that this is wrong, but I strongly disagree with your entirely uneducated statement about religion.

      • #63 by J on March 1, 2012 - 12:25 PM

        Evolution is not JUST a theory. Google “proof of evolution” or “Darwin’s finches study” for proof that evolution is not a theory. Otherwise by your reason (the theory of evolution) would extend to the theory of gravity as it too is just a theory right?.

    • #64 by pete on February 10, 2012 - 5:38 PM

      I keep the bible in a pool of blood so none of it’s lies can affect me!
      SLAYER \m/

    • #65 by cameron on February 10, 2012 - 7:35 PM

      Im a fundi-mental religious nutter and even I think that this is moronic and ridiculous. I don’t even listen to metal but I think this campaign is pointless and futile.

      But I also need to see a source for the following quote:
      “In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.””

      Because I don’t believe that for a second.

  12. #66 by Adam Martin on February 10, 2012 - 2:13 PM

    we need more bands like ANTI-FLAG. all they want is world peace and to stop the wrongs in the government. they say our generation is ignorant… didnt they raise us? they need to point their finger back at themselves and then shove it up their ass….. and i was lactose intolerant before i listened to metal!!!

    • #67 by Shawn on February 10, 2012 - 3:43 PM

      Rise Against!

    • #68 by Oliver Carins on February 10, 2012 - 8:05 PM

      If im honest, there will never, ever be world peace. all we can pray for is world Justice. That alone will make the world a better palce. Most other stuff will be a bonus! (Obviously that’s a very extreme way of putting it but u get what i mean?)

  13. #69 by Revrend MetalHead on February 10, 2012 - 2:17 PM

    So, this “Rick Santorum” is trying to fight freedom of religion? You seriously think Metal is the cause for today’s crimes, and the cause of being lactose intolerant?! Are you stupid?! Honestly I’d think rap would be the target here, influencing kids to be “yo fool ghetto-fly gangsters”, changing there mentality to think that they’re “hard” and/or “cool”.. Which leads to lippy, rebellious adolescence..which means more crimes.. I’m just going to stop right here..not worth my time, If you want a war Rick Santorum, over something you clearly know nothing about..You better be ready for the masses.

    • #70 by Joh Marie Planesi on February 10, 2012 - 5:45 PM

      Now, I have to comment on this one too.
      You’re no better than heis, bashing a genre of music. Sure, rap isn’t my favorite kid of usic either. But yo just said that it influeces kids to be ‘yo fool ghetto-fly gangsters’.
      That’s not true about all rap.
      There is satanic metal out there, but thatdoesn;t make it ALL satanic.
      Don’t complain about how stupid he’sbeing if you’re going to turn around and do the same thing?

    • #71 by Witchfinder on February 10, 2012 - 6:40 PM

      This is a parody.

    • #72 by robbie on February 10, 2012 - 7:56 PM

      I would like them to at least do some study into these things before ranting about it. Like the enormous positive hardcore scene thats out there and being a big influence on troubled kids. “Credit where it’s due” I think is the term im looking for.

    • #73 by Travis on February 10, 2012 - 8:55 PM

      Amen. I’d target gangster rap before metal anyday.

  14. #74 by walter on February 10, 2012 - 2:19 PM

    Which of these bands listed were brand new?

    • #75 by jesse on February 10, 2012 - 3:01 PM

      Seriously…my mom listened to those bands back in the 80’s.when’s he gonna go after punk music? How about psychobilly? Its hard to find a psychobilly band that doesn’t have some little doodle of the devil on their albulm artwork x)

    • #76 by jammagazineblog on February 10, 2012 - 3:37 PM

      Goes to show, Santorum doesn’t know his M E TA L ! ! !

      • #77 by RON BONE a.k.a. "BONES" on February 11, 2012 - 12:33 AM

        Makes you wounder if he even knows his own job other than creating Lies.. I’m sure a lot of people can feel me on this..\m/ xx \m/

    • #78 by sheri on February 10, 2012 - 4:09 PM

      THE Wasp…LMMFAO!!

    • #79 by metal566 on February 10, 2012 - 4:20 PM

      All of them for Santorum….XD!!
      And none of them for the rest of the world.

    • #80 by tyler on February 10, 2012 - 5:15 PM

      Ha! So true

    • #81 by Dan-zor on February 10, 2012 - 5:44 PM

      The WASP

    • #82 by Mack Daniels on February 10, 2012 - 6:15 PM

      That was exactly my thought. Um, wasn’t this the fight we had in the 80’s when Tipper Gore and the PMRC thought they could ‘kill heavy metal’ because ‘satanic messages in songs told them to kill themselves.’ Back when these bands were still relevantly new (except the fossil that is ‘The Black Sabbath.’ LOL)
      Seriously? This is an issue 3 decades later? Did Rickster just wake up from a 30 year coma? WTF???
      If he becomes president, you know what we’ll all be singing?
      Go Back Home (Santorium)

    • #83 by Joe on February 10, 2012 - 6:43 PM

      I was wondering that myself. I wonder if this jackass has actually ever listened to metal. Hey Rick, Metal Up Your Ass!!

    • #84 by martin on February 10, 2012 - 7:23 PM

      @ Walter, Really not a one,and the one’s mentioned are not seriously HEAVY metal. Has he or anyone else for that matter bothered to listen to the majority of the “Gangsta Rap” that’s out there ? You want to talk about some so called music that is causing corruption today, that’s where to aim !

    • #85 by Donnia on February 10, 2012 - 7:44 PM

      My thought exactly, Walter….

      Rick Santorum is an idiot. Tthat is all…. gotta get back to listening to Raining Blood.

    • #86 by Alicia on February 10, 2012 - 7:49 PM

      My guess is Iron Maiden 🙂

    • #87 by Jen on February 10, 2012 - 7:49 PM

      he’s a moron.

    • #88 by shannon on February 10, 2012 - 7:54 PM

      I’m thinking Rammstein would cause his head to explode.

      • #89 by RON BONE a.k.a. "BONES" on February 11, 2012 - 12:37 AM

        Or Me I’m the guy they sing about in Engel.. Can I unpin the SIN..? YES I CAN.. it means can I hit my mark it’s an archery term for those who didn’t know.. much Love Sharron “BONES”

    • #90 by KC on February 10, 2012 - 7:57 PM

      This is probably fake? If its real, this guy is clearly an oxygen thief. im sure there is plenty of other shit in the world to try and get rid of besides a very artisitc and excellent form of music.

    • #91 by Michael on February 10, 2012 - 8:06 PM

      First off this man is a tool, all the bands he listed are not of this generation? If he wants to fight offensive music, he should go against most rappers, hell why not blame the juggalos? Everyone else does lol. Music is an art, as well as a form of expression. How about he gain new topics for his candidacy? Like raising funds for education, feeding our hungry, sheltering our homeless, helping the middle and lower classes? Most if not all politicians speak out of their asses, how many of them care for the working class? They don’t it’s that simple, but I digress people like this are the reasons why the American people have lost faith in our government, they care nothing of the people and use out of date tactics such as slander and fear propaganda, the United States has become a monotonous pile of shit. Everything here sucks for the most part. I could call better shots and do better things for our country then this fucking clown.

      • #92 by Joshua Vortex on February 13, 2012 - 7:52 AM

        People use Juggalos as a scapegoat, just like they use Heavy Metal as a scapegoat. if the music was so horrorible for their children they should be IN their kids lives and KNOW what they listen to.

    • #93 by The_L on February 10, 2012 - 8:11 PM

      Seriously. I’m a college professor, and Black Sabbath disbanded before I was even BORN.

      • #94 by Danikin Starkiller on February 11, 2012 - 12:27 AM

        You’re a college professor and you can’t even recognize satire. Where do you teach? I want to make sure that neither I nor anyone among my friends or family ends up at your school.

      • #95 by Skullsmasher65 on February 11, 2012 - 12:41 PM

        Black Sabbath has never completely disbanded. They are planning a tour and new album as I type this with all four original members, but I do get your meaning here. Santorum is a bit behind on the times.

    • #96 by steph on February 10, 2012 - 8:17 PM

      @walter…I was thinking the very same thing. lol.

    • #97 by Lancifer on February 10, 2012 - 9:07 PM

      @walter – Exactly! I thought I was the only one that caught that!

      Wow! It’s true!
      Some people really will believe everything they read on the internet! LOL!

    • #98 by Babet on February 10, 2012 - 9:21 PM

      What I was thinking. LOL Santorum is clearly an idiot of the first degree!

    • #99 by Taylor Walsh on February 10, 2012 - 9:44 PM

      • #100 by Taylor Walsh on February 10, 2012 - 10:18 PM

        He just woke the beast.

    • #101 by SMS on February 10, 2012 - 10:06 PM

      I think they mean the new bands are similar to the bands listed, not that those bands are new..

    • #102 by Richard DeMott on February 10, 2012 - 11:11 PM

      The only reason he thinks they are new is because he has never heard of them before.

  15. #103 by Igneous Grimm on February 10, 2012 - 2:23 PM

    This guy is a grade A idiot. Black Sabbath isn’t a ‘new’ band. What a dipshit.

  16. #104 by Rob on February 10, 2012 - 2:26 PM

    What a load of BS. I just saw current and former members of Cannibal Corpse, arguably one of the most controversial bands in metal history, return home to Buffalo to help raise money for a local metal fan who was shot an paralyzed.

    Has Santorum ever done anything like that? I highly doubt it.

  17. #105 by Ciaran Jamieson on February 10, 2012 - 2:32 PM

    so according to this senator guy its not cancer i should fear but lactose intolerance, quoth tenacious D you can’t kill, the metal

  18. #106 by lev on February 10, 2012 - 2:32 PM

    “Picking out a small and unique group, singling them out as “other” and using them to frighten the masses […]”
    It’s worrying that this sentence also applies to tactics that Hitler, Stalin or any other cruel and totalitarian leader has used throughout history.

  19. #107 by sara on February 10, 2012 - 2:36 PM

    I second the comment about him standing up against metal because of the anti-government influence, not the “satanic lyrics”.

  20. #108 by mkDanger on February 10, 2012 - 2:38 PM

    People think this article is real. Seriously.

  21. #109 by Dustin Mortezaee on February 10, 2012 - 2:42 PM

    Local Minnesota metal bands (namely Debbie Does Malice and Reaping Asmodeia) are throwing a benefit concert to help make this happen…

    My mother was diagnosed with stage four renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer). In order to generate funds, and raise awareness, for cancer research I will be giving my mother a great big hug at her home in Cokato, MN then proceeding to walk from there to the Pacific Ocean this summer (July 2012)… barefoot.

    I came up with this idea while homeless and working for an existing nonprofit organization. I walked for work. I walked to work. I walked before and after work around the streets of Minneapolis mingling with shop owners, coffee house goers, and just about anyone I ran into. My spirit was somehow unbroken by the weight of circumstance and I found myself feeling a sense of purpose. Call it willpower. Call it predestination. Call it whatever one likes but I was suddenly struck with the desire to live a life that benefited those around me.

    I am looking to incorporate a nonprofit so I can make certain that donations raised go directly toward scientists working on cures and not staff costs.

    Tell the news. Tell your contacts. Tell your friends. I’m doing this to demonstrate the power of the tenacious spirit, to inspire people to action, and to shine hope in an all too often sullen world.

    Take action on the things that matter to humanity. To reach a destination one must begin by taking steps.

    Rick Santorum thinking metal musicians lack values is a gross generalization. It is stereotyping. It is bigotry. It is baseless. It is prejudice. Mostly… it is wrong.

    Dustin Mortezaee– Aspiring writer, philosopher, and humanitarian.

  22. #110 by smart on February 10, 2012 - 2:50 PM

    More wars and murder have been waged through the church than any other source combined.

  23. #111 by Jon Hughes on February 10, 2012 - 2:52 PM

    And the idiots don’t realize this is satire.

  24. #112 by dallas on February 10, 2012 - 2:58 PM

    This is funny. Maybe you shpuld blame the generation that raised us. We, as children have no influence over how we are raised. Therefore, the people who raised us are at fault. I have listened to metal since I was old enough to choose what station the radio stayed on and I have no lactose intolerence, no mental illness, I’m a straight “a” student, I attend school every day, I have never drank, I have never smoked, and I have never committed a crime. I know kids raised on “All-American” homes, who listen to the Singer songwriter genre and were raised to play tennis and love everyone and never do wrong who have been convicted of crimes and caught being high. Music doesn’t influence us. We influence ourselves. Don’t punish or attack a group by what music they listen to. Fight crime. Not genre.

  25. #113 by Richard Thompson on February 10, 2012 - 2:58 PM


  26. #114 by Sarx on February 10, 2012 - 3:02 PM

    I thought we left this discussion way back 20 years ago and… I mean, for a moment I felt like in 1987 when… mnah! whatever… this guy is totally wrong…

  27. #115 by Justin on February 10, 2012 - 3:04 PM

    Rick Santorum tried to kill The Metal, BUT HE FAILED AS HE WAS SMITE DOWN TO THE GROUND!!!!!!!!

  28. #116 by Marc on February 10, 2012 - 3:04 PM

    Uh, what about “gangster rap”….that’s a forerunner for any violence.

  29. #117 by Pat Smear on February 10, 2012 - 3:05 PM

    Uh….Does he know Pat Boone put out a metal album featuring covers from Judas Priest, Van Halen, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix and Ozzy Osbourne and others right?

  30. #118 by glnrod on February 10, 2012 - 3:05 PM

    Reblogged this on The Daily Fixx.

  31. #119 by David Tesch on February 10, 2012 - 3:06 PM

    Rick has a little secret. He’s IN a brutal black metal band. They’re from Finland, and he is the lead growler.

    I already own the t-shirt. Here’s the logo.

  32. #120 by Djentkenty on February 10, 2012 - 3:07 PM

    Dear santorum, listen to brotha Lynch, tech n9ne or something like that before you attack metal. First and formost metal is all about black Sabbath anymore. You officially lost my vote. I thought you were ok til you proved yourself a fool. Focus on something like economy, war, rape, or anything other than peoples choice of music. What did you listen too to get your mental illness?

    • #121 by dizzyghostcompany on February 10, 2012 - 11:45 PM

      Excuse me, good sir. I realize that your intentions are nothing but the best, but the article above is nowhere near the truth. Metal lyrics are fundamentally artistic: promoting concepts of reality un-reached by the cultural plagues we are faced with contemporarily.

      It is disappointing to see the metal crowd so easily taken in by this piece of writing: I realize that, were this true, it would be sufficient in raising some serious questions. Contrarily, disappointment is all that I can take away from this: so many of you are so ready to look for something to fight against, but I am curious to see what you are fighting for.

  33. #122 by Nate esser on February 10, 2012 - 3:09 PM

    What a Goof! He ran PA into the ground now the Whitehouse! Get a life Rick! A real one!! NEW BANDS!! Do yuou live under a rock……

  34. #123 by Matt on February 10, 2012 - 3:11 PM

    This story is completely made up, isn’t it? If nothing else, the following quote should clue you in: ‘In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”’

  35. #125 by fuzius on February 10, 2012 - 3:12 PM

    lol I can’t believe we really making an effort to defend heavy metal music. This santorum guy is a joke like all politicians in this race, its totally not worth it.

    I refuse to believe this is an issue in 2012.

    P.S today’s music “scene” is damn diverse. Many people who enjoy metal might enjoy pop\rap\country so the generalization in his accusation is even stupider than it was in the 80’s

  36. #126 by Bret on February 10, 2012 - 3:15 PM

    Do they think this is the 20’s they can not take away “Extreme music” Because i will never stop playing it!

  37. #127 by Dillon Compton on February 10, 2012 - 3:17 PM

    SOOOOO Santorum is the conspiracy theorist? I thought Ron Paul was?

    RON PAUL 2012!!

  38. #128 by Tom Explodes on February 10, 2012 - 3:18 PM

    Pretty sure it’s a joke, guys.

  39. #129 by Nick on February 10, 2012 - 3:20 PM

    If only he was aware of metal bands like The Devil Wears Prada, As I Lay Dying, and August Burns Red. All Christian bands devoted to promoting positive lyrics and actions… ignorance is such a burden to deal with.

  40. #130 by armeno on February 10, 2012 - 3:21 PM

    C U Next Tuesday mr. sANTORUM.

  41. #131 by James on February 10, 2012 - 3:21 PM

    This is clearly satire.

  42. #132 by mpr on February 10, 2012 - 3:22 PM

    Rick Santorum may be everything Dan Savage says he is, but this story is fake and you guys come off as pretty silly for buying it.

  43. #133 by An otter on February 10, 2012 - 3:22 PM

    You guys are pretty awful at recognizing a joke article. That being said, Santorum is still awful at everything.

  44. #134 by Steph on February 10, 2012 - 3:27 PM

    What an idiot! I was lactose intoloerant WAY before I had my first dose of metal and what year is he living in?? Black Sabbath, Iron Madien and the others are FAR from new! And I can assure you Mr. Santorum that I am not a ‘bloodlust demented teenager’, I’m a 30 year old mother who appreciates GOOD music. 911 was caused by heavy metal music?? Are you kidding me?! This moron should NOT get a single vote from anyone! He sure isn’t getting mine and I’m willing to bet there are tens of thousands out there who agree.

  45. #135 by savagehominid on February 10, 2012 - 3:27 PM

    OKay, quick question…

    Can you provide a link to this speech? I just scoured looking for it before I wanted to repost it. We need facts or else we are just jumping on a bandwagon looking like a bunch of raving monkeys.

  46. #137 by Jeff Barber on February 10, 2012 - 3:29 PM

    People like this guy and Rick Perry will be getting the codes for the nukes if you vote for them. Just sayin…..!

  47. #138 by joe on February 10, 2012 - 3:29 PM

    This is so 80s…

  48. #139 by Elliot C. on February 10, 2012 - 3:29 PM

    I love how he called Black Sabbath, Venom, and Iron Maiden *NEW* bands. Idiot. they’re at least 30 years old 😛

  49. #140 by matt on February 10, 2012 - 3:30 PM

    Watch out guys! I hear this new band Metallica is super satanic and will corrupt the minds of all our young people!!! 😉

  50. #141 by chiva chica on February 10, 2012 - 3:31 PM

    i cant find any references to this article, as in where did you hear this? of course i only googled it, idk if this was on tv or something else, i would like to be able to trust on stuff like this…. either way the guys a moron…

  51. #142 by cory harrison on February 10, 2012 - 3:32 PM

    This guy is a complete tool. He is trying to take the focus off of what is important and try start up something else. I the my boys in Cannibal Corpse and Slayer need to pay him a little visit.

  52. #143 by Heidi on February 10, 2012 - 3:35 PM

    This is laughable at most. Want a war on heavy metal? Be ready Sir. Rock will NEVER die! We will not be a “Footloose Nation”!

  53. #144 by Steve Austin on February 10, 2012 - 3:36 PM

    What a dumb***! Listening to Celine Dion would make me want to kill masses and then myself! Its not the music that hurts people, its their own weak minds that do.

  54. #145 by jammagazineblog on February 10, 2012 - 3:36 PM

    Wow, it doesn’t take much to piss off the Metal Community on this post. I taught you guys were tough and wore steel toe boots. Quite frankly, in the year of election, the wordy politician, candidates from both sides will saying anything to please their base. Really guys, we have so many problems in this country today that music, as heavy, hardcore and offensive as it can be, it will never be a major issue in the USA. Our freedoms are being challenged and chip’d away by government every day, but, in this case, Santorum is smoke ’em peace pipe and puffin’ hard.

  55. #146 by Mark Lukas on February 10, 2012 - 3:37 PM

    More evidence that this guy is a total tool. Note to Rick: Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and “the” WASP are not new bands. Please update your data base so you can spew your idiocy towards new and up and coming metal acts. Eejit…

  56. #147 by Matthew Kelley on February 10, 2012 - 3:37 PM

    *Sigh* As a Republican Metalhead all I can think is that this is the result of 1 or 2 paths. Either his ignorance is that astounding or this is an ingenious ploy. Either way I weep.

  57. #148 by Billy on February 10, 2012 - 3:37 PM

    Pat Boone a metal artist?????? BAH ha ha ha ha….No one should vote for someone whos is this out of touch with the times. Sorry my vote is going else where.

    • #149 by Billy on February 10, 2012 - 3:40 PM

      I had to google Michael W. Smith…this guy sings christian music. HA HA HA HA. wow. This is too funny.

      • #150 by Billy on February 10, 2012 - 3:44 PM

        Ok…let me clearify my point…I was laughing to hard to make it properly.

        He said to listen to Michael W Smith and Pat Boone……Looked up Pat Boone…He did a “Heavy Metal album where he coverd songs Like Dio’s Holy DIver. It was awfull so the message here is to listen to terrible Metal covers by pat boone instead of the real thing?

  58. #151 by brendan coughlin on February 10, 2012 - 3:39 PM

    none of those bands he listed are new, this guy’s an idiot, metal is my life and helps me get through so many problems and most of metal actually has good messages, leave music out of the government

  59. #152 by justin derose on February 10, 2012 - 3:44 PM

    well i mean clearly, deathmetal is the cause of 9/11…..

  60. #153 by revtokill on February 10, 2012 - 3:45 PM

    Anybody else suddenly hear a certain Tenacious D song playing in his head?

  61. #154 by Deanna Evenbeck Roddy on February 10, 2012 - 3:46 PM

    Did he just call Black Sabbath, Venom, Wasp, and Iron Maiden brand new bands?? That proves right there that this idiot doesn’t even know what he is talking about!! Stop blaming music, blame PEOPLE!!!!

  62. #155 by Braden on February 10, 2012 - 3:46 PM

    You do realize that there are Christian metal bands along with bands who just want to spread a positive message. This man is an idiot and obviously doesn’t support the constitutional values that I think we all would want in a president. He sure as heck would never have my vote!

  63. #156 by morshum on February 10, 2012 - 3:47 PM

    pretty clear that this is satire…

  64. #157 by TFG on February 10, 2012 - 3:48 PM

    “In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.””

    Come on, you definitely made that stat up. None of this is true, is it?

    Y U trollin?

  65. #158 by ghost on February 10, 2012 - 3:49 PM

    Y’know what’s idiotic? The people who can’t tell that this is a joke.

  66. #159 by Josh on February 10, 2012 - 3:51 PM

    Where’s your source? Can you post a video or article of this actually being said? I did a search and this is the only site that pops up. I am in no way for Santorum, but I’d like to know if this is actually valid.

  67. #160 by Johnny Dark on February 10, 2012 - 3:52 PM

    forcing anyone to do anything that harms no one simply because you disagree is wrong… plain and simple… i don’t force it on you don’t force it on me

  68. #161 by Eric Thompson on February 10, 2012 - 3:52 PM

    Really? Really? Reaaaally?, I have been listening to heavy metal since 5 years old, and I am 39 now and in those 35 years, NO song has ever influenced me to pick up a gun…Go find something else to crap on…..

  69. #162 by Boyan on February 10, 2012 - 3:55 PM

    What a moron.

  70. #163 by MrGummy Bear on February 10, 2012 - 3:55 PM

    Just another loser who has no real answers and is grasping at straws and blaming something he knows absolutely nothing about. Next thing you know they will be blaming Opera for all the terrorism. And classical for all the unemployment.

  71. #164 by machine2head on February 10, 2012 - 3:57 PM

    I am by no means a Santorum supporter. That being said, judging by the comments, most of you are pretty gullible. 87% of people think that the biggest problem in America is the ” the demented bloodlust of teenagers…” and that he truely thinks that heavy metal causes people to become lactose intollerant. Or that GWAR played Mitt Romney’s inaugeral celebration as Governor? You want to vote and be politically involved? Take an extra second and process what you read… and then make your point.

  72. #165 by Mathew S. Hensley on February 10, 2012 - 3:57 PM

    Yes I would hate for Music Artists to use sensational imagery like hell or Satan to draw in crowds…mainly because the Church has had that market corned for centuries.

  73. #166 by Rei on February 10, 2012 - 3:58 PM

    I love how everyone just blames heavy metal for all their problems. I mean, sure, there are some bands that really are “satanic” and they do promote things that they shouldn’t. BUT, I wonder if this guy has taken a good hard look at the Rap industry. So many rap songs encourage rape, murder, drugs, and the like. I think someone needs to stand up and take a look at these offenses before making an accusation like that about metal.
    And that lactose intolerant comment puts the icing on the jack ass cake… =/

  74. #167 by Kimi on February 10, 2012 - 4:01 PM

    this merits no response. His ignorance in the metal music genre is so large that I am at loss of reasons why any sane amd well.to do american would even consider voting for him. If he wants to attack music, then why not rap too, for its violent and belligerent lyrics. Sure, satanism is apparent in some metal bands, but not all. There are large numbers of christian metal bands in existence as well. He should be more focused on how to run a country in financial ruin instead of tyrranically trying to control a freedom we as people have. His statement where “listebing to metal causes lactose intolerance” is possibly the most rediculous and stupid thing I have ever heard in my twenty years of life. I listen to all genres of metal, death, black, christian it doesnt affect the way I live mu life at all. But this mans debate on something as trivial as this shows me that he is clearly not as educated in pop culture as most. on top of that, this has nothing to do with a presidential debate, and I.know many young people will spend their votes and time looking to someone who will free our country, not limit kur freedoms. If he wants to stop murders, work.on.prison and the justice system. Maybe then.he wouldnt have to make childish debates such as this his campaign.

  75. #168 by The Ekulmeister on February 10, 2012 - 4:01 PM

    “Picking out a small and unique group, singling them out as “other” and using them to frighten the masses is a proud tradition in American politics.”
    I’d like to point out that the nazis did that too.

  76. #169 by Michael on February 10, 2012 - 4:02 PM

    *Whooooosh* I don’t understand how so many of you can’t make sense out of what is clearly satire. I hate Santorum as much as the next guy, but this is obviously fake.

  77. #170 by Frank J Nemethvargo III on February 10, 2012 - 4:03 PM

    This attack would be a direct attack against freedom of religion….Rick just put his other foot in his mouth……the first being that women could compromise military missions was the other foot……

    Political Suicide at its best……

  78. #171 by Dave Blasfome on February 10, 2012 - 4:06 PM

    Only further proving the Rick and his Christian backers are completely insane. Does Rick actually have an opinion on the real issues that are affecting this country. His stance on heavy metal reads remarkably similiar to the Third Reich’s stance on Jews. These HATE mongers must be stopped.

  79. #172 by Chris on February 10, 2012 - 4:06 PM

    BRAND NEW BANDS>>BLACK SABBATH!!! Mr. Santorum, I listen to heavy metal and I attend church. I believe in God and his mighty word, I am not a devil worshiper!! The kind of music you listen to does not make you a killer or Satan worshiper just like tattoos don’t change who you are!! You my friend are a joke!!!

  80. #173 by Christian Smith on February 10, 2012 - 4:07 PM

    This is not a Republican thing, this is a Santorum thing. He’s a fucking idiot. I’m a Republican and my favorite bands are Emmure, Stray From the Path, The Acacia Strain, letlive., and Periphery. Don’t think all Republicans are like this guy. This guy is just a moron.

  81. #174 by Ian Slagle on February 10, 2012 - 4:08 PM

    i can’t actually take this seriously. this has to be a joke…

  82. #175 by anna on February 10, 2012 - 4:08 PM

    Is this an Onion article?

  83. #176 by Dr. Acula. on February 10, 2012 - 4:09 PM

    Heavy metal causes lactose intolerance? But I love cheese 😦

    But seriously, Has this guy ever listened to Dio? The man was quite pleasant, he had unicorns and everything.

    But really, to the actual point, how have his polls gone up? Isn’t it a bit ridiculous to blame all the violent problems, metal health issues and lactose intolerance on a genre of music, or even music in general? I’m not going to lash back by saying rap music is way worse, or though it can be more obviously violent, but I don’t want to be hit with the counter argument of Cannibal Corpse and ‘Fuck With A Knife’… But regardless, it’s hardly the most adequate way to explain away violence. Especially 9/11, I mean, I very, very much doubt heavy metal can take a fall on that one, as Western music is frowned upon in the Middle East. That was a poorly thought out argument there.

    Rant over, I still love cheese.

  84. #177 by Ryan White on February 10, 2012 - 4:09 PM

    This is a fabricated story made up of half truths and outright lies. Complete BS!

  85. #178 by nathan on February 10, 2012 - 4:09 PM

    I can’t believe this isn’t satire..Santorum sucks.

  86. #179 by Skeptical of unsourced blog posts on February 10, 2012 - 4:10 PM

    Can we get some sources on this one? According to brain.gallup.com the last mention of ‘heavy metal’ in one of their polls was in 1990. Not exactly ‘recent’, which makes we wonder about the rest of the post. Doesn’t help that I can’t find that quote anywhere on google except here and blogs that have re-blogged your post. I’m no fan of Republicans, especially Santorum, but I gotta call this one out.

  87. #180 by MEYYYTALL on February 10, 2012 - 4:11 PM

    I don’t want to be an American is we can’t have metal. What about all of the rap that promotes violence? Or all of the movies that are covered in violence and sex? Violence and sex are a part of life. Censoring it will not solve any problems. The day we can’t enjoy or create art is the day we all turn into mindless emotionless robots.

  88. #181 by Clayton on February 10, 2012 - 4:12 PM

    C’mon guys… This is OBVIOUSLY just a joke!

    It’s just a poke at how outlandishly Santorum parades himself around as an extreme evangelical & pro-censorship. There is not one but of seriousness in this blog. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Santorum, Gingrich or Romney. I think they’re all half brained nitwits with crazed, hypocritical agendas 10,000 miles long aimed to do nothing but line the pockets of their friends & their own with tons of cash for the next 20 years. But, don’t go believing everything you read on the Internet.

  89. #182 by Robert Almodovar Almodovar on February 10, 2012 - 4:12 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden”


  90. #183 by 10/10 on February 10, 2012 - 4:12 PM

    I hate you

  91. #184 by kyel on February 10, 2012 - 4:14 PM

    Venom, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden aren’t “brand new” lol.

  92. #185 by westonjphotos on February 10, 2012 - 4:15 PM

    But RAP is completely family oriented and friendly, and NOT telling kids to go out and shoot a mofo in the knee and f*** bit****. Rick Santorum, I’m sorry, but get the hell out of the race while you still can. Idiot.

  93. #186 by MarkDTS on February 10, 2012 - 4:15 PM

    Can anyone give me an actual source on the quote in this article? Audio? Video? I want to spread this, but this appears to be the only site talking about it.

  94. #187 by Not Politically Driven on February 10, 2012 - 4:16 PM


    • #188 by Not Politically Driven on February 10, 2012 - 4:19 PM

      He is the epitome of what’s wrong with our Government and just how out of touch all of them are with the American people. Yup, listening to Heavy Metal will lead you to all kinds of heinous crimes… Just another reason not to vote this year… Thanks for being an idiot, Rick!

  95. #189 by Jim on February 10, 2012 - 4:18 PM

    Heavy Metal music leads to crime? I have been a metalhead all of my life. I am also what most people would refer as a “Model Citizen”. I do not have a criminal record, I do not even have anything on my driving record, I don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs. I have a good paying full time job. I used to be a volunteer firefighter. What about all of the politicians on Capitol Hill? To my knowledge none of them listen to metal music, but they are the biggest criminals in the country! Their police records say it all!

  96. #190 by Keith on February 10, 2012 - 4:20 PM

    I bet he thinks jazz is why people are addicted to marijuana, too.

    • #191 by Wally Dwight on February 11, 2012 - 8:59 AM

      Rock and Roll has been proven to make women go crazy and actually have sex. It’s true. I read it on the internet.

  97. #192 by AaronIsCrunchy on February 10, 2012 - 4:21 PM

    What an ignorant idiot. I am 16 years of age, and have been listening to metal since the age of 6… my first metal band was, in fact, Black Sabbath, one of the bands said to be ‘corrupting’. It is a very small majority of satanists that generally bloomed around the late 80’s – early 90’s that means that all metalheads have unfortunately been tarred with the same satanic brush. What Mr Santorum seems to be doing is slowly alienating more and more of his potential electorate, one interest at a time. Maybe he should actually TRY LISTENING TO SOME METAL once in a while, and then maybe he’ll see…
    Just keep him away from the Burzum and Dødheimsgard 😛

  98. #193 by AprilOdean on February 10, 2012 - 4:21 PM

    When is this kind of political crap going to stop trying to brainwash these feeble minded sheep we call our neighbors, coworkers and even our friends. Most people only believe in what they see on tv or read in a gossip magazine. Those of us who listen to metal are actually some of the most intellegent people in America. We are strong and outspoken, THATS why they try to knock us down and spread wild lies about things they dont even try to begin to understand, they just push their own personal beliefs unto everyone they meet! THIS NEEDS TO END! We need to do SOMETHING!!

  99. #194 by Phil on February 10, 2012 - 4:22 PM

    heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance…HUH….WHAT….REALLY?!?!?!?!!?!?????

  100. #195 by kyle on February 10, 2012 - 4:22 PM

    This guy makes no sence saying metal is the cause for metal illness and things like that. Who is he to say that? Is he a doctor has he done tests to validate his points? No he is just usig a narrow minded opinion about music. People who listen to metal don’t always just listen to metal. I can state lyrics from musicians such as elton john billy joel elvis and many other musicians that aren’t metal hell elton john had a coke problem in the 70s and 80s is he deemed as a bad influence on kids? This guy needs to do more research before being so narrow minded. And keep religion out of politics

  101. #196 by Levi on February 10, 2012 - 4:24 PM

    I’m starting a metal band called Santorum.

  102. #197 by Malcolm on February 10, 2012 - 4:24 PM

    “In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.””

    “In response to Santorum’s metal onslaught, Mitt Romney officially denounced his earlier position of “tolerance towards all fans of extreme music.””

    “However, many commentators believe that his call for metal internment camps goes too far. Santorum has openly advocated the forced re-education of metalheads. They would be forced to endure 30 days of non-stop “values based” music that promotes the American way of life as well as the free market. In order to leave, they will have to sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song.”

    This is some of the most obvious satire I’ve ever read. You people really think the author’s serious when he’s talking about “10,000 dollar a plate sock-hops” and a correlation between metal and lactose intolerance? Did you all even read the article?

  103. #198 by Ryan on February 10, 2012 - 4:25 PM


  104. #199 by Janette on February 10, 2012 - 4:26 PM

    WHAT A BOZO! Some people like this music! (my brother)

  105. #200 by Justin Lail on February 10, 2012 - 4:26 PM

    Can’t* not can

  106. #201 by Billy Joel on February 10, 2012 - 4:27 PM

    If these comments indicate how gullible people are, Santorum is a done deal.

  107. #202 by chico on February 10, 2012 - 4:29 PM

    why does anyone even care what santorum says or thinks. He can’t win the gop, it’s mathematically impossible because he’s not on enough of the state ballots to win. Not even worth talking about.

  108. #203 by geo on February 10, 2012 - 4:30 PM

    When was the last time Pat Boone released an album? seriously…

    darn… where’s the partridge family when you need em….
    lol, what a joke!

  109. #204 by stryper_fan on February 10, 2012 - 4:30 PM

    Please, let this be real news. It’s too hilarious.

  110. #205 by calling_it_like_it_is on February 10, 2012 - 4:32 PM

    I think the article is a joke. The bands listed are not new, W.A.S.P. was purposely listed incorrectly as “The Wasp”.

    And, it goes on to say that heavy metal can be blamed on Reagan’s assassination attempt, 9/11 attacks and Obama’s Health Care Bill.


  111. #206 by Jason Alexander on February 10, 2012 - 4:32 PM

    Are you guys really taking this seriously? It’s obvious satire. Venom a new band that gets radio airplay? Metal causing lactose intolerance? Metal rehab? I mean maybe the guy does have some issues with metal that spoof is bases off of. This had me laughing though.

  112. #207 by frog on February 10, 2012 - 4:32 PM

    LMAO @ all of you! This article is CLEARLY satire, and it’s hilarious!

    If the bit about lactose intolerance, or GWAR playing Mitt Romney’s inauguration, or ‘brand new’ ’70s and ’80s metal bands, or the bit about the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill being one of the worst crimes in American history, or the bit about Metalhead internment/rehab camps didn’t give away that this article was a joke…. seriously guys? Seriously? Or how about the fact that every other supposed news article on this site is ALSO A SATIRE?

    Lighten up dudes. Have a good laugh at a funny joke.

  113. #208 by Elfgrin on February 10, 2012 - 4:33 PM

    Am I being trolled here, or is there seriously a dozen people who read this article and didn’t realize that it was a joke?

  114. #209 by djdeadboy on February 10, 2012 - 4:34 PM

    The author is having some fun. Amusing, but not true about Santorum.

  115. #210 by Skeptical of unsourced blog posts on February 10, 2012 - 4:34 PM

    Christ, how did I not notice this was joke? How are people I know taking this seriously?!??!

  116. #211 by Ashley Taylor on February 10, 2012 - 4:35 PM

    hey guys have you heard of this new band black sabbath? über satanic…

  117. #212 by Ebola Pestis on February 10, 2012 - 4:35 PM

    I should make him listen to BLACKSCORN!!! Hail Black Metal

  118. #213 by Steph on February 10, 2012 - 4:39 PM

    The biggest problem with the youth today is their parents not putting a boot in their butt when they need it. Instead they just tell them “now honey, you know that’s bad”. They need to know there are consequences for their actions. If they did maybe our prisons wouldn’t be so over run. Get your head out of your butt people!!

  119. #214 by Jesse on February 10, 2012 - 4:39 PM

    Is this really what american politics have come to..? Blaming our problems on a certain type of music? Santorum is a joke.

  120. #215 by Derrik Boehme on February 10, 2012 - 4:40 PM

    I really thought that this article was from like the 90’s or something, those bands using satanic imagery is old news. I really think this is a cry for attention and that he doesn’t REALLY care either way about metal. I bet the guy couldn’t name more than 5 bands that actually use satanic imagery that have Billboard number 1 songs.

  121. #216 by Tony Portaro on February 10, 2012 - 4:40 PM

    The 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise was f**king AWESOME!!!!

  122. #217 by Jesse on February 10, 2012 - 4:41 PM

    I’ll keep listening to Between the Buried and Me. No thank you, Santorum.

  123. #218 by Jacob Myers on February 10, 2012 - 4:42 PM

    “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music” Seriously? I bet tests prove the youth who are THAT easily influenced have mental illnesses that haven’t been accounted for, OR their family raised them in a violent manner. Normal humans wouldn’t be affected by this music. You want to show him what society mainly reflects? First, show him the lyrics to a Prada song. But, don’t show him until he listens and gives his opinion. Make sure it has very clear religious lyrics in it because I know they don’t directly address it in some songs. When he reads the lyrics, he’ll shit himself. Then, show him a Drake, Wayne, Tyga, Nicki Minaj, etc. song. Show him the lyrics. Show him just how many teens get fucked up on a daily basis, living the lifestyles those songs promote. However you look at it, you can relate anything to anything else. Why isn’t he attacking violent movies? Video games? Uhhh, the war our nation was just in?? Sorry, Mr. Politician, but we’re humans. We aren’t perfect. Learn to accept it or lose the election. Plain and simple.

  124. #219 by Dylan on February 10, 2012 - 4:42 PM

    brand new bands like black sabboth and iron madien?? and arent most hardcore/heavy metal bands christian anyway?

  125. #220 by Dylan on February 10, 2012 - 4:44 PM

    i can smell a great presidency already…

  126. #221 by S.J. on February 10, 2012 - 4:45 PM

    I guess Mr. Santorum didn’t get the memo that Pat Boone released an album of metal music cover tunes back in 1997. The album titled In a Metal Mood: No More Mr Nice Guy, included heavy metal songs by DIO, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Guns N’ Roses, Van Halen, Deep Purple, Nazareth, Alice Cooper, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix and Ozzy Osbourne.

    The songs were backed by a female chorus and the metal screech was replaced with big band and jazz arrangements.

    Boone himself said in an interview that he recorded the album to introduce inoffensive heavy metal lyrics to his fans, who are not likely to embrace music that many consider evidence of America’s moral decay.

    I tend to consider politics and religion evidence of the world’s moral decay.

  127. #222 by Joe on February 10, 2012 - 4:46 PM

    Nice one. Really got everyone riled up. The “GWAR played at Romney’s inauguration” was a nice touch.

  128. #223 by Truth Teller on February 10, 2012 - 4:47 PM

    This article is completely made up.

    First of all, I’ve scoured Gallup’s website up and down and there is no record of a poll regarding heavy metal music. Don’t be fooled. Every time a gallup poll is conducted, you can find it on their web site.

    Second, and more importantly, gaffes like this would be picked up by the left-of-Stalin media who would elect a Democrat even if he was a 300-time child molester. If he had said that, millions of people would be sending him wasps for his verbal gaffes.

    Lastly, something really important to note, metal re-education camps? Oohohohoho! Wait wait wait… How else can we malign someone who dares to challenge our Messiah of food stamps and trillion dollar deficits? I’ll take a page out of World War II and apply it to today’s society against metalheads! Whoever wrote this is so out of touch with reality that it’s not even funny. This is playing on paranoia about anything to the right of Ted Kennedy. Even if he did think that, the Supreme Court would strike it down before he even drafted the blueprints for the first camps. “Knowing the lyrics to a Celine Dion song to leave”? The B.S. o-meter is about to explode.

    You guys are being duped by this article. I’d give it about as much credibility as what you’d get from Faux News. Heavy metal has been out of the mainstream since the early ’90s. No one’s going to be so out of touch with reality as to make a statement as that.

  129. #224 by Brendan on February 10, 2012 - 4:48 PM

    Hahahahaha heavy metal inspired 9/11 everyone

  130. #225 by Phil Moonshine on February 10, 2012 - 4:49 PM

    These bands were popular before I was even born. I’m a vocalist in the current Hardcore/Metal scene and very few of my friends listen to these bands at all. Even if he wanted to stop the bad images in music at least get up to date with what you’re campaigning against.

  131. #226 by horseorgan on February 10, 2012 - 4:49 PM

    wait… so you’re telling me… this ISNT A SATIRE?!?! WHAT!!!!!!

  132. #227 by Dave on February 10, 2012 - 4:49 PM

    You guys are really taking this seriously? It scares me that you have the right to vote if you take an article like this as event slightly factual. The only thing true in this article is Santorum’s first name is indeed Rick.

    Yeah, GWAR played at Romney’s inauguration. Right.

  133. #228 by Zani Cele on February 10, 2012 - 4:49 PM

    I would love to see him try to force any metalhead into a “re-education” program

  134. #229 by Cdavis on February 10, 2012 - 4:52 PM

    This…. doesn’t seem real. Also the fact that most of those bands’ members are at the age of retirement tells me how much more silly this is.

  135. #230 by Mark on February 10, 2012 - 4:55 PM

    You guys can’t really think this article is serious?! It should be extremely obvious to anyone with an IQ over 50 that it’s not (and yes, I’m a big fan of metal).

  136. #231 by Nathan Banta on February 10, 2012 - 4:56 PM

    mr. santorum, i assume you do not read wordpress but this message is directly to you and you alone.

    you blame heavy metal for problems. have you done your research sir? citizens that listen to heavy metal are working class americans. we drive tractor trailers, assemble products in factories, run shipping and receiving departments, and we are members of some of the biggest unions that make this country function on a commercial level.

    with that said, you are an advocate of “re-education” for “metalheads”? so you’re sayin’ you want the country to shut down for 30 days while we all learn how to become “pop princesses”? have you ever listened to today’s pop music sir? hmmm? i don’t think you have. it promotes nothing but sex. teen pregnancy is at a ridiculous rate. i say that because anything above 0% is ridiculous. heavy metal doesn’t promote sex. i’ve never heard a metal band say, “fuck bitches, get paid,” without using it as a sarcastic joke towards the pop culture of this country.

    i understand that this is a political angle you are utilizing to gain more support for your campaign and i can commend your efforts but we “metalheads” don’t appreciate you throwing us under the proverbial “morality bus.” we will all take your wasteful “re-education” program, sing celine dion back to you and your kind perfectly, and then turn around and as we walk out shout, “i wanna rock!”

    have you ever seen the music video for the quiet riot song, “the wild and the young?” seems to me you’re treading a dangerous path sir. you and all your cohorts. you will not succeed. if you want to be an instrument of war i suggest attacking an enemy that you can actually defeat boy. you’re forgetting one valid point in this battle. we’ve already won this years ago, and our ballz are bigger than you and this entire world let alone just this tiny nation that is known as the united states.

    your move hot shot. let’s see how quickly you can stop over half the world’s population from knockin’ on your door.

  137. #232 by Big Sizz on February 10, 2012 - 4:57 PM

    Look at the shallow gene pool in the comments section. The article is a joke. You know that thing they call humor. Never heard of it? Metal causes lactose intolerance? If you read this and took it seriously, you truly are a moron.

  138. #233 by gregmoney on February 10, 2012 - 4:57 PM

    nice parody!

  139. #234 by Hannah Donnelly on February 10, 2012 - 4:58 PM

    Black Sabbath is ‘brand new’? I can’t wait until he tries to cite Alice Cooper as a negative influence because of his material …. ain’t nothing like branding a born again committed Christian rockstar a corrupting influence because he writes about serial killers and domestic abuse!! XD

    What is this? The 50’s?!

  140. #235 by Samantha on February 10, 2012 - 4:58 PM

    This is outrageous but no less than I’d expect from Santorum, given his track record of lunacy. I’m not familiar with this blog and was sent this link by a friend, but I’d really like to find an “unbiased” news article (as if any news organizations are unbiased anymore, but you get my drift) that gives these quotes so I can share them with people I know without being told “Oh, but that’s just someone’s blog who’s obviously biased, it’s probably made-up!” Or even a YouTube video of Santorum saying this stuff; I would never let my conservative family and friends live it down. This is gold as far as demonstrating how nutso this guy is, but I just want to know a source before I go sharing it places.

  141. #236 by Tim Novits on February 10, 2012 - 4:59 PM

    Hey dumbass I guess you forgot even Pat Boone released a Heavy Metal album,

  142. #237 by Suzy on February 10, 2012 - 4:59 PM

    Ok … Mr Santorum … you want metal heads to listen to Céline Dion … interesting choise, If I recall she actually did a cover of AC/DC … and Pat Boone also recorded a version of Crazy Train and once was neighbors with Ozzy, And making the link between metal and lactose intolerance and mental sanity, well, is quite genius, I mean after all, we don’t really drink milk, looks like he is trying to ad lib to fill in the gaps, (It’s a politics thing) – but please give the guy the metal bible, or the encyclopedia metallica, learn to know those you are afraid if,,, If you want to talke about the bands, learn their names, who they are and what they represent, how many have had an impact on American society, it is always easy to hate what you just can’t be ! I might be a metalhead, but I’m proud of it as it makes me the person I am today…

  143. #238 by olly on February 10, 2012 - 5:03 PM

    silly american theres no oil in heavy metal

  144. #239 by Ryan fitz on February 10, 2012 - 5:03 PM

    Honestly. He thinks rap is good over metal? The most I ever hear in rap is all about sex, money, rape, drugs, and prison. It’s really rare to hear a metal song like that, and If you do, it’s for S&G. This guy needs to run for president of like Africa or something then. POS.
    You can’t kill the metal.

  145. #240 by James. Purcell on February 10, 2012 - 5:03 PM

    this is all a load of crap just like this coward and most backpeddling fake lieing politicians are. just like every things there are good and bad. metal is not all about worshiping santan and killing people. idk when the last time this moron has listen to any rap but damn never everysong ive heard from this is about drugs, drive bys, killing, rap, and fighting. it doesnt matter the music you listen too, its has to do with up bringing and personal values. i for one listen to alot of metal along with alot of other types such a country, doesnt mean i want to go out and kill people. my attitude is because im sick of this pc bullshit all these politicians and government and cry babies shove down our throats. free country my ass, the governments abunch of nazis and people are to blind to see that they cant be trusted. i wont state my opinion on what i thini needs to happen with the government but use ur imagination. i seen someone mentioned hatebreed earlier and they are one of my favorites. look up the lyrics to thier song “i will be heard” it about standing up or yourse, putting your life on the right track and making up for your mistakes. to conclude santorum and all his cronies, closed minded followers, and all the other politicians and government and get on thier knees and kiss my ass. thank you 🙂

  146. #241 by Nicholas Williams on February 10, 2012 - 5:03 PM

    So is this guy an idiot or what? Maiden and Sabbath have been around longer than i’ve been alive! Not a single one of my friends (myself included) have ever decided to go break the law because of the music that we listen to? And we certainly aren’t lactose intolerant… This is why i’ve lost faith in this country… because people like this can become politicians.

  147. #242 by devin thomas on February 10, 2012 - 5:05 PM

    hey poltican i supose taht skate broading and video games are also the cause of everyday crimes they entetainment dick and now you really think that were gonna be a corrupted tie tuxedo nazi like you well guess dick you dont know how hard we really are matter fact prince while your behind the desk screwing a sceretarty us (corrupted americans) still ends up hating you so its not the music its a tuxedo poltical nazi like urself…………. didnt you watch xxx in that bridge scene just remember that scene damn

  148. #243 by Billy Garcia on February 10, 2012 - 5:06 PM

  149. #244 by Zela on February 10, 2012 - 5:07 PM

    I find myself laughing at the american idiot again! someone should write….oh, never mind.

  150. #245 by Tyler on February 10, 2012 - 5:08 PM

    Wow… Apparently simplistic reductionist thinking is alive and well. This goes to show how out of touch Mitt and Rick are with the bulk of our society. I for one am going to go listen to that new fangled Heavy Metal music, Black Sabbath…

  151. #246 by M K on February 10, 2012 - 5:08 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,”

    Uh this guy is funny. naming some over 30 year old bands as promoters of metal(Teenagers don’t listen to them anyway) Makes you think; This discourse is over 30 years old. they probably pulled it out of some campaign from the Black sabbath/Judas priest Trials Era :))

    This clown can’t be serious. even a blind man can see that the most popular music nowadays is Hip Hop and we all know what they promote in their so called music: the most degenerative values for the future minds of mankind all over the world.
    BTW if Iron maiden philosophy was a religion, the world would be a utopia right now.

  152. #247 by Adam on February 10, 2012 - 5:09 PM

    This is only an issue if you believe in fictional characters like Satan and questionable belief systems such as christianity or any religion/superstition instead of science and logic. I taught in NYS and NYC public schools and a drug rehab high school and the problems were kids who listened to rap.

  153. #248 by chad on February 10, 2012 - 5:09 PM

    Wow Rick. How about you talk about something that presently relevant. He’s bringing up a controversy since metal was created and thinks he’s being origional in his thoughts. Santorum is as dumb as gingrich. Good luck getting the 27 and younger populations vote you ignorant ass.

  154. #249 by james on February 10, 2012 - 5:10 PM

    “metal causes lactose intolerance” – you still think this is real ?

  155. #250 by Randal Peter Pflum on February 10, 2012 - 5:10 PM

    This has to be a joke!!! Besides, Blacky Lawless of WASP is now a Christian, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth is also as well as Dave Ellefson(sp) bass player of Megadeth. Ty Tabor of King’s X also. Neal Morse who plays Prog Metal is also a believer.

  156. #251 by Apodict on February 10, 2012 - 5:11 PM

    this is satire right?

  157. #252 by barb on February 10, 2012 - 5:11 PM

    I suppose he’d like to start burning witches again too.
    People like this need to evolve.

  158. #253 by Jay on February 10, 2012 - 5:11 PM

    I declare war on middle aged howdy doody looking politicians.

  159. #254 by heavymetalmom on February 10, 2012 - 5:12 PM

    all i can say is the poor man is disillusioned. Metal does not make us want to do evil, metal does not make us want to hurt someone, metal gives some of us a release from all the pent up frustrations that we deal with daily wether it is work or home related. GWAR is a band that is awsome to see in concert and if people take music seriously then what about the metal screaming christian rock bands that my boys listen to? It’s a sad day when a politician gets up to discuss metal as the corruption when it is in fact greed, selfishness and morons that ruin society. Ohh and metal does not promote mental health issues. most of the people i deal with who have those issues listen to light rock and christian. hmmmm, is there a correlation there, why possibly there is.

  160. #255 by Autumn on February 10, 2012 - 5:12 PM

    All politicians need to wake the f up. First of all, what happened to this being a “free country”? This is not a free country. Now, kids can’t listen to music? We’re being punished for liking something? Music does not influence us to do bad things. Our mental state, how we view the world, and the situations we’ve been through is what makes us do bad things. For example, ME. I’m a young girl who likes heavy music that normally scares people my age. Do you see me murdering my family or anything of that nature? No. Music isn’t the problem, you egotistical moron. Not everyone is going to like your music because that’s not what life is about. You’re making a big deal out of something so small and that has nothing to do with politics. I’d love to have a good long talk with this man… -.-

  161. #256 by Jeff K on February 10, 2012 - 5:13 PM

    Whoever thinks Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden is “new” needs to have to quit sucking on estrogen pills, and quit womanizing the male. Seriously………… RON PAUL 4 PRESIDENT

  162. #257 by Austin Jeffords (@CAJ565) on February 10, 2012 - 5:14 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people”Um Rick haven’t those bands been around for a long time? “They would be forced to endure 30 days of non-stop “values based” music that promotes the American way of life as well as the free market. In order to leave, they will have to sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song.” Also Rick, Celine Dion is Canadian.

  163. #258 by Ivan on February 10, 2012 - 5:15 PM

    santorum deserves a mandatory lobotomy. like NOW. i cannot believe the shit im reading these days. and calling classic rock and classic metal bands BRAND NEW? wow…

  164. #259 by Derkaderk on February 10, 2012 - 5:15 PM

    I am a hardcore metal head… Besides the fact that those bands were already old before my time – and I’m in my 30’s – I find it appalling to challenge not only their freedom of speech, but my freedom of choice. I shouldn’t even have to venture into the obvious religious persecution aspects of this, even if I’m defending a hardcore satanist, which is the opposite of my faith.
    Furthermore, I find it funny that politicians love to start “wars.” if you are curious why there is still an increasing rate of violence in America, perhaps you shouldn’t call every mindless crusade against something that has absolutely no adverse effect on society a war. Call it what it is, “neutering your rights.”

  165. #260 by Dr. Smartypants on February 10, 2012 - 5:17 PM

    TOTALLY WRONG, MISCONCEPTUALIZED GARBAGE. You could slap a false label on anything and blame it for your problems. Why not say Twilight caused the latest rash of bloodlust? I happen to not only sing and appreciate Opera, I also happen to love death metal. What can I even say to this that helps you understand that death metal, and the lyrics behind them, are NOT satanic, and they do NOT ‘lead you to satan.’ PERHAPS, people like hardcore republitards should consider the ROOT of their childrens’ issues,and actually have a normal conversation with them, rather than blaming and falsely accusing them for their own short comings. STEREOTYPING a few into a generalized category hurts EVERYONE.
    BTW, Sabbath is not new, GWAR is anti political and has nothing to do with satan, and Im pretty sure every member of the band WASP is highly religious. THIS IS WHY we need a politician who is driven to make positive changes for the whole of the country, not OPPRESS AMERICANS BASED ON PERSONAL BELIEFS. Get a clue Rick Santorum, and shut the hell up if you can’t get your facts straight, you sound like a retard.,
    Who am I to be concerned? well, first of all, I am an AMERICAN CITIZEN. I love my country, love my husband and child, and am happy to see reformn that takes us in a direction of change. Secondly, I am a neuropsychologist, geared towards fixing the veterans the American government fucks up on a daily basis. PERHAPS a requirement of politicians ought to be an IQ test. Leave your personal religious beliefs out of politics, and get back to the heart of the problem, JOBS, and BIG government spending on crap that should not be allocated anyway!
    If this guy wins then I have officially lost my faith in humanity.

  166. #261 by boof on February 10, 2012 - 5:17 PM

    Well that does it!!
    I’m waging war on, on, … um… 80’s synth-pop!!
    Yeah! I’ll take down Depeche Mode and Kraftwerk if it’s the last thing I do!!!!!!

  167. #262 by Christie on February 10, 2012 - 5:17 PM

    This is stupid…. It is not the Type of music that is santanic, it is the lyrics. Most metal band sing about politics and freedoms that have been stripped from all americans, about every day life. If he is going to blame music, then why not blame the rap groups on teen pregancy’s, drug use and alcohol abuse, most of what i hear coming through my teens radio is rap and every song is about sex, drugs, and murder. He needs to talk about and support issues that are real.

  168. #263 by Ryan on February 10, 2012 - 5:18 PM

    last time i checked all of this goes directly against our first amendment rights. Like Tenacious D said “You can’t kill the metal; the Metal will live on”

  169. #264 by jeffqc on February 10, 2012 - 5:18 PM

    BRAND NEW, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden ?? those are new bands??

    This news is not serious…

  170. #265 by trey on February 10, 2012 - 5:18 PM

    Rick is an idiot. He’s so out of touch he doesn’t realize the conservative war on heavy metal was years ago. He’s probably excited about getting his new myspace page too! And his comment..”many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath”… holy crap, Sabbath hasn’t recorded a record since 1978. What an absolute moron.

  171. #266 by N.D on February 10, 2012 - 5:19 PM

    How about we get rid of rap too? It tells us to “smoke weed” and “fight”…

  172. #267 by Chris on February 10, 2012 - 5:19 PM

    Wait, wait, wait. Is this a serious article, or did I just get Onioned?

  173. #268 by Azzia Jo Grantham on February 10, 2012 - 5:20 PM

    Seriously?? I listen to metal and would be considered a “Metalhead” but that doesnt mean I don’t listen to other types of music I can sing an entire Celin Dion song but yet would I still be considered a bad person??? thats bogus right there

  174. #269 by Carrie on February 10, 2012 - 5:21 PM

    Who is this “new” ban he calls “Black Sabbath”? I find this interesting and wish to subscribe to a newsletter that will keep me up to date on the emergence of such new bands.

  175. #270 by Danny Fritz on February 10, 2012 - 5:25 PM

    “Santorum has accused heavy metal of being the cause of some of the worst crimes in American history including the attempt on the life of Ronald Reagan in 1981, 9/11 and the passage of Obama’s Health Care Bill.”


  176. #271 by nathan on February 10, 2012 - 5:26 PM

    Please tell me that you guys all realize this article is a satire piece!?!? Rick santorum is stupid but did not say these things. Its just illustrating how stupid the other things he makes a big deal out of actually are.

  177. #272 by Dillon on February 10, 2012 - 5:26 PM

    In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”

    Did you steal this from The Onion or something? This CAN’T be real…

  178. #273 by Dean Owen on February 10, 2012 - 5:27 PM

    “People don’t pull guns on other people because a song influenced them to do so”

    Rappers have been using music as a venue to convey threats and warn of retaliation for years. If you could ban rap you’d be doing the world a big favour.

  179. #274 by mike l on February 10, 2012 - 5:27 PM

    Santorum… what a great name for my metal band!!

  180. #275 by Joh Marie Planesi on February 10, 2012 - 5:28 PM

    87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”

    I listen to metal.
    I am also a Pacifist.
    I’m willing to bet 99% of that 87% has never listened to a genuine metal song.
    I’m also willing to bet that, if by some chance they have, they were looking to twist the lyrics into whatever sick perversion their minds could come up with to justify how their parenting skills had fucked up their children, shifting the blame onto a style of music that actually helps people cope with their problems.
    Dumb fucks.

  181. #276 by grady walker on February 10, 2012 - 5:30 PM

    it’s a joke you meatheads

  182. #277 by Mark Medrano on February 10, 2012 - 5:32 PM

    I’m just gonna put this straight forward. I’ve been part of a Catholic youth group for almost 2 years right now and a straight A student with a clean record. But I also blast metal music on my iPod. Amon Amarth, Dethklok, DevilDriver, Iron Maiden, etc. Why should I need re-education?

  183. #278 by alex on February 10, 2012 - 5:32 PM

    I’m not a supporter of Santorum in anyway. But is this fact or satire? It’s funny either way. I would like to see a video of him saying it, or another news source saying the same thing.

  184. #279 by Jeannie on February 10, 2012 - 5:32 PM

    its not enough that you make laws that make YOU rich, put toxins in our food, take away medical license of a physician who found a natural cure for cancer, thew him in jail and Pattened a product that can’t be legally pattened then use it yourself in treating people but not in the recommended does’. Tommy Chong was set up because a state D.A didn’t like that he could legally sell bongs, so she intrapped him which is against the law?? not anymore i guess.. Now they want to take our rights away of free speech, what we see and do on the internet.. they don’t like that either.. and they don’t like our music either so take that away too,.. try to stand up to them? they’ll ruin your life too.. and.. you did it to yourself by voting these assholes in office, or by not voting at all..
    start getting involved, maybe it will stop.

  185. #280 by Sean Sullivan on February 10, 2012 - 5:35 PM

    Black Metal is my fave metal genre and yeah there is some satanic imagery. I met Immortal and Those dudes are nice as can be.I can see Abbath Pissing and it turn to ice but I don’t see him clubbing baby seals anytime in the future

  186. #281 by Bob on February 10, 2012 - 5:35 PM

    Yes, Ahhhh Yes! Lets listen to some of that “value based” christian music so we can be all christian like and swarm through the lands making up rules as we go along and slaughtering those who don’t worship the same we he…. Just like the crusades and many other religious wars… Values! Have to love them!

  187. #282 by Cameron on February 10, 2012 - 5:36 PM

    This has got to be satire right?

  188. #283 by cw on February 10, 2012 - 5:37 PM

    So we decided that it would be in your best interest if we put you somewhere where you could get the help that you need.” And I go “wait, what are you talking about, WE decided? MY best interests? How do you know what MY best interest is? How can you say what MY best interest is? What are you trying to say? I’M crazy? When I went to YOUR schools, I went to YOUR churches, I went to YOUR institutional learning facilities? So how can you say I’M crazy?”

  189. #284 by Bob Snurdge on February 10, 2012 - 5:38 PM

    IT”S A JOKE. Jesus wept..did any of you morons actually read this article or just the headline:
    “However, many commentators believe that his call for metal internment camps goes too far. Santorum has openly advocated the forced re-education of metalheads. They would be forced to endure 30 days of non-stop “values based” music that promotes the American way of life as well as the free market. In order to leave, they will have to sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song”

  190. #285 by David on February 10, 2012 - 5:38 PM

    This is pretty much an attack on religion that he doesn’t like. If you notice it’s because they are showing Satanism in them or their albums contains pictures of it. Satanism is still a religion regardless and the fact he is talking about it should pretty be banned is a way to state he is against any religion he doesn’t deem “good” regardless what the First Amendment says about us having the right to our own religion. Also, this is just another person trying to win an election by stating his own opinion. I agree with the many who said this, he just signed his own downfall.

  191. #286 by Jesse on February 10, 2012 - 5:39 PM

    This is a joke right? This guy cant be serious. He blamed 9/11 on heavy metal? I seriously dont think Bin Ladin listened to a Black Sabbeth song and said, “Well, time to go run into the World Trade Center with a plane”.

  192. #287 by David Morley on February 10, 2012 - 5:39 PM

    Heavy metal officially declares TOTAL WAR ON RICK SANTORUM

  193. #288 by ANDY P on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

    wait till he hears this “NEW” band i heard called SLAYER!!!!

  194. #289 by Joshua Vortex on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

    i wonder if he knew that scientists proven that if you listen to heavy metal before you go take a test you have a Higher chance of getting a better grade, and why is Heavy Metal so bad? Did he know stat wise, More suicides are committed by people who listen to country music? or the fact that Rap music talks about shooting, raping, and getting money why isn’t that getting war declared on? because Heavy metal has been misunderstood since it was created, he will fail just like the Pmrc did.

  195. #290 by Matt on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

    Wow Rick, you are dead wrong on so many levels here. First, and most importantly, I was under the impression that you were a limited government conservative. What gives the government the right to tell anyone what they can listen to? Second, did you even listen to any metal? Give Theocracy a listen, tell me they’re not metal, and try to convince yourself they’re satanic. Also, are you aware that Pat Boone recorded an entire album of metal covers???

  196. #291 by Pedro on February 10, 2012 - 5:40 PM

    I keep the bible in pool of blood so none of it’s lies can effect me! \m/

  197. #292 by Satanic69 on February 10, 2012 - 5:41 PM

    I would be ok if he banned all the new shitty metal. Ipso Facto; Prada, Attack mysack, Etc. Pretty much any of those bands. I want to hear more satanic metal/Music with talent.

  198. #293 by pete on February 10, 2012 - 5:42 PM

    okay for starters black sabbath and iron maiden arn’t new bands they have been round for donkeys years my dad listened to them when he was a kid and he’s nearly 50 secondly metal music today is more about te positive side of ife listen to hatebreed for pete’ sake they rarely use negative lyrics and to be quit frank there is no way that extremists that caused the 9/11 attacks listend to heavy metal for starters in their countrys it is banned anything to do with protests against the government or illegal and secondly i am a straight a stuent and i listen to heavy metal it gives me hope that one day people might actally stop giving other people grife about what they do or where they come from this bloke really needs to do some reasherch on the subject

  199. #294 by Anal Boil on February 10, 2012 - 5:42 PM

    Let’s send him a couple of Cannibal Corpse cd’s so he can really get freaked out.

  200. #295 by dYlAn on February 10, 2012 - 5:43 PM

    It’s kind of funny that some people miss the satire…

  201. #296 by Reubz on February 10, 2012 - 5:44 PM

    What about Metal bands with Christians in them? i.e.: August Burns Red, For Today, A Plea For Purging, Sleeping Giant, The Devil Wears Prada, As I Lay Dying, The Color Morale, Demon Hunter, Fit For A King, The Great Commission, The Guns Show, I The Breather, In The Midst Of Lions, Oh Sleeper, MyChildren MyBride, etc. These are all bands that believe in Jesus Christ and reach out to those in need. For Example, While on tour (I think in Mexico) August Burns Red started going around giving food to the poor from their own lunches and shared the gospel if they wanted to hear about. Not shoving it down people’s throats. This dude is narrow minded.

  202. #297 by Jason on February 10, 2012 - 5:44 PM

    Apparently nobody bothered to remind Rick that Pat Boone released a HEAVY METAL cover album called “In a Metal Mood” – featuring songs by Judas Priest, Alice Cooper and The Ozzy Osbourne!


    ;^ )

  203. #298 by tara on February 10, 2012 - 5:44 PM

    this is ridiculous. especially when it says the type of music causes mental illness and things such as lactose intolerance. then whats my daughters excuse? anf shes only 2 and is lactose intolerant and has never listened to heavy metal including when i was pregnant. to me it seems like hes going to be another Hitler and single certain ppl out for his own damn benefit and make it easier to blame ppl instead of realizing these are actual health conditions. and for the crimes? whats the excuse for the ppl who listen yo rap, country, or even opera. its obviously not cause by music cause then the whole world of people would be trying to kill each other and be a lot more crimes.

  204. #299 by Marlee Mathies on February 10, 2012 - 5:45 PM

    Is this for real??? I can’t tell satire from reality with the GOP anymore. 😦

  205. #300 by Kristina Isabella on February 10, 2012 - 5:46 PM

    There are christian metal bands christian rappers etc. A good example of a christian rapper is lecrae or tedashii. Just because it’s rap or metal or something doesn’t mean it’s gonna have a bad message and have a bad influence. I listen to christian rap christian metal christian rock and all of it has a good message as well as a good influence.

  206. #301 by Clay Wisner (@claymonster) on February 10, 2012 - 5:46 PM

    this is satire, people. jeez.

  207. #302 by April on February 10, 2012 - 5:49 PM

    Its scary watching these men run to be the head of our country! This guy is a joke! You should be worried about real issues in this country!

  208. #303 by Rev Josey Wales on February 10, 2012 - 5:49 PM

    People, this is a put on. Santorum (google it frequently) is an ass, but so far this has not been part of his issues. Might be some day but not yet. Chill, put the headphones back on, and bang your head.

  209. #304 by tim on February 10, 2012 - 5:50 PM

    Theres nothing wrong with heavy metal hes just a jackass

  210. #305 by Santorum is a stupid Tool! on February 10, 2012 - 5:50 PM

    I’m a Republican and I just have to say……. what a complete, and totally ignorant, tool this guy is. Are you serious? He has to be kidding, right? Has he not learned anything from sociology, psychiatry, theology or science in general? Santorum must think that we aren’t able to make decisions about your own belief system if music is involved. I suppose he’s more qualified to do that for us. In that regard, we probably shouldn’t listen to any music that protests war either….or mentions drug use. We probably wouldn’t be able to control ourselves. Next, I guest we should not watch movies with sex or violence in them, right? Or, perhaps, we should just start hunting witches again?! What a moronic baffoon!

  211. #306 by UTAlan on February 10, 2012 - 5:50 PM

    Source or it didn’t happen.

  212. #307 by Jane on February 10, 2012 - 5:52 PM

    This is satire right? Because there are a lot of people here who don’t seem to be in on the joke.

  213. #308 by rich on February 10, 2012 - 5:53 PM

    you have got to be kidding me… and to think he’s fighting metal when there are rap lyrics kids listen to about sex, drugs, gangs and murder. i like lots of metal bands that have intelligent lyrics, not every metalhead is satanic. i’m a christian, by the way.

  214. #309 by Jay Beastie Lopez on February 10, 2012 - 5:54 PM

    Let’ssss playyyy the BLAME-GAME!!!!!! If anything Heavy Metal music is a Fine example or our so-called “Freedom”. Music is an expression and should not be censored or judged.. It’s a form of art. So.. what about all these influential and world-famous artists, painters and sculptors? Because they made naked paintings and sculptures should we blame THEM for all the rapists and perverts in the world? ..Even politicians are become more and more ignorant to our true issues and the realization to our true liberty.

  215. #310 by Kyle on February 10, 2012 - 5:55 PM

    Anyone else find it hilarious that he recommends Pat Boone when Pat Boone actually did a metal tribute album?

  216. #311 by Cameron on February 10, 2012 - 5:55 PM


  217. #312 by Anon on February 10, 2012 - 5:55 PM

    Everyone who believes this article has been successfully trolled.

  218. #313 by Sean on February 10, 2012 - 5:56 PM

    Rick Santorum supports metal! listen to more pat boone, check out Boone… He made a metal album


    Walking contradiction

  219. #314 by Kimberly on February 10, 2012 - 5:56 PM

    He is seriously disturbed! I guess any mental case can run for president these days 😦 Happy go F**ck yourself Rick Santorum and go crawl back in your cave! (ps, that isnt the Music talking douchbag)

  220. #315 by Bob on February 10, 2012 - 5:57 PM

    I tried to search for any recent Gallup poll, both in google and on Gallup’s website, involving Republicans’ views of rock. I found nothing, never mind anything involving that quotation about “bloodlust.” I’m as liberal (and terrified of people like Santorum) as they come, but how about you start actually writing things that aren’t pulled out of your ass. Conservatives are crazy enough that we don’t have to make stuff up like they do to make our points. Also, it’s just dishonest.

  221. #316 by lololol on February 10, 2012 - 5:57 PM

    Does no one realize this is a joke?

  222. #317 by Psychobabbler on February 10, 2012 - 5:58 PM

    I would love to know the source of the quote. Were you there, or did you get this from some other source? BTW, I’m in no means a Santorum supporter, nor affiliated with anyone. I just like to know where the quotes come from. A quote is usually referenced. Because this sounds like something he might have said 30 years ago.

    If he said that recently and thinks any of those bands are valid with today’s youth, he has serious issues with being even more out-of-touch than anybody was giving him credit.

    Getting frothier.

  223. #318 by Jeff Wildsides on February 10, 2012 - 5:58 PM

    whats next, 9-11 was caused by a group of musical extremist? no wait, better yet, the collapse of the american dollar was planned and executed by groups of musical extremist, funded by tshirt sales.
    This guy is just another yes sir, another international bank agenda cronie. Vote him in and there is no reason to replace Obama. They both have the same goals, save their own asses by being bought out by the FEDERAL RESERVE.

  224. #319 by Ryan bradley on February 10, 2012 - 5:58 PM

    Heavy metal is just music entertainment. It has nothing to do with influencing the young minds today. Its all the influence on the parents and the people around them. For centuries there’s always been a lot of bad people, murders, thieves and gangs. Its just one those things we just have to prevent. Otherwise people can sit there and blame every detail on every subject. When that happens people starts to rebel. Example the witch trails. Teenagers were beginning to try out new things and religion. A lot of people did not understand and point figures at people and called them a witch. A lot of people died because of this and then the separation of government and reliving took place. Another example mothers against video games act start when the third grand theft auto came out for the PS2. A mother was upset because her son was caught stealing candy so she blamed it on the video games. Again its not video games, its not music, and its not TV. Its all about parenting and friends they hang out with. When I was younger my parets put me to work early and made sure what was right and what was wrong. If u live in a bad neighborhood get outs there and move to a nicer area.

  225. #320 by Crashar on February 10, 2012 - 5:59 PM

    People below me that believe this is real, please understand that this is satire and is not true. As funny as the article is; the best part is seeing people believe that rick santorum is calling for heavy metal internment camps. 🙂

  226. #321 by William Kerrison on February 10, 2012 - 5:59 PM

    Is he kidding? None of those bands are brand new, and I’m surprised he never mentioned Slayer.

    I’ve been listening to those bands for years, and Doom (the video game from 1993) has had more of an effect in terms of satanism on me than all of the music combined.

    What a pillock.

  227. #322 by Boog Er Head on February 10, 2012 - 6:00 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,” -Pat Robertson, 1985

  228. #323 by Nathaniel McConaghy on February 10, 2012 - 6:01 PM

    Rick Santorum is a absolute wanker! The only way he tries to get up on the polls is by belittling everyone in their choices, beliefs and even their taste in music! I think he still believes he is in high school, bullying people who are different. in this day and life there is a thing called equality and diversity which means you should respect the beliefs of people and their choices and not single them out because of being different. Second of all those ‘new bands’ have been around for more than 40 years now. He needs to listen to ‘valued music’ if the only metal bands he knows about are those. Then again I listen to post hardcore and I live in the UK but still can’t feel pissed off my fellow metal heads of the US. When I first saw him on the tv I knew he was gunna be a cunt, he is the sorta guy who talks with money and shallow gestures rather than with any intelligence. Anyways I hope people realize how bad he’ll be for your country.

  229. #324 by elliot on February 10, 2012 - 6:01 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I actually cannot take this seriously… any up and coming president who attacks ANY art form, will be attacked with a horde more vicious than a pack of Urik-Hai….

  230. #325 by Clay Wisner (@claymonster) on February 10, 2012 - 6:02 PM

    If people are this gullible – “Idiocracy” is going be a documentary soon enough. Lord help us.

  231. #326 by Mike on February 10, 2012 - 6:03 PM

    Uh, everyone know that’s this is 100% a joke and none of this said is based on any facts at all?

    I’m not for Santorum, but before you start believing stuff that’s written on a random blog, at least verify the facts. The last paragraph should have given it away, because GWAR definitely didn’t play at Romney’s inauguration.

    That said, it’s fun to read satirical news though. Just don’t take it to heart, because it’s not true.

  232. #327 by Clay Wisner (@claymonster) on February 10, 2012 - 6:04 PM

    Hey kids, here’s an idea: Substitute “Democrat Tipper Gore” every time the name “Rick Santorum” shows up in this piece and it will be a LOT closer to being true. So much for the enlightened, tolerant Left.

  233. #328 by Lori on February 10, 2012 - 6:04 PM

    Metal oh, that is the problem, wow, guess all the corruption in the Congress has nothing to do with it. So this is what Small Government looks like, They are in your bedroom, and also tell you what to listen to. Nice!

  234. #329 by Chris on February 10, 2012 - 6:05 PM

    This is so fake… Its funny that people believe this stuff.

  235. #330 by sizzle jr. on February 10, 2012 - 6:07 PM

    “when he implied that heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance.”

    Just going to say that it’s fake. If you couldn’t pick up on the random stuff his campaign included.

  236. #331 by ambisaurusrex on February 10, 2012 - 6:07 PM

    This is a joke, right? Right…. LOL

  237. #332 by somedude on February 10, 2012 - 6:07 PM

    LOL. I listen to Pat Boone. Pat Boone’s In A Metal Mood, that is.

  238. #333 by justthefactsmadam on February 10, 2012 - 6:09 PM

    Please attribute this quote. When and where did he say this? I am assuming that this is actually satire based on his other highly conservative religious views and the religious right’s continuing dislike of all new music. I would love to share this quote if it were real, btw.

  239. #334 by Nick on February 10, 2012 - 6:10 PM

    New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way
    Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way
    Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong
    Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong
    Rick Santorum tried to prevent the Metal, but he was stricken down to the ground!

  240. #335 by Michaeline Anglemire on February 10, 2012 - 6:12 PM

    I feel like this article is a joke. Sing the chorus of a Celine Dion song? The cause of lactose intolerance? Come one. I fully believe he may want to censor the music industry and such but this article seems greatly exaggerated.

  241. #336 by Megarock Radio (@megarockradio) on February 10, 2012 - 6:13 PM

    In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.

    And these are the lunatics who believe in their screwed up minds that they are PATRIOTIC AMERICANS who really just want to force their morality on everyone.


  242. #337 by Scotty on February 10, 2012 - 6:13 PM

    OK first of all NONE of them band are brand new there all 80’s band which by the way they done stuck the damn little sticker on the albums because of someone like this dumb ass complaining about how the bands where why don’t they just leave music alone? if u listen to it you listen to it ya know? and don’t matter wtf kind it is it all affects people differently and dose he not know if heavy metal gets banned or whatever hes trying to do that would make are economy even worse?!?! that’s a lot more jobs took not just by the bands but managers and producers so think before you say stupid crap and by the way you lost a lot of votes dude 🙂

  243. #338 by Nick on February 10, 2012 - 6:14 PM

    Since when is Black Sabbath a newer band? Rick needs to get his facts straight. Just because Metal isn’t your cup of tea doesn’t mean it brainwashes you. I’m sick of people like this. You cannot kill metal. Nobody can. So Rick, hope your happy with yourself because you just lost A LOT of votes from the metal community.

  244. #339 by Mike on February 10, 2012 - 6:15 PM

    Look up the bands For Today, August Burns Red, Impending Doom. Read their lyrics and then tell me that it’s corrupting my mind.

  245. #340 by shane bleazby on February 10, 2012 - 6:15 PM


  246. #341 by Well, ya know.... on February 10, 2012 - 6:16 PM

    My favorite part of this poorly written attempt at political satire has to be the idiots who think this is legit.

  247. #342 by I Am Alpharius on February 10, 2012 - 6:16 PM

    I’d like to see this supposed Gallup Poll the author cited. Why is it that this information is mentioned NOWHERE but here?

  248. #343 by Bjorn on February 10, 2012 - 6:16 PM

    So stupid!! I can’t believe rick santorum has the brain power to put food in his mouth, much less run the country. My head hurts!!!

  249. #344 by Amanda on February 10, 2012 - 6:16 PM


  250. #345 by Brett on February 10, 2012 - 6:17 PM

    Can anyone provide links to Santorum’s original statement? I don’t really like to read about this stuff second hand.

  251. #346 by Witchfinder on February 10, 2012 - 6:18 PM

    You morons understand that this is a parody, right? Idiots.

  252. #347 by Findora on February 10, 2012 - 6:19 PM

    Hey, Santorum. I’m a metalhead, and not only did I graduate a year and a half early, but I graduated as Valedictorian of the year ahead of me. I have a full ride scholarship to my first choice college and I’m triple majoring. If metal corrupts the youth, then let it corrupt them all.

  253. #348 by Terry on February 10, 2012 - 6:20 PM

    If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,”…..What????? Brand New…..????? Stupid, Narrow-Minded Idiot. Shows how educated he is on the subject!! LONG LIVE METAL

  254. #349 by Peter on February 10, 2012 - 6:20 PM

    I honestly get so frustrated at this. It’s people like this that make Americans look like morons. Rap music is much more the cause of crime. They openly admit they kill people for wearing colors they don’t like. What about Christian metal? Demon Hunter? As I Lay Dying? They promote God, yet they are evil?

  255. #350 by portcitymatt on February 10, 2012 - 6:22 PM

    I heard santorum was a deicide fan

  256. #351 by Drew on February 10, 2012 - 6:22 PM

    Really just going to hate on metal, when the problem is stareing u in the face how bout u choose a real problem instead of hatteing on a gerne of music

  257. #352 by K on February 10, 2012 - 6:23 PM

    Hell, Keith, I’ll help you out on this one. THIS IS SATIRE!!! READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE!!!!

  258. #353 by k4rfr3ak on February 10, 2012 - 6:23 PM

    Santorum should listen to Nightwish or Sonata Arctica and shut the hell up cause he couldn’t be more wrong

  259. #354 by James on February 10, 2012 - 6:23 PM

    Got any facts or sources to back up this story? Who in Valdosta, Ga would go to a $10,000/plate “sock-hop”!??

    Also, he was in Oklahoma City on Thursday.

  260. #355 by mrhdbnger on February 10, 2012 - 6:24 PM

    This is a joke site people. It ain’t real.

  261. #356 by Andrew on February 10, 2012 - 6:25 PM

    “Rick Santorum tried to kill the metal, but he failed as he was thrown to the ground…”

  262. #357 by rose on February 10, 2012 - 6:26 PM

    All hail Beelzebub .

  263. #358 by Tom Holm on February 10, 2012 - 6:26 PM

    Hitler won the election in 1932 by singling out a harmless minority. Seems like a slam dunk to me?

  264. #359 by PoulWrist on February 10, 2012 - 6:27 PM

    Wut? New bands? Black Sabbath started in 1969, Iron Maiden are from 75 and W.A.S.P.are from 82. Far as I know, the only reason you might be so lucky to hear them on the radio today is that their “offensiveness” is so watered down compared to whatever else is on the radio these days that it’s no problem.

    But anyway, the music genre is irrelevant. What is relevant is that metal is an expression of rebellion against the establishment. Why was the USA founded? Was it through a large rebellion against the establishment of the British Empire? Why, yes it was… to create a land where freedom reigned supreme. And now, the so-called conservatives want to take away that freedom to rebel? Shouldn’t someone go up against this guy and tell him how un-American he is? How all his values date back before the USA?

  265. #360 by melissa jagrosse on February 10, 2012 - 6:27 PM

    Wtf is wrong with peope!?!? This guy is a complete fucking idiot and people buying into this bullshit r blind! Im tired of people discriminatin based on musical taste! I will never stop listenin to heavy metal! There is nothing wrong with the music. Ur a fuking politician…y dnt u worry about REAL issues like immigration, theft, poverty and a little something called THE ECONOMY!

  266. #361 by countblarg on February 10, 2012 - 6:28 PM

    um….pretty sure this is a joke guys….

  267. #362 by Johnny on February 10, 2012 - 6:29 PM

    He’s just jealous because his last name is basically the same title of that one classic Metallica song. It all adds up.

  268. #363 by Kenny on February 10, 2012 - 6:32 PM

    Come on people. Get past your short attention spans and read the whole thing. It’s not serious. Well written and funny as hell if you READ THE WHOLE THING. GWAR played Mitt Romney’s inauguration ball? Really? Metal internment camps? Really?

  269. #364 by Rich on February 10, 2012 - 6:32 PM

    How about Santorum goes into a Dying Fetus , or cannibal corpse or Slayer mosh pit , and get his righteous self “cleansed” of being a fucking dumbass idiot.

  270. #365 by John on February 10, 2012 - 6:32 PM

    Skillet, For Today, Close Your Eyes, Disciple…… ALL. CHRISTIAN. *METAL*. Nuf sed.

  271. #366 by januarysun on February 10, 2012 - 6:33 PM

    I can’t find a single legit source for these Santorum comments. Citation?

    • #367 by januarysun on February 10, 2012 - 6:36 PM

      …nevermind. That’s what I get for skimming and not realizing this was full-blown satire and not paranoid rhetoric. 😛

  272. #368 by Clay Blankenship on February 10, 2012 - 6:34 PM

    So there goes my last hope for a good president. I am not a satanist. I am a Christian. But I like heavy metal. If someone chooses to worship the other side of the coin, let them. They will burn in hell right where they want to be. DO NOT Threaten our freedom of speech or religion.

  273. #369 by Ryan on February 10, 2012 - 6:35 PM

    IS this a joke? This article has got to be a joke like the Onion or something right? I can’t imagine something like this really being said by a person in real life.

  274. #370 by Jeff on February 10, 2012 - 6:35 PM

    And rap is not an issue?? Or the “Red Solo Cup” video with a dude taking a bong hit out of his cup??? Are we really gonna go back HERE?!?!?! I think I found the name for my new band: “Santorum’s an Idiot”. I’m just shocked that he didn’t mention a christian thrash band as a wholesome group to listen to. LOL

  275. #371 by Rob Tollefson on February 10, 2012 - 6:36 PM

    Sarcastic remark number 1)
    What, is this 1985? Next thing you will know he will be demanding warning labels on those new-fangled Compact Discs that are so popular with the kids these days

    Sarcastic remark number 2)
    1985 called, Tipper wants her schtick back

  276. #372 by Matt on February 10, 2012 - 6:36 PM

    Really? I thought this was an Onion article. Is this for real? Love the new bands- Iron Maiden? Black Sabbath? Man, I guess all those Venom songs I hear on the radio are pretty corrupting. Not that I listen to Venom. And “The WASP”, they are pretty scary, I guess. Never heard of them. He should listen to WASP and learn to be somebody! Listen to whatever makes you happy- for those how profess that we should get out of the business of regulating people and their personal and financial business, this appears to be over regulating. I love the double standards and grandstanding. Luckily, this idiot isn’t really electable.

  277. #373 by Chris on February 10, 2012 - 6:37 PM

    There is just no way this is real. I mean, come on: “He stepped up his rhetoric in a speech on Wednesday when he implied that heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance.” I’m certainly not voting for this shlub but there is no way this is real, please post an audio clip or else this is total BS or at the very least exaggerated.

  278. #374 by smk16 on February 10, 2012 - 6:38 PM

    Sources please.

  279. #375 by 85 years old and concerned for the future on February 10, 2012 - 6:39 PM

    there is NOTHING WRONG WITH HEAVY METAL. not to sound like an old timer but i was once a fan of stryper and the kinks as well. while they may tempt the weak to follow the path of sin, NOTHING is as vile and evil as the current threat to society, culture, and music itself as DUBSTEP. every song is about crack or opium or marihuana if you listen closely. and those awful noisy bass-lines and ear-drops… ITS NOT REAL MUSIC. Those probably aren’t even real guitars. every other dubstep “toon” is just a perversion of a similar pop song or some time-honored 60s progressive music. DUBSTEP IS SICK AND DISGUSTING and is turning this generation into GAYS, TWEAKERS, and DEMOCRATS.

  280. #376 by Laurin Garcia on February 10, 2012 - 6:39 PM

    I can’t believe he called Black Sabbath a brand new band. He’s 40 years too late. He couldn’t at least do his homework a little and find out what sort of music is out there here in the 21st century? And as for Pat Boone, he made a heavy metal album back in the 90’s and wore black leather and a dog collar. How could you possibly expect me to vote for a man that is so way out of touch with the times. I wonder if he knows that 8 tack tapes no longer exists. Does he even know how to download music at all? Does the word MP3 even exists in his vocabulary? Does he know that there are loads of good decent christian bands out there that play heavy metal music? Not all metal is satanic. In fact very very few are. And I do mean “FEW”. I suggest Mr. Santorum should at least catch up with music history before he goes around baring false witness. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3. Think about it. Yes, I have actually read the entire good Holy Bible from page one of the Old Testament to the last page of New Testament. And yes I am a Christian who listens to heavy metal. And yes my record is clean, I pay my taxes, I take care of my elderly Dad and I am a republican. And I say it is not the music but the parent who fails to raise their child with good morals. Heavy metal didn’t exists when Hitler was in power. So what excuse to you give him? He listened to classical and polka music.

  281. #377 by Kit Humphries on February 10, 2012 - 6:40 PM

    Hey rick stop trying to be such an idiot and realise there are far worse things than metal music, and heavy metal isnt the only thing in metal you nob! and you will find less satanic messages in metal. I love all forms of metal and i have a philosophical background and you will find that a number of heavy metal bands are christian or religious band thats not satanic. And another thing Rick Satorum is that your last suggests where you belong.

  282. #378 by stefan larsson on February 10, 2012 - 6:40 PM

    Well i live in sweden and u can bet that we are have tears in our eyes (LOL)when we see this moron saying metal is the root to all evil things,like not being able to drink milk,must have been the wasp that made that one or? i mean how stupid can a man get,metal is peacefull,all of u that have been to a concert or festival,have u seen any fights nope,metal makes your mind feel in peace and your ear bleed,,i think u over there should luck asshat up ,make him listen for 24 hours of metallica…bleed him out…then he cant hear all ofbthe ppl saying to him what to say,cus he have not the brain power to say anything on his own,i really hope u one day get one sane president cus all so far have been so far out there that u deserve a smart one…buy the way how the hell to they get into office ?dont they do basic test in school or something,,iq of some of them must be in the same scale as there shoesize…well metal ppl,fight,,,never surrender,and i hope 10.000 pl with a big old boomblaster shows up in one of his meetings and play The Wasp reqlly really loud 🙂

  283. #379 by Scott on February 10, 2012 - 6:40 PM

    This whole write up is a joke. Get real this is all you can come up with on Rick Santorum. what a waste of time.

  284. #380 by HeavyMetalRules on February 10, 2012 - 6:40 PM


  285. #381 by bake-o-lite girl on February 10, 2012 - 6:41 PM

    Where is this information coming from? I’ve been Googling but every article links to this particular post, which doesn’t site one news source. I did see that Santorum was in Oklahoma and Texas on Thursday, February 9, 2012. Not Valdosta, GA.

    Trust, but verify. Everything. Right now, I can’t verify squat.

  286. #382 by Nicole (@kittycatwindow) on February 10, 2012 - 6:41 PM

    I have a feeling this is a joke. If it is not, here is my input on the situation:

    Has he not heard the mainstream music?
    I don’t know if he realizes this, but most people listen to THAT, not heavy metal bands! Also, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are NOT brand new bands…

    Anyway, if he wants to condition these kids with music like they’re a part of some science fiction novel, he’s going to have to target the MAINSTREAM music and the inappropriate lyrics of such. Heavy metal is barely popular now-a-days, and targeting it will do absolutely nothing to benefit the human race.

    Also, America is supposed to be the “Land of the Free”. Although I’m not a fan of heavy metal music or most mainstream music, I must say that attempting to tell people what music they can and cannot listen to doesn’t do much for freedom. If someone wants to listen to music that endorses Satanism, then so be it! After all, America is supposed to grant “freedom of religion”. As long as a Satanist doesn’t commit homicide or other illegal acts, they have the right to believe what they want. I don’t see how someone who is commiting such a blatant violation of the Constitution can be so popular with Americans.

    There are bigger issues to tackle as president. Focusing on a type of music is just irresponsible. I really hope this article is a joke. If not, I fear for our future. If someone like me, someone not even old enough to vote, can see that something is horribly wrong with this, I don’t see why people of voting age cannot.

    (Side-note: heavy-metal is not synonymous to Satanism.)

  287. #383 by Brent on February 10, 2012 - 6:41 PM

    What are the sources for this article? I don’t believe it. The one possibly tangible date provided in this piece is ‘last Thursday’. Last Thursday as in yesterday February 9? Rick Santorum was campaigning in Oklahoma. Or was last Thursday February 2? When he was campaigning in Nevada?

    Vague dates in an article as send a red flag up to me. And the fact, that no sources are cited at all just makes me concerned about the truthfulness of this article and the reason behind it.

  288. #384 by Nick on February 10, 2012 - 6:42 PM

    You must be on drugs if you declare war on metal… or he’s just suicidal.

  289. #385 by Zack Campbell on February 10, 2012 - 6:43 PM

    I’m sorry you don’t like heavy metal Rick, but no need to attack what you don’t understand!

  290. #386 by Eloy on February 10, 2012 - 6:44 PM

    New? Really? Where has he been? What a maroon!

  291. #387 by Bill on February 10, 2012 - 6:45 PM

    Oh, you silly goose.

  292. #388 by Nef on February 10, 2012 - 6:45 PM

    First, none of the bands listed are new. Second, none of them are “satanic”. Third, Santorum is completely ignorant and uneducated about this topic. Fourth, censorship is unconstitutional.

  293. #389 by Pete Jensen on February 10, 2012 - 6:46 PM

    This guy idiot needs to do more research before he goes and bashes a music genre, last I heard Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden were formed in the 70’s, therefore they are not “brand new metal bands”

  294. #390 by Ally on February 10, 2012 - 6:46 PM

    Venom, Sabbath, Maiden and WASP are NOT anything remotely close to “brand new,” haha what the hell? Besides, Venom is the only Satanic band on this list and they’re badass so I don’t care and I love them(and I’m an atheist, not a satanist). Also, NONE of them are almost ever played on the radio, ESPECIALLY Venom. Hell if there’s a radio station that plays Venom I’d love to know where I can stream it online! I will however give him kudos for listing real metal bands and not some pansy-ass “hardcore” media-branded metal bands. But either way this is absolutely ridiculous. Here’s a mind-blowing concept: If you don’t like it or agree with its messages, simply TURN IT OFF and don’t listen to it. Pretty farfetched idea, but I think it just might work. What the hell ever happened to live and let live?

  295. #391 by gwion on February 10, 2012 - 6:46 PM

    Yep, I can see why (In)santorum would be worried about these “new” heavy metal lyrics from Black Sabbath

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor

    Time will tell on their power minds
    Making war just for fun
    Treating people just like pawns in chess
    Wait ’til their judgement day comes

  296. #392 by Seriously?! on February 10, 2012 - 6:47 PM

    This just makes me want to strap him to a chair and argue with him about his lack of actual intellegence. I worry about the world when people are actually agreeing that music can have a bad effect on a person. There are medical studies about music actually healing the brain, and it works with ANY music that you prefer, so for a person who hates boring “Michael W. Smith” music, why force it upon them? Because if they have a mind of their own or their own taste in music, that MUST mean they are psychos. That is the only LOGICAL answer. If we all aren’t exactly the same and don’t like the same music, then golly, I dunno what the world is coming to. Wtf is wrong with this guy. Individuality doesn’t cause war… Being singled out for what you like as a person is what causes war. I’m so happy to see another moron is running for president. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

  297. #393 by Logan on February 10, 2012 - 6:48 PM

    i think forgot pat boone did a metal cover album.

  298. #394 by James Summers on February 10, 2012 - 6:49 PM

    heavy metal wasnt the blame for the attempted assassination of Reagan, it was the film Taxi Driver. so dont blame the music, blame Martin Scorsese

  299. #395 by PungentToeJam on February 10, 2012 - 6:50 PM

    Johnny Fox from a punk band called “The King Blues” said it best, “There’s a lesson to be learned, one that I will take home,
    When I return to my normal reality zone,
    Punk rock has the power to change the world,
    It lies in every single punk rock boy and girl,
    So don’t let anyone tell you you’re not worth the earth,
    These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,
    Don’t let anyone tell you that you’ve got to give in,
    Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,
    Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,
    Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,
    Use all that heart, hope and soul that you’ve got,
    And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,
    And realise that the other world that you’re always looking for,
    Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,
    And it’s up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,
    After all, you were put on the earth to do this,
    So shine your light so bright that all can see,
    Take pride in being whoever the fuck you want to be,
    Throw your fist in the air in solidarity,
    And shout “Viva la punk, just one life, anarchy!!!”

    Metal and punk were spawned from the same rock and roll forefathers……metal boys and girls have just as much power. I don’t think it’s very far-fetched to say that if all metalheads and punk rockers united, we could fuck this place up and nobody could stop us……..

  300. #396 by tina french on February 10, 2012 - 6:51 PM

    WHAT THE HELL!!!! and Obama is a socialist ? far as i can see Rick Santorum and his running mates are the one trying to shove religious beliefs down our throats…and trying to control us. I feel like I am in a time warp going backwards!

  301. #397 by AmyB on February 10, 2012 - 6:52 PM

    He picked heavy metal. Hitler picked Jews. The methodology is the same, so is his “cure.” The man is INSANE! There is plenty of Christian Metal out there & I happen to like ALL Types of music, from his type to rap to metal – I don’t like the ones that tout suicide, homicide, hate, sexism, violence against ANYONE (esp. women), but I doon’t listen to that. There’s a REASON there’s a dial on the radio.
    I believe that if parents spent time HEARING their kids out, not condemning them, there would be less despair in young people. Ergo, the problem is with ADULTS WHO REFUSE TO TREAT KIDS AS PEOPLE. People are HEARD by others who respect their opinions, even if they disagree with them. People are CARED ABOUT, not condemned out of hand. People are LOVED, not hated or feared or seen as a financial burden instead of a blessing from God. HEAR & LOVE your kids & the young people in your life. The DESPAIR OF NOT BEING HEARD IS THE MAJOR DRIVER IN ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR, NOT THE TYPE OF MUSIC A PERSON PREFERS!
    I am glad I’m not one of Santorum’s children.

  302. #398 by Dave on February 10, 2012 - 6:52 PM

    i see people aren’t familiar with satire….

  303. #399 by Josh on February 10, 2012 - 6:52 PM

    I have to say he is pretty ignorant if he is calling bands like Venom, WASP and especially Black Sabbath new lol. I also have to say oh yea metal is horrible but nothing wrong with pop right (I’m being sarcastic, I love metal). I mean let’s all be tramps and dress in next to nothing and listen to songs with very suggestive lyrics. I hate how metal gets the crap that it does. Every type of music has vulgar material in some form and If you really want to talk about a type of music that has corrupted the youth look at rap. I have to say I know people who listen to metal that haven’t even heard of the bands mentioned. How many people listen to rap don’t know who Lil’ Wayne, Kanye West or Soulja Boy is? All of whom have very sexual and vulgar lyrics. So when the guy that posted earlier said 1984 wants their topic back yea I whole heartedly agree. Metal is not the popular thing like it was in the 80’s and let me just say the world was a better place then.

  304. #400 by Guilty on February 10, 2012 - 6:52 PM

    Iron Maiden? Satanic? Are you kidding me? can you please explain me how retarded a person can be? He’s surely blaming Maiden just for “The Numer of The Beast”, which is a song with a religious topic, not a devil’s call…

    I remember that something simmilar happened many years ago here in Chile, when a famous priest called Maiden satanists because of that song and prohibited the concert… and now everybody makes fun of that stupid episode.

  305. #401 by Marcus on February 10, 2012 - 6:53 PM

    ??? Okay…. I’m pretty certain that at least some of this is a joke. Metal is the cause of lactose intolerance? You’re not allowed to leave until you sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song?? This is silly, people. Honestly, most genres of music have songs and artists that could technically be dubbed as “satanic,” simply based on the fact that they have secular messages, or messages that appeal to our urges to have sex, inflict violence on others, or any other number of things that holy scriptures have deemed “unholy.” I will say that if Santorum is really sending this message, he will lose. There are too many people against him… many of whom are VERY rich.

  306. #402 by Chris b on February 10, 2012 - 6:54 PM

    Is he seriously an idiot? There are worse things to nit pick like a baby about… Focus more on protecting us from threats than exploiting us from the inside out!

  307. #403 by Tyler Durden on February 10, 2012 - 6:54 PM

    He forgot to mention The Winger!

  308. #404 by amanda wants to kill you on February 10, 2012 - 6:54 PM

    So what you’re telling me is because I listen to metal I’m going to rape and kill people… I’m down for that as long as whoever I rape is okay with strawberry flavored condoms, and hello kitty knives.

  309. #405 by Saint Anne on February 10, 2012 - 6:54 PM

    Idiots… We are surrounded by idiots.

  310. #406 by speakoutservices on February 10, 2012 - 6:55 PM

    Is this article for real? I feel like I am reading an article from Comedy Central. Visions of teens listening to Pat Boone while holed up in camps drinking lactose-free milk sounds like a great skit for Saturday Night Live.

    I would love to see this idiot run against Obama. There would be no need to walk door-to-door to campaign for the Democrats, because this would be an easy win.

  311. #407 by colten on February 10, 2012 - 6:56 PM

    So much for freedom of speech. If he’s gonna ban music, at least ban shitty rap.

  312. #408 by Shadow on February 10, 2012 - 6:57 PM

    I have only one thing to say to this.


  313. #409 by Dann on February 10, 2012 - 6:57 PM

    Everyone and I do mean EVERYONE that has the least amount of like for anything METAL should get ready to take advantage of a class action lawsuit against this moron and anyone affiliated with his progression in politics. To bodly state in factual fashion that a person that may enjoy a certain genre of music is suffering from some mental illness is flat out slander!!!!!

  314. #410 by Danny Higdon on February 10, 2012 - 6:57 PM

    This is absolutely absurd to think that heavy metal music is a threat to teens or to American values! I wonder if Mr. Santorum has ever listen to gangster rap? If he had, he would see this form of, “music”, and I use that moniker loosely, is more dangerous to teens and American values! It’s degregating to womanand promotes gang violence, the use of drugs and

  315. #411 by Levi Clint Jonnson on February 10, 2012 - 6:58 PM

    I have a hard time believing this is factual. I’ll believe it when i see a video with him saying these exact words… Metal is a cause of lactose intolerance? RLY?!?

  316. #412 by bryan on February 10, 2012 - 6:58 PM

    uh, you guys realize this is satire right?

  317. #413 by jared on February 10, 2012 - 6:58 PM

    I’m going to go on an absolute rampage and only listen to Dubstep. Then maybe we can do away with the real evil “music”…

  318. #414 by Satan's General on February 10, 2012 - 6:59 PM

    any direct source on this? like a news article or video?

  319. #415 by Jim on February 10, 2012 - 6:59 PM

    Dudes, this is satire! Hilarious!

  320. #416 by Johnv on February 10, 2012 - 7:00 PM

    Did i read this quote right “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,” These bands are no where near “brand new” and if they have done any damage (which is just asinine) the damage has already been done. He is so far out of touch, these bands have been around for 30+ years. Fear-mongerring is all this is, we do not need this idiot running our country. If this truely is the worst thing happening in ouir country right now we would be in much better shape that we are.

  321. #417 by anthony on February 10, 2012 - 7:00 PM

    so what happened to the freedom of speech i wonder? did he just forget about it?

  322. #418 by MogolMediaNetCasting (@SariJoMogol) on February 10, 2012 - 7:00 PM

    Somebody make a SlipKnot playlist and send it to Sanctomoron!

  323. #419 by nos on February 10, 2012 - 7:01 PM

    Why dont you put the blame of societys problems where is really belongs, its not metal music its rap music, with the way it idolizes a society of women are whores, drugs and killing, ive seen more crap coming from mtv and the degradation of women in this music then any metal song

  324. #420 by Geoffrey Betz on February 10, 2012 - 7:01 PM

    worry about things within the government ,, why worry about music that “you” probably listened to as a teen. for crying out loud,, definatly wont get my vote over that crap.

  325. #421 by The Dreamweaver on February 10, 2012 - 7:02 PM

    What?! That’s it! This is going way too far. We need to get rid of these prejudices. I listen to Dream Theater and Stratovarius, how the hell is it satanic? Look:

    I will take things as they come
    look out for number one
    and Ill be back tomorrow
    Feeling strong and brave inside
    my head up high with pride
    yes Ill be back tomorrow

    Is it satanic? Does it talks about crimes and murders?

    Heres some lil’ wayne’s lyrics:

    Here we go one for the money, two for the show
    Now clap your hands if you got a bank robe
    Like some clap on lights in this bitch
    I be clapping all night in this bitch
    Lights off, man it’s on
    She saw me, she smiling, he muggin’
    Who cares, cause my guns are right here
    I is lootsin to a big dog
    And I’m a great Dane, I wear eight chains
    I mean so much ice, they yell skate Wayne!
    She wanna f**k me, but she wanna rick wayne

    … I see what you did here…

  326. #422 by Stewart Thomas on February 10, 2012 - 7:02 PM

    As I Lay Dying, War of Ages, Sleeping Giant, The Devil Wears Prada, Oh Sleeper, Norma Jean, For Today, A Plea For Purging. All modern day, top-notch heavy metal acts performing around the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Maybe Mr. Santorum would like to try some research before he defiles someone else’s taste in music. Piece of garbage.

  327. #423 by Eric on February 10, 2012 - 7:02 PM

    What a moron, i love metal and i play in a metal band.

    a) I have a 3.82 GPA in college
    b) i work helping highschool kids
    c)i volunteer at big brother big sister
    d) I help educate the public on equality
    e) i advocate against bullying and for understanding
    f) i’m 18

    I’m the enemy eh? I’m what’s wrong with society!?!?!?!?!? We (my band and I) don’t even believe in a religion and we get lumped in with harmless satanists who “harm society”. Goooo America??? I will be unformal: Go fuck yourself Santorum.

  328. #424 by UKFORTHEWIN on February 10, 2012 - 7:03 PM

    Rick is an utter twat if he thinks destroying the positive lives and energies of metalheads will allow him to win :L ahahaha America will be a lost cause indeed.

  329. #425 by Ken on February 10, 2012 - 7:03 PM

    This coming from the man that brought his stillborn baby home from the hospital. To show his other children, that they had a sibling. Did metal make him do that? Put down the crack pipe Rick!

  330. #426 by Jarryd Carruthers on February 10, 2012 - 7:04 PM

    New heavy metal music bands?

    Iron Maiden have been around since 1975. Black Sabbath have been around for longer than that.

    What a fuckin’ twat. Rick, even in Australia, we think you’re a bloody tool.

  331. #427 by Joey on February 10, 2012 - 7:05 PM

    Rick needs a good dose of reality and listen and read the lyrics to “Cruor Viaticus” by Molotov Solution, the best anti-government band that supports PEACE and LOVE.

  332. #428 by Bildo on February 10, 2012 - 7:06 PM

    hahaha This can’t be real. haha

  333. #429 by Wayne jones on February 10, 2012 - 7:06 PM

    As a metalheads myself, a lot of what I listen to WOULD be classed as satanic… I.e cannibal corpse, or more fittingly Deicide. The music I listen to affects my actions about as much as the toilet rolls I use affect the smell of my excrement. I believe that the methods this man are using to win the votes are offensive, ignorant and fascist. All my life I have been let do what I please by my parents, I have become my own man. I have friends of many ethnicities creeds colours and sexual preference. I am also a very creative human being. These traits are commonplace amongst my people, and I havnt met many that I would consider ‘stupid’ or even less that I would call ‘dangerous’. The danger to American, British and world values is the closed mindedness of people like this ‘gentleman’, who single out the minority of society and decide we’re a threat. I am almost CERTAIN that he wouldn’t pick on an ethnicity, so why should he be able to pick on a genuine subculture with its own morals, codes of conduct, uniforms and tribal dances? We may listen to some, and I will be honest about this, ‘questionable’ lyrics, involving the subjects of rape, death, blasphemy, necrophillia, violence, murder, drugs and sex, but these are things that we read about in newspapers, see on the newS, watch in horror movies and play in video games. The chart music of today encourages promiscuous sex, drug use and stupidity through lack of vocabulary. When I have children, I would rather they learn of the dangers that face them. Not that grinding your ass for money and snorting a line of cocaine might be a safe idea. I hope somebody more eloquent than I can get this point across because I am just a shop worker from the uk with a severe lack of qualifications.

    And if I am ever needed to co to one of these ‘metal castration camps’ I’d never get out. Metal is in me, it is my power, it is my life. Wayne jones from Lichfield England.

    They can’t stop us, let ’em try. For heavy metal we will die!

  334. #430 by brandon on February 10, 2012 - 7:06 PM

    Freedom of speech, he needs to get over it!

  335. #431 by Jack on February 10, 2012 - 7:06 PM

    I was afraid to comment on this because I really thought it might be copied from the Onion and part of me still hopes so but no – there it is — it’s 1985 and the PMRC all over again except stupider and more out of touch. These “new” bands like Black Sabbath that have been around since the 60’s – yup that’s the problem along with comics, horror movies, “gangstah” rap like The Fat Boys, Pinkos and Carbona huffers. BWAHAAAHAHHAHAAAAAA. How much more rope can we give the GOP to prove exactly how out of touch they are?

  336. #432 by Chad on February 10, 2012 - 7:07 PM

    Is this fake?! Metal is a lot more positive nowadays anyways, and seriously what a pathetic way to get votes from stupid kids that listen to Lady GaGa, and yes rap music would be the one to targeted anyways, it’s about nothing but breaking the law, getting high, drunk, and killing people.. What a great genre.. \m/ METAL \m/ !!! If this were to actually happen… i’m leaving the country.

  337. #433 by Rob on February 10, 2012 - 7:08 PM

    In the words of Tenacious D, “you can’t kill the metal.” Enough said.

  338. #434 by Danny Higdon on February 10, 2012 - 7:09 PM

    This is absurd to think heavy metal music is a danger to teens and American values! I wonder if Mr. Santorum has listened to any gangster rap, “music”? And I use that classification loosely. If he had, he would see that it is degrading to women, glorifies gang violence, promotes drug usage and the sale there of, and also calls for violence to the police! These are more a threat to teens and American values than any heavy metal band or music they produce! My only guess is that it isn’t politically correct to gangster rap!

  339. #435 by Rick Santorum on February 10, 2012 - 7:09 PM

    wow, you guys are taking this as a serious article? it’s not true at all… i doubt santorum has ever even heard of venom.

    In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”

    come on you can’t believe that’s a real statistic. hahah.

    oh yeah I’m Rick Santorum by the way. Praise Jeebus! Or whatever.

    • #436 by Delusion71 on February 11, 2012 - 12:38 AM

      come on you know hes heard of venom , because he has heardof the wasp! LMAO

  340. #437 by Jason on February 10, 2012 - 7:10 PM

    Doesn’t ANYONE realize this is a joke? It might as well have come from the Onion….

  341. #438 by TheBrick55 on February 10, 2012 - 7:10 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath” I purchased my first Black Sabbath “Record” in 1969, and many Hard Rock LPs since. Hey Rick, how old were you in 1969, that Black Sabbath is a brand new band in 2012, ya your current?

  342. #439 by ed on February 10, 2012 - 7:11 PM

    Tipper gore tried doing this back in the 80’s with the PMRC and I believe this killed La’s CHANCES OF presidency.

  343. #440 by Yamir on February 10, 2012 - 7:11 PM

    ok the PMRC is dead dont bring it back. LEARN YOU FACTS YOU STUPID POLITICAL IDIOT.

  344. #441 by branskygarz on February 10, 2012 - 7:11 PM

    This is so stupid its not the type of music thats the problem its the message in the music thats the problem but its no worse than turning on the tv and watching news or what ever you see vioulence and rape and everything if you really wanna go the christian way then tell people to listen to christian metel there are plenty of melt your face of christian bands dont just attack the genre of music its self i just got to say METAL WILL EAT THE IGNORANCE OUT FROM YOU !!!!

  345. #442 by Erik on February 10, 2012 - 7:12 PM

    This is just…Hilarious, to see that someone actually can blame a music genre. i wanna like this dude on facebook, just to spam his wall down with heavy music.
    The only thing Heavy Metal has ever has caused, is tons of fun, a hobby, creative minds and brought A LOT of friends together.

  346. #443 by Belinda Gibson on February 10, 2012 - 7:13 PM

    “brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden”….where has this man been??? These are NOT brand new bands LOL. I am 40 years old. I like a wide range of music from Sabbath to Patsy Cline to Will Smith. I’ve always had these tastes. I have listened to heavy metal for 3 decades now, yet I’ve never robbed anyone, raped anyone, killed anyone, etc. To think that heavy metal equals mental illness can ONLY come from a mind suffering from mental illness IMHO. Every time this fool opens his mouth, something more ridiculous flies out! He would turn this country into a theocracy in a heartbeat, one with HIS morals, HIS values, HIS religion. No thank you, sir, I will keep my OWN morals and religion, not to mention my music. I see no difference in Obama, Mittens, Gingrich and Santorum when it comes to policy, except I’m pretty dang positive Santorum would be the worst of the lot due to his extreme nose in everybody’s business and bedrooms views.

  347. #444 by Steve on February 10, 2012 - 7:13 PM

    Brand new? Psssh… someone was hiding under a rock in the 80s

  348. #445 by warkunt on February 10, 2012 - 7:13 PM

    someone, please give santorum a lobotomy…

  349. #446 by Angela Liberty Trimble on February 10, 2012 - 7:16 PM

    OMG Santorum is a Idiot

  350. #447 by Ryan JewFro Bernhardt on February 10, 2012 - 7:16 PM

    God he is a idiot. Why is metal targeted? Why doesn’t he go help the economy or get rid of rap!??!?! Anyways I’m not sure if my metal is considerably satanic, I listen to Industrial metal bands like Ministry and KMFDM.

  351. #448 by Mark on February 10, 2012 - 7:16 PM

    what a moron. power hungry, ignorant moron.

  352. #449 by paul on February 10, 2012 - 7:17 PM

    Is Rick a fucking moron ? Holy shit…I thought we got past this with music…ITS MUSIC RICKY BOY

  353. #450 by George on February 10, 2012 - 7:18 PM

    Guys, it’s satire. GWAR playing at Mitt Romney’s inauguration should’ve been the tip-off.

  354. #451 by Bret MacPhee on February 10, 2012 - 7:18 PM

    HAHAHA, Metal rulez, at least we know that if Obama counters this campaign, he’s back running the country. Bravo Mr. Santorum, your just gonna end up as hated, and as much of a bitch as Gore. And I refuse to believe 87% of REPUBLICANS agree with this garbage. Last time I checked rednecks love metal as much as the rest of us metalheads. R.I.P, Dimebag :(…..you will always be missed.

  355. #452 by Max on February 10, 2012 - 7:18 PM

    This sickens me…

  356. #453 by stevey y on February 10, 2012 - 7:20 PM

    oh yeah, NEW bands like Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. I hear they have some good songs, maybe if they try hard and play a lot of shows they will grow a big enough fan base to make multiple albums and stick around for 20 or 30 years….lol

  357. #454 by jspeakphoto on February 10, 2012 - 7:20 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,”

    Black Sabbath? Venom? -THE- WASP? Iron Maiden? Y U so current bro.

  358. #455 by Tyler on February 10, 2012 - 7:21 PM

    This is clearly a joke article. Read it carefully. 1) “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,” These are not modern bands that play on the radio, even someone as detached to music as Santorum wouldn’t call these bands “Brand new”. 2)”Santorum’s popularity in the polls has grown substantially since he began speaking out against metal and its assault on traditional values.” Really? Then why have I, who watch the news constantly, not heard about it before now? 3)”He has spent much of the past week in the Midwest encouraging young people to stay away from metal artists and listen to performers like Michael W. Smith and Pat Boone.” Google Pat Boone and read about why his career started (in the 1950’s) and you’ll get the joke. 4)” He stepped up his rhetoric in a speech on Wednesday when he implied that heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance.” Do I need to refute this one? 5)”Mitt Romney officially denounced his earlier position of “tolerance towards all fans of extreme music”. This, in spite of the fact that GWAR played his inauguration as governor of Massachusetts back in 2003.” GWAR has NEVER played for Mitt Romney. Think about it: GWAR playing at a black-tie political event. 6)”However, many commentators believe that his call for metal internment camps goes too far. Santorum has openly advocated the forced re-education of metalheads. They would be forced to endure 30 days of non-stop “values based” music that promotes the American way of life as well as the free market. In order to leave, they will have to sing the chorus to at least one Celine Dion song.” Once again, do I even need to refute that one? Elementary my dear Watson, Elementary.

  359. #456 by Annihilator of Weak Arguements on February 10, 2012 - 7:21 PM

    What is dangerous is the fact that his popularity has risen because of his attacks on heavy metal. This shows clear gullibility and ignorance by the average American….no surprise there. First of all, none of those bands are new heavy metal bands. Black Sabbath, generally credited with starting heavy metal, was not a heavy metal band. How are people supposed to trust you about the content and purpose of the music when you have no clue about the subject? Secondly, there are lots and lots of “Extreme Metal Bands” that are Christian bands such as As I Lay Dying and August Burns Red…etc. Where do these bands fit in the Satan music category? Thirdly, if we ban all dark satanic themes from music, then the first logical step would to ban all horror films. Horrors films have satanic themes, blood, guts, sex, drugs etc….and this is a visual display, not just audio. What is the difference between graphic audio only or graphic audio and visual entertainment? Santorum is playin that aged old fiddle that the average middle American who can’t think critically will fall for because they need other people to make their value judgments for the. Like that? Its called logic, try it sometime – you’ll love it.

  360. #457 by Angela on February 10, 2012 - 7:21 PM

    New Metal, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden? Get a clue Santorum…check out Red, Flyleaf, Skillett, As I Lay Dying. Kids wearing shirts that say I Mosh for Jesus! As a supporter of all teens, and a mother of 3 teens, you need to get real!

  361. #458 by knucklehead on February 10, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    In the end we’re all just chalk lines on the concrete
    Drawn only to be washed away
    For the time that I’ve been given
    I am what I am… Ivan Moody

  362. #460 by Liana on February 10, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    Well if we get rid of metal, there goes the movie industry!!! What else are we going to hear in the background of all those cool new action movies? And all those new “cool” POP culture movies? Metal is what’s chosen almost always for those intense and dramatic and hardcore scenes. Plus, Santorum and his campain should actually try and educate themselves before they open their mouth and educate me on morals and values. Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are new? Hah. That is a joke. Turn on their xm radios and listen to stations like octane, boneyard or metal. Or go to hottopic and see what cd’s they actually sell. Plus, more often than not mental illness is genetically acquired aside from traumatic life experiences. Go ahead and reeducate us metalheads and metal enthusiasts. Chances we are far more intelligent and wellrounded than he is.

  363. #461 by dion on February 10, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    Brand new bands like Wasp, Venom, Maiden & Sabbath?? What the H? Sabbath was a brand new band like 32 years ago.

  364. #462 by lindsay thompson on February 10, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    Keith where did you pull this story from. i can’t validate it anywhere.

  365. #463 by Mark on February 10, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    it makes me laugh that people don’t even take the time to listen to metal. they all dismiss it as satanic and wrong. bands like, Death, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Forced Entry, etc are bands that write about LIFE, people in their life, emotion, they tell stories, and the people who ruin things for others. Black Sabbath has a song about just god and how people don’t look at him and love like they should. i could sit here all day and put up lyrics of various heavy metal artists and make this dude look stupid. WAKE UP AND STOP LIVING IN THE NAME OF INEPTITUDE.

  366. #464 by alex on February 10, 2012 - 7:23 PM

    is this a joke?

  367. #465 by p-rob on February 10, 2012 - 7:23 PM

    those bands are so old. seriously. if those old timer bands scare this guy, he should listen to The Acacia Strain. not satanic but i’m sure he’d shit his pants after some Continents or The Dead Walk. probably pray to his imaginary “savior” hahaha! just go away Rick.

  368. #466 by nonny on February 10, 2012 - 7:23 PM

    and don’t for get about rage

  369. #467 by Thummy on February 10, 2012 - 7:24 PM

    Wait, people think this article is real? C’mon…Gwar did not play Romney’s gubernatorial inauguration. Santorum is nuts, but he never said metal causes lactose intolerance or that there should be metal re-education camps where the only way to get out is to sing Celine Dion songs. Really, people? Really?? Whatever you do, don’t read any articles on The Onion…you’ll want to kill yourself.

  370. #468 by cameron on February 10, 2012 - 7:25 PM

    “In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.””

    Can I get a source on that? I don’t believe that for a second.
    I searched for it on the Gallup website and I cant find a thing.

  371. #469 by fin on February 10, 2012 - 7:25 PM

    You all are silly… it’s a joke. And hilarious… Can’t stop the rock!

  372. #470 by George Ashburn. on February 10, 2012 - 7:25 PM

    Speaking as a Republican and a Classic Rocker/Metalhead (There’s a lot more of us than some of you may think.) Santorum is the kind of self-righteous nitwit that makes us cringe and certainly look bad. All these incidents that people try to blame Metal (…and over the years, music in general.) are because the people that did this were mentally unstable to begin with on some level. Some are weaselly (Okay, so that’s not a word.) enough to use whatever (In these cases, music.) as a scapegoat. A pathetic way to pander for votes instead of addressing the real issues and problems with Government, etc.

  373. #471 by Brian Glennn on February 10, 2012 - 7:25 PM

    i hereby declare you a complete idiot and a buffoon go find something better to do become a housewife get out of politics we do not want you your to stupid to be in politics none of those bands you named are new. I am not lactose tolerant and i do not have mental illness been listening to all of those for years i have a wife and three kids i bet i am more normal then you.

  374. #472 by Craig Smith on February 10, 2012 - 7:27 PM

    So you guys know this is satire and not real right? *Ruining your fun*

  375. #473 by Andrew Head on February 10, 2012 - 7:27 PM

    Ok, Heavy metal is bad? They teach kids about satan?

    Ok, Go Listen to Maylene and the Son’s of Disaster, Particularly the song “Old Iron Hills”

    I got a suprise for you Santorum… They are a Christian Heavy Metal band with some country and bluegrass thrown in.

    I wont be voting for you, that’s for sure.

  376. #474 by blah on February 10, 2012 - 7:29 PM

    this is fake

  377. #475 by mike123 on February 10, 2012 - 7:29 PM

    it’d be cool if Ozzy Osbourne could just bite off Santorum’s head. America would be better off without a doubt.

  378. #476 by Opinador Compulsivo on February 10, 2012 - 7:29 PM

    This post has Poe’s Law written all over it. It’s parody, of course. But Santorum makes it believable…

    GWAR playing on Romney’s inauguration… ROTFL.

    Well done, sir.

  379. #477 by The Adversaryan on February 10, 2012 - 7:29 PM


    I seriously thought we as a country have gotten smarter about freedom of speech and music. If you don’t want your kids listening to so called “satanic metal” than don’t let them but you come after my metal and the metal of the people? take your magic underwear and get a real topic you douche bag jack wagon. THIS DOUCH WAS JUST AT THE H&H GUN RANGE YESTERDAY. PEOPLE WITH GUITARS DON’T KILL PEOPLE PEOPLE WITH GUNS DO MORON I mean MORMON!!!

    • #478 by The Adversaryan on February 10, 2012 - 8:04 PM

      Then i read the rest of the letter. and laughed at myself THANK YOU!!!!!! I need that.

  380. #479 by ravennaszarkazm on February 10, 2012 - 7:30 PM

    It is satire lol. It is believable, though, considering Santorum wants to be in everyone’s personal business and wants to limit everyone’s freedom.

  381. #480 by Drake Engelhart on February 10, 2012 - 7:32 PM

    This dude needs to kicked in the nuts. One! Those bands are from the late 70’s and 80’s. This guy is just a miserable Bible Thumper with nothing better to do. How about you focus on real issues.

  382. #481 by josh on February 10, 2012 - 7:34 PM

    sucide silence, acacia strain, chelsea grin, and white chapel all day everyday. its music get over it. go listen to your pat boon and let it go

  383. #482 by S on February 10, 2012 - 7:34 PM

    Heavy metal does not corrupt the mind metal is just awsome and just becauze we like metal dosnt mean we worship satan

  384. #483 by Salad on February 10, 2012 - 7:34 PM

    Footloose preacher for president!!

  385. #484 by stevey y on February 10, 2012 - 7:35 PM

    Just because his morals, values and beliefs are stuck in the 1800s you’d think someone on his staff could come up with a more current musical reference….

  386. #485 by european guy on February 10, 2012 - 7:36 PM


  387. #486 by Really? on February 10, 2012 - 7:38 PM

    I mean if he said it he’s dumb, but can you give sources for anything you say? Transcripts, video, anything??? Gwar playing for Romney???

  388. #487 by Dysanial sloth on February 10, 2012 - 7:38 PM

    Lol much? ‘Brand new’ metal bands like maiden and sabbath? He realises they started in the 70’s right…? There really is no hope for all you metalheads in America now….more and more reasons I’m glad I don’t live in america. #american idiots.

  389. #488 by bigdick06 on February 10, 2012 - 7:39 PM

    This seriously has to be a joke, i never seen something so stupid in my life, if this guy wins presidential election it would be ten times worse than obama and bush combined.

  390. #489 by Katelyn Michele on February 10, 2012 - 7:40 PM

    This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. LMAO!!!!!

  391. #490 by Luke on February 10, 2012 - 7:40 PM

    What is the american way of life, grab guns, shoot up schools, pedal drugs, send innocent kids to a country overseas to fight a war to keep the rich rich?

  392. #491 by Belinda Gibson on February 10, 2012 - 7:41 PM

    Here’s something off Wiki regarding Christian metal bands..does he think all the groups on this list are evil too???

    The Agony Scene[9] — (USA)
    Aletheian[10][11] — (USA)
    Alisa[12] — (Russia)
    Allies[13][dubious – discuss] — (USA)
    Alove for Enemies[14] — (USA)
    Altera Enigma[15] — (Australia/Indonesia)
    And Then There Were None[16][17] – (USA)
    Antestor[18][19] — (Norway)
    Argyle Park/AP2[20][21] — (USA)
    As Cities Burn[22] — (USA)
    As I Lay Dying[23][24][25][26][27] — (USA)
    The Ascendicate[28][29] — (USA)
    Atomic Opera[30] — (USA)
    Audiovision[31] — (Sweden)
    August Burns Red[32][33][34] — (USA)
    Austrian Death Machine[35][36] — (USA)

    [edit] B

    Barnabas[37] — (USA)
    Barren Cross[38] — (USA)
    Becoming the Archetype[39][40][41][42] — (USA)
    Before Their Eyes[43] — (USA)
    Believer[44] — (USA)
    Beloved[45] — (USA)
    The Blamed[46] — (USA)
    Blessed by a Broken Heart[47][48] — (Canada)
    Blessthefall[49][50][51] — (USA)
    Blindside[52][53] — (Sweden)
    Bloodgood[54] — (USA)
    Born Blind[citation needed] — (USA)
    Bride[55] — (USA)
    Burden of a Day[56] — (USA)

    [edit] C

    Callisto[57][58] — (Finland)
    The Chariot[59][60] — (USA)
    Circle of Dust[61] — (USA)
    Confide[62] — (USA)
    Corpus Christi[63][64] — (USA)
    The Crimson Armada[65] — (USA)
    Crimson Moonlight[66] — (Sweden)
    Crimson Thorn[67] — (USA)
    The Crucified[68] — (USA)
    Cry of the Afflicted[69] — (Canada)

    [edit] D

    Daniel Band[70] — (Canada)
    Day of Fire[71][72] — (USA)
    Decyfer Down[73] — (USA)
    Deliverance[74][75] — (USA)
    Demise of Eros[76] — (USA)
    Demon Hunter[77][78][79][80][81] — (USA)
    Destroy the Runner[82][83] — (USA)
    Deuteronomium[84][85] — (Finland)
    The Devil Wears Prada[86][87] — (USA)
    Die Happy[88] — (USA)
    DigHayZoose[61] — (USA)
    Disciple[89] — (USA)
    Divinefire[90] — (Sweden)
    Dizmas[91] — (USA)
    Drottnar[92][93] — (Norway)

    [edit] E

    East West[94][95] — (USA)
    Echo Hollow[96] — (USA)
    Embodyment[97][98][99] — (USA)
    Emery[100] — (USA)
    Eso-Charis[101] — (USA)
    Eternal Decision[102] — (USA)
    Extol[103][104][105][106] — (Norway)

    [edit] F

    Falling Up[107][108][109] — (USA)
    Family Force 5[110] — (USA)
    The Famine[99][111] — (USA)
    Fearscape[112] — (Australia)
    Fireflight[113] — (USA)
    Flyleaf[114][115] — (USA)
    Focal Point[citation needed] — (USA)
    For Today[116] — (USA)
    Fountain of Tears[117] — (USA)
    Frosthardr[118] — (Norway)
    Frost Like Ashes[119][120] — (USA)

    [edit] G

    Galactic Cowboys[121][122] — (USA)
    Guardian[123] — (USA)
    Gwen Stacy[124] — (USA)

    [edit] H

    Harmony[125][126] — (Sweden)
    Haste the Day[127][128] — (USA)
    HB[129] — (Finland)
    He Is Legend[130] — (USA)
    Holy Blood[131][132] — (Ukraine)
    Holy Soldier[133][134][135] — (USA)
    Hope for the Dying[136] — (USA)
    Horde[137][138] — (Australia)

    [edit] I

    I Am Terrified[139] — (USA)
    Idle Cure[citation needed] — (USA)
    Ilia[140] – (USA)
    Immortal Souls[141][142] — (Finland)
    Impellitteri[143][144] — (USA)
    Impending Doom[145][146][147] — (USA)
    Inhale Exhale[148][149] — (USA)
    In the Midst of Lions[150][151] — (USA)

    [edit] J

    Jacobs Dream[152] — (USA)
    Jerusalem[153] — (Sweden)
    Joshua[154] — (USA)
    Justifide[155] — (USA)

    [edit] K

    Kekal[156][157] — (Indonesia)
    King James[158] — (USA)
    King’s X [159] — (USA)
    Klank[61] — (USA)
    Kohllapse[160] — (Australia)
    Kutless [107][161] — (USA)

    [edit] L

    Lengsel[162][163] — (Norway)
    Letter to the Exiles[164] — (USA)
    Leviticus[165] — (Sweden)
    Life in Your Way[166] — (USA)
    Living Sacrifice[167][168] — (USA)
    Luti-Kriss[169][170] — (USA)
    LVL[citation needed] — (USA)

    [edit] M

    Mad at the World[171] — (USA)
    Mad Max[citation needed] — (Germany)
    Magdallan[citation needed] — (USA)
    Majestic Vanguard[citation needed] — (Sweden)
    Manafest[172] — (Canada)
    Manic Drive[173][174] — (Canada)
    Maylene and the Sons of Disaster[175][176] — (USA)
    Means[177] — (Canada)
    Mehida[178] — (Finland)
    Mortal[61] — (USA)
    Mortal Treason[179] — (USA)
    Mortification[180][181][182] — (Australia)
    Mychildren Mybride[183][184] — (USA)

    [edit] N

    Narnia[185][186] — (Sweden)
    Neon Cross[70] — (USA)
    Nodes of Ranvier[187][188] — (USA)
    Norma Jean[170][189] — (USA)

    [edit] O

    Oceana[190] — (USA)
    Oficina G3[191] — (Brazil)
    Oh, Sleeper[192][193] — (USA)
    Oil[194] — (USA)
    Once Dead[195][196] — (USA)
    Once Nothing[197][198] — (USA)

    [edit] P

    Pantokrator[199] — (Sweden)
    Paramaecium[200][201] — (Australia)
    Petra[202][203] — (USA)
    Philadelphia[204][205] — (USA)
    Pillar[206][207][208] — (USA)
    Place of Skulls[209] — (USA)
    A Plea for Purging[210][211] — (USA)
    Point of Recognition[212] — (USA)
    POD[213][214][215][216] — (USA)
    Project 86[217][218][219][220] — (USA)

    [edit] R

    Red[221] — (USA)
    Remove the Veil[222] — (USA)
    Resurrection Band[223][224] — (USA)
    Rob Rock[225][226] — (USA)
    Rose[citation needed] — (USA)

    [edit] S

    Sacred Warrior[227] — (USA)
    Sacrament[228][229] — (USA)
    Sacrificium[230][231] — (Germany)
    Saint[232][233] — (USA)
    Sanctifica[234][235] — (Sweden)
    Saviour Machine[236][237] — (USA)
    Selfmindead[238][239] — (Sweden)
    Seventh Angel[240][241][242] — (UK)
    Seventh Avenue[243][244] — (Germany)
    Seventh Day Slumber[245][246] — (USA)
    Sever Your Ties[247] — (USA)
    Shining Star[248] — (Brazil)
    Shout[249] — (USA)
    Showbread[250] — (USA)
    The Showdown[251][252] — (USA)
    Sinai Beach[253][254] — (USA)
    Since October[255] — (USA)
    Sin Dizzy[256] — (USA)
    Six Feet Deep[257] — (USA)
    Skillet[258][259] — (USA)
    Slechtvalk[132][260] — (Netherlands)
    Sleeping Giant[261][262] — (USA)
    Soul Embraced[263][264] — (USA)
    Spitfire[265][266][267] – (USA)
    Spoken[268] — (USA)
    Staple[269] — (USA)
    Stavesacre[270] — (USA)
    Still Remains[271][272] — (USA)
    Stryken[274] — (USA)
    Stryper[275] — (USA)
    Symphony in Peril[276][277] — (USA)

    [edit] T

    Temple of Blood[278] — (USA)
    Texas In July[279][280] — (USA)
    Theocracy[281] — (USA)
    Thousand Foot Krutch[282][283][284][285] — (Canada)
    Thrice[286] – (USA)
    To Speak of Wolves[287] — (USA)
    Tourniquet[288] — (USA)
    Training for Utopia[289][290] — (USA)
    Travail[citation needed] — (USA)
    Trenches[citation needed] — (USA)
    Trytan[291] — (USA)
    Twelve Gauge Valentine[292][293] — (USA)

    [edit] U

    Underoath[294][295] — (USA)
    Undish[citation needed] — (Poland)

    [edit] V

    Vaakevandring[296] — (Norway)
    Vengeance Rising[297] — (USA)
    Veni Domine[298][299] — (USA)

    [edit] W

    War of Ages[300][301] — (USA)
    Brian “Head” Welch[302][303][304] — (USA)
    Whitecross[305] — (USA)
    Winter Solstice[306][307] — (USA)
    With Blood Comes Cleansing[308][309] — (USA)
    Woe of Tyrants[310][311] – (USA)
    Wrench in the Works[312] – (USA)
    Write This Down[313] – (USA)

    [edit] X

    X-Sinner[314] — (USA)
    Xdeathstarx[315][316] — (USA)
    XT[317][318] — (Sweden)

    [edit] Z

    Zao[319][320][321] — (USA)

  393. #492 by Ken on February 10, 2012 - 7:42 PM

    Really…this is a joke right?

  394. #493 by John Cyriis on February 10, 2012 - 7:42 PM

    Sure Ill sing Celion Dion….in crazy falsetto, changing all the lyrics to ones about Satan. And my heart will go on toooo SAAAAATAAAAAAAAN!

  395. #494 by Justin on February 10, 2012 - 7:42 PM


  396. #495 by Shaun on February 10, 2012 - 7:43 PM

    Seriously? Brand new bands like Black Sabbath?

    You’re right Rick. Who cares about a frightening national debt, or worldwide conflict and civil wars… These double bass drums have got to go! Seriously dude… If the caliber of music in our country was our biggest issue, we would be in really good shape – it’s just not the case.

  397. #496 by rob on February 10, 2012 - 7:44 PM

    The wheel is spinning but the hamster’s dead.

  398. #497 by Jeff Blanks on February 10, 2012 - 7:46 PM

    I see every commenter here has taken the post completely seriously.

  399. #498 by dahdhd on February 10, 2012 - 7:46 PM

    There is no actual evidence of this actually taking place… its all a big farce, and everyone is biting down hard on the hook in this trollbait.

  400. #499 by Ayn on February 10, 2012 - 7:47 PM

    He forgot to mention the actual; band “SATAN”! Fail Rick.

  401. #500 by Darlyn Hendricks on February 10, 2012 - 7:47 PM

    Oh my, just like those evil ways the young girls were going to be corrupted by Elvis’ swinging hips! Seriously, let’s take away Freedom of Speech

  402. #501 by zach schwab on February 10, 2012 - 7:47 PM

    ok this has got to be a joke and everyone who is freaking out is stupid…take a deep breath and find your sense of humor

  403. #502 by Andrew Iaria on February 10, 2012 - 7:47 PM

    What are we going backwards to the 80s. This guy is an idiot. I was saying to someone the other day, that it sucks Obama will get in office another 4 years. The reason he will, is he has a bunch of idiots running against him.

  404. #503 by bw adams on February 10, 2012 - 7:47 PM

    “If you listen to the radio today…” Where? What radio is Rick Santorum listening to? I love me some Meshuggah as much as the next guy, but really, where is this guy listening to radio?

  405. #504 by Jen on February 10, 2012 - 7:49 PM


  406. #505 by steve wolfe on February 10, 2012 - 7:49 PM

    Serious, brand new heavy metal bands? His guy is off by 3 decades

  407. #506 by Goat Whore on February 10, 2012 - 7:50 PM

    With poverty, war, taxes and an economy in the toilet… this idiot is going to complain about metal music? Honestly?! Get a clue! PLEASE! Didn’t they give up on this in 1987? Just because you don’t understand something, doesn’t give you the right to start making a public protest about it. It’s music, get over it. I didn’t hear anyone crying about the Oingo Boingo album. What could be worse than that?

  408. #507 by Bonnie on February 10, 2012 - 7:50 PM

    @Walter – apparently all of them are brand new, proof of how much research he’s actually done before opening his mouth.

  409. #508 by Syngervice67 on February 10, 2012 - 7:50 PM

    You can’t kill the metal…
    …the metal will live on.
    – Jack Black

  410. #509 by Jenn on February 10, 2012 - 7:50 PM

    I live in Pennsylvania and remember his years as a Senator here…He never did anything about the violence in the larger areas, nor did he do anything about the declining school systems, he was useless. And in case we haven’t learned, MUSIC DOESN’T CAUSE VIOLENCE!
    Stupidity like Santorum’s is what causes it.
    I swear to god, if he wins the presidency, I am moving to Germany. My reasons?
    1. Beer
    2. German Metal
    Heavy metal is cathartic. If it wasn’t for metal, I would’ve been dead long ago. Rammstein, Ozzy, bands like that saved my life.
    Long story short? Santorum is a moron and heavy metal saves lives.

  411. #510 by charlie on February 10, 2012 - 7:51 PM

    im in a very popular “metal” band and we are not satanic, we are actually christian. i travel the world preaching the word of jesus christ through my “heavy music” so many kids have come up to me after a show telling me that my music saved them, so before anyone goes judge you should look at yourself in the mirror.

  412. #511 by lolcat on February 10, 2012 - 7:51 PM

    Lol this cant be serious.

  413. #512 by robbie on February 10, 2012 - 7:52 PM

    Hmmmm….and what about christianity? Does it get a blasting for its followers such as hitler or the guy recently in norway? Music doesnt lead to killing, personal issues lead to killing.

  414. #513 by anonymous on February 10, 2012 - 7:52 PM

    Rick Santorum has a facebook page. Should I troll it by posting Metal videos on there till I get banned?

  415. #514 by Angela Mitchell on February 10, 2012 - 7:52 PM

    My favorite part is when he called Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden brand new.

  416. #515 by rob on February 10, 2012 - 7:53 PM

    I wonder if he knows that Blackie Lawless of WASP is a Christian?

  417. #516 by Timo Kaarkoski on February 10, 2012 - 7:53 PM

    Where do i sing in ? I could really use the publicity of him hating me and my band… Come on Rick. We are leading the youth to the road of damnation, drinking, drugs and free sex… Oh yes, and we also burn churches and eat babies in satanic orgies…

  418. #517 by Adam on February 10, 2012 - 7:53 PM

    Where is some proof from a legitimate news source to verify anything in this post? Anything about Rick Santorum and music links back to this post.

    Also, his increase in polling numbers is due to his appeal as a legitimate candidate on the heels of his recent wins.

  419. #518 by Angus on February 10, 2012 - 7:53 PM

    People Like Rick Santorum make me sick. This makes me sick. Rick Is an idiot. I have lost all faith in human kind

  420. #519 by David Wiedźmin Ephgrave on February 10, 2012 - 7:54 PM

    He is a LEGEND think about it his life work to get to where he is in polotics and uses his possition to orchestrate the single greatest troll in metal nay, world history! XD

  421. #520 by Reuben Anstee on February 10, 2012 - 7:56 PM

    Wtf? I’m a dedicated Christian, I’m an Aussie and I love listening to HARDCORE and DEATH metal. Anyone supporting this guy on this issue must be the most naive type of person.
    There is plenty of good Christian “heavy metal” bands out there.
    For Today, August Burns Red, Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, Attack Attack, We Came As Romans, Inpending Doom. Just to name a few. And these bands are far heavier then those other bands mentioned

  422. #521 by Jack Vollmer (@Philosopher1989) on February 10, 2012 - 7:57 PM

    Blame rap music! Metal SAVES the music!

  423. #522 by Rebecca on February 10, 2012 - 7:57 PM

    For arguments sake lets say Santorum is right about Heavy Metal. Now how is he going to go about finding who is listening to the now illegal music? (his first presidential act is signing an executive order outlawing metal music). Have the Music Cops go door to door to rummage through your music? Confiscate your computer to have it checked out? Etc., etc. It’s not the music, its the suggestion that we ban something yet again. Have people take a lie detector test?
    And how does he propose to force people into interment camps? Hello Fourth Reich.

  424. #523 by miguelrato on February 10, 2012 - 7:57 PM

    back to the 80’s? really? c’mon 😦

  425. #524 by turd captain on February 10, 2012 - 7:58 PM

    This article is clearly a joke, c’mon people.

  426. #525 by Jaimz White on February 10, 2012 - 7:58 PM

    This guy is out of his mind.. these are 80’s rock bands.. not metal.. and further more, RAP music has done more harm to this nation than any metal ever will. This is why retarded idiots like Santorum get made fun of in the world. Because he is stupid, uneducated, and out of touch with the true reality of america. LOSER!!! Jack Black for PRESIDENT

  427. #526 by Jarred on February 10, 2012 - 7:58 PM

    I can’t tell if this is serious or not…

  428. #527 by LUKE on February 10, 2012 - 7:59 PM

    Have you read what Mr Savage(SAVAGE LOVE) defines as Santorum ? Look it up its really funny !!!

  429. #528 by Kelsey on February 10, 2012 - 8:01 PM

    I’m sorry but how is metal music corrupting our teens. Why does no one say anything about rap?!? Almost every song talks about drugs, drinking, degrading women, and disrespecting any authority or law enforcement and somehow that’s better than metal. You’re joking right?

  430. #529 by balls on February 10, 2012 - 8:01 PM

    Did anyone here bother to read the article with any sort of comprehension? It is obviously satirical, guys. You are making yourselves look stupid.

  431. #530 by Lol on February 10, 2012 - 8:02 PM

    Wow, great piece. Seriously man next Rick is going to be declaring war on israel and criticizing wearing pants lower than 3 inches above the navel! We need to know this stuff and I applaud your courageous and obviously well researched reporting on the travesty that is santorum’s discriminatory campaign. Blythe and Lil Wayne 2012!!!

  432. #531 by The_L on February 10, 2012 - 8:03 PM

    You’re absolutely right, Rick! We need to tear down the walls, and wake up the world! Ignorance is not bliss! We need to tell those filthy metalheads that we are FED UP with the second-best–our time is here and NOW!!

    btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4Dn02bR4pg

  433. #532 by brekinapez on February 10, 2012 - 8:04 PM


    Looks like you speared quite a lot of fish on your trident of satire. Good job, sir.

    You gained 1000 internet points today.

  434. #534 by zach on February 10, 2012 - 8:04 PM

    ….this is digusting. i fail to see how metal causes mental defect, and lactose intolerance. or 9/11 for that matter??? this man is clearly a fool, who values his own opinions over any sort of factual information. he doesnt even know what satanism means! it has absolutely nothinggg to do with devil wore ship for christs sake. it’s about valuing the people we are, and loving whats inside ourselves and each other because jesus and satan is in every one of us, instead of whore shipping some external god that we have to bow down to and believe the interpretations of his words by some human who has apparently has the right to explain them to the masses. or else we go to hell. fuck that. the government is the word of god, and they’re scared of all the metal heads who know what they’re really doing to us.
    the forbidden fruit is knowledge, and the devil is the willingness to stand up to the people we’re being controlled by.

  435. #535 by manolo on February 10, 2012 - 8:05 PM

    RON PAUL 2012 !! \m/

  436. #536 by Sal Capaldi on February 10, 2012 - 8:05 PM

    This out of control bible thumper can go fuck himself. He has no shot at becoming president. Fucking retard.

  437. #537 by Jake on February 10, 2012 - 8:06 PM

    I’m sorry, but i won’t be attending those classes. And i’m just throwing it out there, that (at least when i went to high school) those of us that listened to metal and hung out could usually be found studying, getting fantastic grades, and being very nice to everyone. there are real problems to deal with right now, like the fact that kids are getting low standardized test scores, we, as a country, are so far in debt, that we will almost never get out, and that all the people in congress are concerned with is how much money is going into their pockets. And if I’m not mistaken, around christmas, all they were worried about is getting their full holiday break. I sure didn’t get a break. i got christmas day off, but i worked christmas eve, and the day after.
    I’m so sick of metal music (the music i love, the music I play in seattle) being a scapegoat to place blame for people’s wrong doings. When it comes right down to it, the FEW people that make metal look bad are those that either weren’t raised right, or there is legitimately something wrong with them in the head. I have to end this now, i could go on for a while.

  438. #538 by Ethan on February 10, 2012 - 8:07 PM

    A lot of this is bogus. There’s no way 87% of Republican voters think Heavy Metal is the biggest problem in America today.

  439. #539 by David Wiedźmin Ephgrave on February 10, 2012 - 8:07 PM

    only a trve metal head or especialy a crust punk would know that celine dion is not just a none metal singer but the worst nightmare of any metal head! only one of us could know this

  440. #540 by santorumisadouche on February 10, 2012 - 8:08 PM

    All the bands he listed have been around for 25+ years. What the fuck happened to freedom of expression?

  441. #541 by MetalMakesMe Rape on February 10, 2012 - 8:08 PM

    As I lay dying is a christian band
    I think underoath too
    Eat a dick santorum

  442. #542 by ZZ on February 10, 2012 - 8:09 PM


  443. #543 by DavidG on February 10, 2012 - 8:10 PM

    I wonder what Santorum thinks of Christian Metal bands such as For Today or Oh, Sleeper. Would he declare “war” on bands like these which are the exact opposite of satanic in any shape or form.

  444. #544 by xgayforlambofgodx on February 10, 2012 - 8:10 PM

    I have no conception of what satire is and this article angers me

  445. #545 by ZZ on February 10, 2012 - 8:11 PM


  446. #546 by Tommy on February 10, 2012 - 8:11 PM

    Wow really? I happen to make a living off of playing metal. Metal is one of the hardest music to play. Metal also came from blues and jazz. Most of your scells are blues scells. There are many different kinds of metal. There is also christian metal. Not all metal is satanic or talking about killing or murders. Most stuff that are written today in metal is things that people can relate to. If you want to pick on a style of music then go do it to rap, hip-hop and pop. You got pop artist singing about sex and drugs and then you guys say metal is bad. lol please research a style of music before you try to put it down. You dont need to pick on a style of people because how we look.

  447. #547 by Kiel on February 10, 2012 - 8:13 PM

    so I take it that he has never heard of christian metal bands? Mabey he should actually listen to the genre of music that he is bashing and stop repeating what he heard. Don’t believe that metal can be good also? Look at the lyrics of August Burns Red, Sleeping Giant, Oh Sleeper, We Came as Romans (not christian) ect, ect..

    What Happened to freedom of speech? (I listen to most types of metal)

  448. #548 by CatDog on February 10, 2012 - 8:13 PM

    Dear Rick! You have misunderstood the music business and you are being ignorant ! If you look closely Metal music has become a “non-violent” anger release! Meaning some listen to it and refrain from destruction! I don’t know how much study you have done on pop music but I can see that pop Artists like Lady Gaga,, Brittany Spears, Christina Aguelera and Madonna show strong Masonic and Satanic symbolism within their music! It just proves you support such acts by favoring and Trying to moderate the public of what they should listen to! Your accusations are as silly as “Witchcraft” in Salem. Please don’t run out of “real” topics to attack! This nation needs far more help then Metal music! Please look up the word “art”!

  449. #549 by Arnie on February 10, 2012 - 8:13 PM

    Fun article. People really want to believe it too. Well played.

  450. #550 by Collin Morris on February 10, 2012 - 8:14 PM

    Newly found bands? Ha, Black Sabbath was 1969!!! Iron Maiden came out 6 years later in 1975, in the years that he was probably a teenager himself! Not to mention most likely listening to it all. Now he’s telling us that it is wrong for our generation to listen to heavy metal? Hm, well, in that case he is only looking at the main stream bands anyway! >.< As I lay dying, War of ages, All that remain, There are soooooooo many bands that are heavy metal yet christian, does he look at these? No, he's focused on what the majority of the parents who were most likely listening to what we call Country legends/majority of our nation were listening too when they were younger. What do I say to this? Pop a fist up and keep rockin to what we love. D:<

  451. #551 by Drew on February 10, 2012 - 8:14 PM

    What a absolute moron. Why is it Ron Paul is the only candidate that ever talks about important issues. The rest of these guys are a bunch of clowns who want to use their potential power to impose all of their opinions on everyone else. When will this shit end?

  452. #552 by Alex on February 10, 2012 - 8:14 PM

    not gonna lie. i rated it a 5…only because it gave me the greatest laugh of the week!

  453. #553 by dan on February 10, 2012 - 8:15 PM

    This is the dryest satire I’ve ever read in my life. I love it!! I actually believed it the first time I read through it.

    Doesn’t help that Santorum is a complete nutcase, and I wouldn’t put anything past him.

  454. #554 by Jon Torerk on February 10, 2012 - 8:17 PM

    Rick Santorum is a inbecile!

    There are many differnt genres of “Heavy Metal” and many metal bands songs are on polical topics such as anti-war, the rights and freedom of speech, injustice by corporations, etc. If this guy did not have such a closed pea brained mind he would of looked into this more before spewing out of his mouth.

    This man wants to strip everybody of their rights, their privacy, their freedom to speak their mind, and what we read and write. Sadly to many of these brainwashed republican people will vote for him just because he is a so called republican. I’m not sayng all republicans are the same but this guy is way over the top. He wants us to live in a world where everybody is a clone of one another and no indivuality.

    I own and operate a Strength & Conditioning Clinic. Our slogan is “The Heavy Metal Machine” and most of the music we play here is METAL. Our job at our facility is to help people and to improve their lives and live without injury. We dont have people come in here and try to make them worship the devil. Next thing you know Mr. Santorum will try and close me down because we play metal music!

    If Rick Santorum wins this election and becomes our president it will be a sad, sad day for everyone…….We will live like prisoners to the Tyranny of a government that this man wants to create.

  455. #555 by maninreno on February 10, 2012 - 8:17 PM

    Wonder if he’ll recruit Mrs. Gore. This is straight PMRC.

  456. #556 by shorty on February 10, 2012 - 8:18 PM

    If these bands are new, Its a miracle Rick just made us all young again!
    Praise the lord!
    now I understand what dipshit means.

  457. #557 by Kim on February 10, 2012 - 8:19 PM

    I can’t believe anybody would listen to this illogical moron. I’m OLDER than Santorum, lactose intolerant since I was in my teens, never listened to metal (although I do get into Alice Cooper), have never committed a crime, am not anti-American, and do not (and never will) own a Pat Boone record.Santorum is clearly playing on the fears and ignorance of the American people. He does not, and never will, have my vote.

  458. #558 by Nate on February 10, 2012 - 8:19 PM

    I can’t believe you guys are taking this article seriously. There’s no evidence of any of this happening anywhere. TROLOLOL \m/

  459. #559 by billyannone on February 10, 2012 - 8:20 PM

    Black Sabbath is so 1970 new…..lol.

  460. #560 by James Murphy on February 10, 2012 - 8:22 PM

    this is no where else on the internet or news but right here… I want proof … because this is to ridiculous to even believe

    • #561 by brekinapez on February 10, 2012 - 10:38 PM

      You are doubly hated by Santorum because you share your name with death metal guitarist James Murphy of Obituary/Death/Testament/Disincarnate fame.

      And I still find it hilarious people are still falling for this even though a simple Google search would reveal the OP’s stunningly effective prank post.

      Keith is the new troll king!

  461. #562 by Thanos on February 10, 2012 - 8:23 PM

    This has got to be a joke. Really? Blaming a style of music on lost values is cheap and pathetic. Not to mention against the constitution trying to stop freedom of art. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it. You wanna talk about “brainwashing” lets start with bigoted religious zealots and their pursuit to control everything. People have the right to choose to listen to whatever they want, Satanic or not. Troll elsewhere Santorum.

  462. #563 by Whoever on February 10, 2012 - 8:23 PM

    Lol. This is a joke, people. Though it does sound like something he might do.

  463. #564 by Christina Johnson on February 10, 2012 - 8:24 PM

    This has got to be a spoof. Is it? Please, tell me it is.

  464. #565 by Joe's 4A on February 10, 2012 - 8:25 PM

    I for one can’t wait till this closeted moron finds out about True Norwegian Black Metal.

  465. #566 by DJ Woo-Woo on February 10, 2012 - 8:26 PM

    You guys are IDIOTS!!! This is a satire, NOT A REAL NEWS STORY!! Most of those bands aren’t even together any more, much less in the headlines for controversy. That was in the mid 1980s and no politician running for president would even touch that subject. *SMH*

  466. #567 by aaron on February 10, 2012 - 8:26 PM

    heavy metal cause 9/11? and lacktose intolerance? how can someone believe that! heavy metal doesnt make someone satanic… being a part of the church of satan makes you a satanist. and if anything affects the young mind and causes crime today its these rappers making kids thing its ok to be a gangster,disrespect women, doing drugs, and commiting stupid petty crimes

  467. #568 by John Ward on February 10, 2012 - 8:26 PM

    Opera is notorious for depicting lust, murder, various kinds of criminality. Furthermore the Metropolitan Opera is a black hole that sucks up massive funds that could be spread around more equitably to emerging musicians, etc.

  468. #569 by Fred on February 10, 2012 - 8:26 PM

    Just a quick note here: This insane hate filled Christian cult savage does *not* speak for the majority of Christians out there. His anti-America hate ideologies and Christian fascism is not what Christianity is about.

  469. #570 by bloodandmetal on February 10, 2012 - 8:28 PM

    way to waste the peoples money..stupid politicians

  470. #571 by The Mother Of Metal on February 10, 2012 - 8:28 PM

    #1 My name was given to me by the metalhead community/family and I am very proud of that honor.
    #2 Have you taken any time to really listen to the music or spend time with the artists/family members.
    #3 I have been a part of this very loving caring and devoted young peoples tight knit family for over 13 years. They will be there for each other is less than a heatbeat more than their actual families or co workers.
    #4 They are passionate about their art. Their music has affected lives 100 times more than
    bad. I remember spending mothers day with Scooter of COLD and sharing my story about
    how his music helped my son
    thru his teens. He broke down and cried why? Because as as a parent he was touched to hear my story
    #5 Metal music and Metalheads are not satantic or crazy. WE are passionate loving caring people.
    #6 The republican national convention to held this year will be held in Tampa were death metal was given birth. While you are here I would love to intruduce you to my family.
    Thank You
    Horns in the air

    • #572 by The Mother Of Metal on February 10, 2012 - 8:38 PM

      I would love to offer you to come to our radio show in Tampa. It on WMNF 88.55fm on monday mornings from 1-4 am. The show is The Psycho Realms where we playing metal and more. We have discussions and special guess.
      If interested please contact me.
      Again Thank you.

  471. #573 by Ross Jordan on February 10, 2012 - 8:29 PM

    Can’t tell if trolling… or pig-headed american politician…
    But seriously, mainstream R’n’B, Hiphop and pop music is doing worse for youth culture. What parent would actually think degenerates like Nicki Minaj, K$sha and Kanye West were good role models?
    Metal is harmless. You don’t see every Cannibal Corpse fan, for example, ripping the entrails out of virgin’s c*nts, do you? However there is a violent gang culture as far as more mainstream music is concerned. Probably because it’s tailored for idiots that only want to think about constantly consuming and fullfilling their immediate wants. (Sex and drugs) Most metal lyrical content is either fantastical, philosophical or brooding. I don’t see the harm in that at all. Knuckle-dragging bible thumpers…

  472. #574 by protoguy on February 10, 2012 - 8:33 PM

    I’d like to see some record of him actually saying stuff like this

  473. #575 by Erin Hayes on February 10, 2012 - 8:33 PM

    Hmm, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are new? And lactose intolerance are caused by bands like these? I’ve listened to metal all my life and never had a problem with milk or milk products, my mom and dad grew up listening to Sabbath and they never turned out bad or had milk problems- and as misinformed as Santorum has seemed to be in the past he just continues to feed Americans wrong information. Lactose intolerance is actually a natural way of the body, not tolerating milk and it’s products (as alot of medical studies have discovered). But back to the topic of metal… what about Christian metal? Not everyone wants to just listen to worship music, and if you have that much of a problem with the lyrics at least be informed enough to know there are types of music of the like in that genre that doesn’t pose a ‘threat’. I mean, come on, just yesterday there was a speech Santorum made that was against government telling it’s people what to do and how to do it- yet he comes up with this? He’s neither consistent or respectful. And yes, if you are going after metal, go after rap as well that insanely drives how fun it would be to gut someone (ICP, anyone?).

  474. #576 by Keith Wheeler on February 10, 2012 - 8:34 PM

    We ain’t all Baptists Ricky. Screw your god, screw traditional values, screw your 1% rich boy’s club, and screw you.

  475. #577 by Charles Louis O'Dell on February 10, 2012 - 8:34 PM

    This has got to be fake…A war on new metal bands like what? How can you be serious? I’ll bet he thinks you shoot up weed and smoke beer too!!! lol Really though, remember the backfired PMRC stuff…it helped the sale of so called offencive albums. Here is a good one I think really puts it straight, everyone that reads this post, PLEASE GOOGLE SANTORUM!!!!! Read what google has to say about what Santorum really is..beware as it is very gross. 🙂 \m/

  476. #578 by Lee Soady on February 10, 2012 - 8:35 PM

    in the words of Howard Jones (ex- Killswitch Engage) ; ”They will see the strength in our numbers… only then will the self-righteous learn!”

  477. #580 by Chris Myron on February 10, 2012 - 8:35 PM

    “Brand new”? Sabbath is older than he is.

  478. #581 by Michael on February 10, 2012 - 8:36 PM

    I’d like to state that this man has CLEARLY never heard of As I Lay Dying, For Today, Texas In July, August Burns Red among countless other CHRISTIAN metal bands…. What a jackass lol

  479. #582 by joshua clagg on February 10, 2012 - 8:37 PM

    That’s just freaken stupid….. Most heavy metal music has nothing to do with satanism…. Is love to see them try to make me or one of my kids have to sit down and do something like that….. It would never happen…. Instead of always heavy metal getting the brunt of everything…. What about gangster rap? All they ever talk about is money, drugs, bitches, and running from the cops and how its cool to be a thug….. This is a joke and just one more thing of people trying to shove their stupid ideas down other peoples throats

  480. #583 by Lee on February 10, 2012 - 8:37 PM

    I’m declaring war on Rick Santorum’s campaign!! What, he doesn’t have a chance? Oh.. ok, back to just laughing at this idiot.

  481. #584 by Jim Shoes on February 10, 2012 - 8:37 PM


  482. #585 by Dan on February 10, 2012 - 8:38 PM

    You dopes. ‘In a recent Gallup Poll, 87 percent of Republican voters think that the biggest problem in America today is “the demented bloodlust of teenagers caused entirely by heavy metal music.”’ Obviously fake.

  483. #586 by El Klecanda on February 10, 2012 - 8:39 PM

    This is a joke, right? Nobody could really be that stupid, right?

    • #587 by Rob Liz on February 10, 2012 - 9:57 PM

      Yes they can. I’m referring to the people that did they think this was real.

  484. #588 by John on February 10, 2012 - 8:39 PM

    I blame politicians for making America stupid. One of their offspring (Pun intended) is now running for office. ” Here’s your sign” DUMASS

  485. #589 by Cheyenne Bolanszipgun Hole on February 10, 2012 - 8:40 PM

    This is SO idiotic!!
    First of all, not ALL Heavy Metal is Satanic and evil (e.g. Megadeth’s “Peace Sells” and Christian metal bands like Flyleaf and Skillet)!! I wish that stereotype can fade away, but sadly I don’t see that happening anytime soon. >.<
    Second, It's not the music itself that corrupts people. There are people who will take things WAY too seriously, but it's their problem, not heavy metal's.
    Third, how can you blame heavy metal for 9/11?? That is stupid and ignorant. I'm sure the terrorists who are responsible for it have no clue what heavy metal is.

    The closed-mindedness of politicians irritates me unlike anything else!!

  486. #590 by Ya...... on February 10, 2012 - 8:42 PM

    Tipper Santorum… just what we need. I’ve been listening to metal since the early 80’s and I’m not Satanic at all. You read into things too much, dude.

  487. #591 by Mark Cask on February 10, 2012 - 8:44 PM

    Although I wouldn’t vote for Santorum in any case, this article is non-cited and holds zero credibility. Many other sites have linked here as the original art. Video or audio clips, please, or it didn’t happen.

  488. #592 by Dao Shredder on February 10, 2012 - 8:44 PM

    I’m in a metal band and i am going to write a song about how much of a stupid dildo that guy is. There are no real politicians any more just self promoters. No republican or democrat represents the people any more just them selves and their friends. NOT THE PEOPLE. I HOPE THEY ALL DIE SLOW..Don’t trust Television media just like any show they need ratings accurate news doesn’t always achieve ratings.

    • #593 by Rob Liz on February 10, 2012 - 9:58 PM

      Then you better have some pretty damn good intelligent lyrics….to make up for the fact you didn’t get this article is satire.

  489. #594 by Grizzlyboo on February 10, 2012 - 8:46 PM

    Wait, this was serious? I was convinced this was satire because I just don’t even see how this could be serious.

  490. #595 by Drevalls on February 10, 2012 - 8:46 PM

    Hmm..whats more dangerous to our youth…You pick..Ozzy or the Army…If you want your son or daughter in a foreign land with a gun in his or he hand killing people we dont even know..then pick Army..If you want your child safe pick Ozzy…\”/

  491. #596 by Andrew on February 10, 2012 - 8:49 PM

    black sabbath is from the 60’s
    iron maiden is from the 70’s
    w.a.s.p. is from the 80’s

    since when is something that’s 3-5 decades old considered brand new?

    or is this article making a joke? lolol

    • #597 by Andrew on February 10, 2012 - 9:35 PM

      yeh, i think i missed the satire till i read more than the first few lines.

      my bad 😛

  492. #598 by Dieter der Blaue on February 10, 2012 - 8:49 PM

    Wow. Really? Ok, I guess HOOK IN MOUTH isn’t out of date. I have no other words other than, BRING IT… If you thought the gays were mean to you by making your name synonymous with the frothy discharge of anal matter and lubricant created by gay anal sex, just WAIT til we metalheads get done with you…

  493. #599 by trista on February 10, 2012 - 8:49 PM

    Sooo rapping about sex, drugs, and violence is okay but a genre where you can barely understand what they say is wrong?

  494. #600 by MetalWillLive on February 10, 2012 - 8:49 PM

    Are those bands supposed to be recent? Like most people that criticize the Metal music, he has NO idea what he’s talking about. This is the most ignorant claim I’ve seen in a long while. I listen to just about every form of “Heavy Metal” from older and newer bands. There are FEW bands that have anything to do with Satan or even violence, and the few that there are, ARE IN NO WAY popular with the majority of the youth. The music is purely energy and emotion… EXPRESSION, exactly what Music is, EXPRESSION. Censoring our expression is defying the RIGHT to freedom of speech. Pop music is JUST AS harmful to the mind as Metal. The majority of lyrics nowadays are intelligently written or have some tie to partying. FUCK YOU, Santorum and your bullshit.

  495. #601 by Lea Brown RaggedMan on February 10, 2012 - 8:50 PM

    Santorum would be an awesome name for a Metal band…

  496. #602 by Chris Soap Purdy on February 10, 2012 - 8:51 PM

    Oh, that’s right, I forgot that the ’70s/’80s were brand new…

  497. #603 by Steve on February 10, 2012 - 8:52 PM

    There can’t REALLY be this many people that don’t realize this story is SATIRE! C’mon people!! It’s a rib. A joke. Ever read The Onion? Very funny stuff by the way… The WASP! LMFAO!!

    But seriously… REEALLY?!?

    • #604 by ryan white on February 10, 2012 - 9:54 PM

      Yes, unfortunately there are. I posted something similar earlier and I guess the fascist running it doesn’t want the truth exposed because my comments were deleted. To hell with them.” Get in the pit and love someone!”

    • #605 by brekinapez on February 10, 2012 - 10:42 PM

      Yes, Steve, there are that many people. I find it insanely funny and incredibly sad at the same time.

      More on the funny side, though.

  498. #606 by Wyatt on February 10, 2012 - 8:52 PM

    Santorum is a freaking hypocrite. Here he attacks a genre I hold dear and then uses it for his inauguration. The fact that he calls it satanic and blame for the crimes committed in our country pisses me off. Most crimes are committed by people that listen to rap

    • #607 by Taylor Walsh on February 10, 2012 - 9:47 PM

      Government cattle blindly following orders from the central control. What are you gonna do?

  499. #608 by IDUNSEENWHATDEYDIDDER on February 10, 2012 - 8:53 PM

    You kids need to learn to spot a fake ass article when you see one! There are no sources, this is just to laugh at.

  500. #609 by Travis on February 10, 2012 - 8:54 PM

    This is sickening. I am a proud and devoted metal fan but I dont want to blow up buildings or rape women because of it. This pisses me off more then anything. I find nothing satanic about kiss, scorpions, van halen, twisted sister, dokken, rush, quiet riot, judas priest etc. I’m republican and I’m outraged by this. I don’t think terrorist were listening to Ozzy before they rammed planes into our buildings. Why? Because its American metal! (and some British)!!

  501. #610 by dolly on February 10, 2012 - 8:54 PM

    so wha if their satanists? satanists are jus as religious as christians its jus at the opposite end!… plus the song makes loads od sense an im not gona be come a satanist… im staying agnostic thanks very much 🙂
    and! not all metal bands are into Satanism! most of it is all for show!
    ok im dont ranting now 🙂

  502. #611 by Aaron Young on February 10, 2012 - 8:54 PM

    I call SHENANIGANS on this story. The only story I can Find on this subject is THIS ONE. If you have real evidence that any of this is true please post citations.

  503. #612 by W T WASP on February 10, 2012 - 8:55 PM

    This asshat has implied that, “Heavy Metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance”.

    Mental illness and lactose intolerance????
    Oh, wait, I get it… I think Santorum may be dyslexic, and perceived Ozzy Osbourne’s 1982 album as “DAIRY OF A MADMAN”….

    Santorum… any coincidence that this fucker’s name is just 2 Ies short of being “Sanitorium”? Oh, but with two eyes, the fucker might actually be able to OPEN THEM and see reason…

  504. #613 by jostrow on February 10, 2012 - 8:56 PM

    Wait, you people think this is real?

  505. #614 by Mike on February 10, 2012 - 8:56 PM

    Yup metal causes lactos intolerance that is a complete fact

    • #615 by YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS on February 11, 2012 - 9:31 AM

      I want to propose a few new rules for the internet….

      #1: READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE BEFORE COMMENTING – you can’t just read the headline and first paragraph and immediately jump down to the comment fields.

      #2: USE THE INTERNET TO SEARCH RELATED STORIES – if no other independent accounts can be found… it’s probably not real.

      #3: READ THE PREVIOUS COMMENTS BEFORE COMMENTING – it makes you look dumb when you post the same comment that someone else already made the day before. (ie, “these bands are brand new”)

      Also, you do realize that the words “Rick Santorum” could easily be replaced with any name – “Mitt Romney”, “Ozzy Osbourne”, “Peter Pan”

      IT’S A JOKE and you all have fallen for it. But, hey I bet tyrannyoftradition.com’s hit count has skyrocketed over this.

  506. #616 by happycanuck on February 10, 2012 - 8:57 PM

    This is a joke, right? Black Sabbath, WASP and Iron Maiden are NOT “brand new”.
    Omg this Guy is effd up!!

  507. #617 by betterthanTheOnion on February 10, 2012 - 8:58 PM

    Spillett, Keith!

  508. #618 by Mark Connor on February 10, 2012 - 8:58 PM

    This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. This guy needs to go away and leave metal alone. Uneducated fool. Go plant some corn. This is borderline discrimination. Something anyone can get fired for or locked up for. Go away with you mainstream opinion. Not everyone listens to country and pop music. All I can say is, your entitled to your opinion, your opinion isn’t fact, so what your saying isn’t right or wrong, stop forcing your nonsensical spew on people that don’t care about your opinion of metal music. It’s not al blood, guts and Satan. Extremely shallow minded and I hope your not successful in your quest for presidency. This is unconstitutional and who are you to tell me what to listen, there’s a thing in this country called free speech. That works for us too ya know. I meen what else has this guy got going for hi
    , definitely not the next president that’s for sure so let’s bring up topics that have been beaten to death to win people over. Fool.

  509. #619 by Roseann Sorrentino on February 10, 2012 - 8:59 PM

    this guy is a loser. Guess he’s stuck in highschool and still acting like a highschool student. Only thinking for himself. I think the music thats on top 40 where you have TODDLER and TIARA’s dancing to all the SINGLE LADIES and sexual songs a toddler or someone under the age of 13 SHOULD NOT be dancing to or showing sexual innuendos. I guess Santorum is just as bad as the devil.

  510. #620 by Keyser Soze on February 10, 2012 - 8:59 PM

    There is NO way this is real. NONE!!!

  511. #621 by Paula Renee on February 10, 2012 - 9:01 PM

    I sure hope this is satire….or this country is a LOT more screwed than I thought!
    Since when was Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden on the radio? Is he hitting the magic mushrooms? LOL
    “He stepped up his rhetoric in a speech on Wednesday when he implied that heavy metal is the cause of many forms of mental illness as well as lactose intolerance.”
    Mmmm-K. Uh I think being a Republican is the cause for mental illness. They have really lost it now.

  512. #622 by Lisa on February 10, 2012 - 9:01 PM

    BRAND NEW heavy metal bands??? LOL..all those bands have been around 30 years plus.

  513. #623 by Tylo on February 10, 2012 - 9:01 PM

    well then why doesn’t he say that rap causes gun violence and country music couses insest and racism? his logic is completely irrational

  514. #624 by suntzu360 on February 10, 2012 - 9:02 PM

    RON PAUL declares an alliance with Heavy Metal.

  515. #625 by Scf on February 10, 2012 - 9:03 PM

    Santorum tried to defeat the metal, but he was nrought dooooooown by the metal!

  516. #626 by michael wheeler on February 10, 2012 - 9:03 PM

    Metal breeds independents, individually and integrity. And ironically ten times more creative then destructive.

  517. #627 by Angie Brown on February 10, 2012 - 9:04 PM

    I wouldn’t be sitting here laughing my arse off it it weren’t for the fact that all these groups listed are pretty much from the 80’s. I think this idiot is a bit behind the times. Also, I might take it seriously yet if they could at least get the names right. The Wasp? LOL! I agree with what others have said here, it’s not the music ppl are listening to that is the problem. It’s society in general. Quit blamming what you don’t care for for all the problems in the world and look at the real issues that need addressed. I think peoples musical choices are the least of this countries problems. Why don’t we start with getting ride of the greed and coruption in Washington and work from there.

  518. #628 by scabby on February 10, 2012 - 9:05 PM

    *sigh*….people, this clearly never happened. It’s nothing but satire. Funny, but satire nonetheless. If Rick Santorum actually blamed heavy metal for 9/11, don’t you think it’d be reported by mainstream news sources? Come on.

  519. #629 by Josh on February 10, 2012 - 9:08 PM

    I grew up listening to Pantera… Now I break out in hives when I drink milk… Heavy Metal ruined my life…

  520. #630 by Stak on February 10, 2012 - 9:08 PM

    Go ahead, get rid of Metal. Hardcore will still be there to corrupt the youth.

  521. #631 by Eric on February 10, 2012 - 9:09 PM

    I hate Santorum just as much as the next person, but some of you really don’t know how to read. This article is a SATTIRE. In other words, exaggerated at best and blatantly false at worst. Use your heads. RON PAUL 2012

  522. #632 by Bobby Booshay on February 10, 2012 - 9:09 PM

    WOW!!! This is just sad. This man is just using this as an excuse to get more votes for himself!! I’m 16 and I listen to metal. The ablum covers and satanic stuff really dosent effect me. I think it’s cool gives them a cool image. True they do use satanic imagery but its all for show. They don’t believe in that. Some do but not all of them. Did you know that country music has the highest rate for people committing suicide? That seems like a bigger problem then this. Plus has this man ever heard any of the music thats on the billboard and what not? They all have backward messages in the lyrics and hidden satanic messages. In metal music they can’t really control it. Also he named bands from the 70’s and 80’s. Lat time I checked it was 2012.

  523. #633 by Chad on February 10, 2012 - 9:10 PM

    Just one more reason to vote Ron Paul.

  524. #634 by Matt Mo on February 10, 2012 - 9:11 PM

    All you people commenting…..this is a joke. Honestly. You guys obviously don’t pay attention to politics in the least bit.

  525. #635 by pete on February 10, 2012 - 9:11 PM

    Has no one caught on that this article is a satire? Jesus…….

  526. #636 by baker on February 10, 2012 - 9:11 PM

    he gets no votes lol thats like if he tried to come after rap…if he did that he’d be dead XD…maybe he should go after rap..it might end up being better like public enemy

  527. #637 by Gordon Kemp on February 10, 2012 - 9:12 PM

    Hahahahaha, am I seriously the first person to post here that realizes this is OBVIOUSLY a fake article, lol. Come on people, use your brains for a second.

    • #638 by Dave on February 10, 2012 - 9:58 PM

      No, you’re seriously not the first.

  528. #639 by Ryan on February 10, 2012 - 9:12 PM

    Santorum tried to kill the metal. But metal is still standing tall. METAL! SINCE WHEN WAS IRON MAIDEN NEW?! Fucking moron.

  529. #640 by john on February 10, 2012 - 9:13 PM

    I’m pretty sure this is satire

  530. #641 by Cory Suydam on February 10, 2012 - 9:14 PM

    Sensor the sex and violence in movies. Music is another form of speech. Its a 1st amendment right. People kill people, not guns, not music, your own inner intuition will tell you what’s right from wrong, not music. As a fellow musician, I play and perform regularly and have a career in metal music. Does it influence me? No. I have a son, a great job, steady income, and a nice clean apartment. But I also play and listen to smooth and big-band jazz. Why would that genre influence anyone differently than metal? Didn’t this subject come around in the 80’s? I’m pretty sure Rap and pop music talks more about sex and “banging hos’ and doing drugs and drinking more than metal. And what’s more popular with the youth of today!?!? Sure isn’t metal. It is pop and rap. But as I said before… Its free speech. I’m moving out of america if music is censored. It is my career, my dream. MY AMERICAN DREAM! My future, and my decision. Not the government!

    • #642 by Patrick on February 10, 2012 - 10:38 PM

      Cool story bro. But this article was a complete satire.


  531. #643 by anonymousdrew on February 10, 2012 - 9:15 PM

    Rap has a worse influence on our youth, it talks about drugs, sex, n partying all the time. Its all over the radio, the media corrupts our youth…heavy metal isn’t even mainstream, I doesn’t have anything santnic or anything telling people to kill. Neither does rap to be honest but has more bad influence. They need to censor the radio and tv. Reality tv is all sex and fighting, doesn’t show our youth how to act either

  532. #644 by Mike on February 10, 2012 - 9:15 PM

    It would appear the sarcasm and satire is lost on the people up in arms commenting on this story…

  533. #645 by Hunter of Axion (Joe) on February 10, 2012 - 9:16 PM

    Write Rick a metal song supporting him; it’ll be like dividing by zero haha.

    But seriously, this is so stupid.
    Is there satanic metal? Oh yea. Lots.
    Is there non-satanic metal? Oh yea. Lots.

    Ask yourself this: Is this “war on metal” gonna be retroactive once they “prove” Metal is evil? Does KISS goes back to being “Knights in Satan’s Service”? They were once the “heavy metal” of their day.
    And remember back in the day, Elvis was “corrupting” because of those swaying hips…where will the devil be tomorrow?

  534. #646 by BJ Shazaam Clifford on February 10, 2012 - 9:17 PM

    I’m pretty sure most of those bands don’t exist anymore and Tony Iommi from Sabbath was diagnosed with lymphoma so he won’t be bathing in the blood of virgins for much longer.

  535. #647 by B on February 10, 2012 - 9:17 PM

    At least most of this is obviously a joke. Idiots.

  536. #648 by Becky on February 10, 2012 - 9:18 PM

    This is absolutely ridiculous. We have much bigger problems in this country!

  537. #649 by DSWasko on February 10, 2012 - 9:18 PM

    In this comment thread: metalheads get trolled and have no idea what satire is. I bet you think The Onion contains real news stories. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was copied from The Onion, actually. I just don’t feel like checking.

  538. #650 by Nathanial Van'Gerhardt on February 10, 2012 - 9:19 PM

    Wow. Just wow. You know I thought there was a reason I disliked politicians and here it is. First, the war on Video games and how it corrupts the minds of our youth – Now Metal? I agree with the previous statements of my peers. Santorum you have to be the most uneducated, backward, and narrow minded idiot that I have ever heard of. And concentration camp style reprogramming so that the youth of our country has no free will? Ever heard of the Third Reich asshole?! Obviously this narrow-minded Nazi has no idea what our Fore-Fathers of this nation stood for or valued. I personally am going to tell ever person I know about Santorums bullshit scheme to brainwash the masses. I honestly hope that noone buys into this bullshit, or else I’m leaving the fucking country.
    Most of the men and women who proudly serve our country, defend our borders and fight our wars for us so we can live in peace are in-fact METALHEADS. Show some respect for our troops you rich stuck up asshole.

  539. #651 by Dennster on February 10, 2012 - 9:19 PM

    If there was actually a Satan, I’d be worried, But it’s all scare tactics from the crutch…er, church!

  540. #652 by Marilee on February 10, 2012 - 9:19 PM

    So does he think by re-hashing an old topic (1984 PRMC) that he’ll get more votes? As a metal head I’m sick and tired of hearing that Metal is the cause of so many problems. Metal to me has always been a positive outlet for my anger. There is nothing better then going into a pit working out your anger and coming out much happier and maybe slightly bruised. Also all these so called new bands he mentions haven’t been new since before I was born. Santorum needs to get off of Gore’s coat tales and focus on what’ s more important. To close I would like to say I wasn’t voting for him before and NOW I DEFINITELY WON’T BE VOTING FOR HIM.

  541. #653 by petite shawn seventeen twenty nine on February 10, 2012 - 9:20 PM

    if we don’t get the heavy metal out of our schools and out of our kid’s golly gosh-forsaken headphones the world will never recover. Santorum was all over the place in the midwest this week, I mean all over the place -you go to the polls; everyone’s talking about Santorum. You go to the rallies, and everyone’s got Santorum in their eyes. Do you know why?

    Because is two thousandy twelve and its an utter scientific fact of God that heavy metal music is what gives the devil his horns. With Santorum in that famous oval, you can count on a country ready to burst forth into the age of golden wonder.

  542. #654 by Zira on February 10, 2012 - 9:20 PM

    Is this real? I honestly can’t tell…it feels so ridiculous to me and the people that I know who have read it, that we feel like we are reading an article from the Onion.

  543. #655 by mgmess on February 10, 2012 - 9:23 PM

    You crazy kids, and your Nintendos, and your hula hoops. Elvis shaking his hips, the power of christ compels you

  544. #656 by rob on February 10, 2012 - 9:23 PM

    People like Rick need to be put in a common sense re-education camp.

  545. #657 by Chris Paradela on February 10, 2012 - 9:23 PM

    That’s funny, because Dream Theater, Symphony X, Necrophgaist, and Obscura are all metal bands, but i bet its to complex for him to even understand.

  546. #658 by Taylor Walsh on February 10, 2012 - 9:24 PM

    This man will make a fool of himself until the end of his publicity.

  547. #659 by Ethan Fiorelli on February 10, 2012 - 9:26 PM

    my name is ethan fiorelli and i love metal music.
    the devil wears prada is a christian band and they’re metal.

    whats your deal santorum bro?

  548. #660 by Colin on February 10, 2012 - 9:26 PM

    So…everyone missed the humor?

  549. #661 by kyuubi08 on February 10, 2012 - 9:28 PM

    and wha tabout rap hmm and country music could be considered racist. as long as we have our first amendment right that gives us the right to say what we want in whatever form we want

  550. #662 by Opossum_troubles on February 10, 2012 - 9:28 PM

    As a resident of PA, this sadly isn’t out of the scope of idiocy that comes out of this man’s mouth on a regular basis…

  551. #663 by charles quinlivan on February 10, 2012 - 9:28 PM

    I hope Dee Snyder saved that crunkled up sheet of paper he read to Tipper Gore back in the 80’s. I know W.A.S.P. is really destroying the minds of todays youth, without them even knowing. What teenage kid listens to W.A.S.P.?

  552. #664 by Kayla on February 10, 2012 - 9:29 PM

    I really lost brain cells reading this. A, I must be from the future or something because I had no clue Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden were new. B. I’ve done heavy research on the correlation of heavy metal music and violence, and there’s NONE. If anything, there was a higher correlation of rap music and violence. And now music can cause mental illnesses and lactose intolerance? Uhm. No. I’m pretty sure that’s genetics. This man needs to learn how to do proper research before putting the blame on anything. Just go listen to your Patsy Cline and leave us metalheads alone.

  553. #665 by Rob Bishop on February 10, 2012 - 9:30 PM

    Rick Santorum listed “brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands” that are more than 20 years old thus showing how current this idiot is. I also find it interesting that people are accusing children of “blood-lust” while the republican party takes their traditional american/christian values and lies in order to create wars, torture people, take away women’s rights and tell people how to live. Romney can take his new found disrespect for extreme music and its fans and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine! If the end of the world is near it’s being headed up by the Republicans.

  554. #666 by sam on February 10, 2012 - 9:30 PM

    Really out of all the shit that is wrong with this country and you go after metal music.what a moron.national debt,unemployment,so many topics to choose from and you pick music.on top of that you blame mental illness and lactose intolerance on heavy metal.what a bunch of brain washed Bible beating idiots.he should be thrown into a slayer pit and stomped out…good night.

  555. #667 by Debbie on February 10, 2012 - 9:30 PM

    You got to be Kidding me. Why don’t start fighting for things that really matter. Instead of telling people how to live their lives. This country is in everyone business and not enough into what really matter. Grow up!!!!!

  556. #668 by kate on February 10, 2012 - 9:31 PM

    No joke these bands are like 30-40 years old. He’s referring to yesterdays youth.

  557. #669 by Brad on February 10, 2012 - 9:33 PM

    We should get everyone we know to listen to the live version of Third Eye by Tool. See if some people makse sense of it or not.

    I’m Australian and I must say, I feel sorry for the open-minded Americans who have to put up with these clueless retards. Politicians try to force their own view of reality on other people…however in AUS the politicians seem to know that there are a lot of open-minded people, as well as a lot of close-minded and gullible people. This reminds me of the case with Tipper Gore in which she got absolutely smashed in court by Dee Snider, Frank Zappa etc. This man will never get rid of metal and this media plot to scare metalheads is another stupid example of the screwed Western World we live in.

  558. #670 by Rock Stone on February 10, 2012 - 9:36 PM

    This Guy is an idiot and has no chance, metal Rules! and Vote Ron Paul 2012!

  559. #671 by metal4timmy on February 10, 2012 - 9:37 PM

    Wow, he needs to go back and watch the tapes of Dee Snyder addressing Congress. Not only that, he is citing classic rock. Why didn’t he call out Suicide Silence, Avenged Sevenfold, Slayer, or Megadeth? I mean really, this guy is a joke. If he think metal is so evil, what’s his opinion on rap, ya know with all the drugs, alcohol, and cop killing in the lyrics.

  560. #672 by Chris Rhodes on February 10, 2012 - 9:37 PM

    Okay, Metal is NOT the problem here. Listen to RAP, Hip-hop, etc. THERE’S where the problems lay. I mean, Iced Earth is even EDUCATIONAL! It’s why I had a head-start on the Red Baron topic in history class 5 years ago.

  561. #673 by whatalion on February 10, 2012 - 9:38 PM

    Lost it at metal internment camps.

    Then I scrolled down and read the comments and I actually wept for how moronic people are. These comments are a worse reflection of america than if Santorum actually said those things, sheesh.

    • #674 by meech on February 10, 2012 - 10:18 PM

      THANK YOU. Gosh people are fricking stupid! They will believe anything and then get into an outrage. Seriously, if you can’t figure out this is a joke article, you don’t really have the credibility to be calling Santorum and idiot.

  562. #675 by Bryan on February 10, 2012 - 9:38 PM

    It’s a JOKE people! Read the article again. He’s just being funny. None of it is true!

  563. #676 by Pat Mainolfi on February 10, 2012 - 9:39 PM

    That is one of the most idiotic statements anyone could make. How can someone who actually is running for President of the united states to make such out in left field statements. I’ve listened to heavy metal since I was very young and I’m 43 years old now and I’ve never done any violent acts,killed,raped or maimed anyone BECAUSE of heavy metal. I’ve never blamed heavy metal or any type of music on anything that I’ve done. You can find a lone wolf out there who will say a type of music “made” them do something but it’s just an EXCUSE and trying to not take responsibility for there own actions. For someone in his position to actually say heavy metal was the cause of such tragedies in life then he will blame heavy metal when he doesn’t get the nomination for president. He already has his built in excuse already made but if he doesn’t look at the man in the mirror he’ll never know himself. I’d vote for Randy Blythe of Richmond Virginia and Dez Fafara of Santa Barbara California for Vice President !!!! Metal is not the cause of anything it’s a lifestyle and it’s some people’s preference in music but it’s not the cause of tragedy — maybe blame Drugs,Alcohol,Mental illness or religious fantics on the above named tragedies !!!

  564. #677 by ryanm on February 10, 2012 - 9:40 PM

    if the music sounds evil to them or has such a diabolic appeal that they feel puts a negative impression on young society, in most cases it is because it is in itself a reflection of the fucked up world we live in. we need a way to deal with it. there is way more heart/ soul/ determination for a better world within this side of the music industry. darker things lie within politics, so they need to turn the gun on themselves. fuck.
    what an idiot*************

  565. #678 by tomnikoly on February 10, 2012 - 9:41 PM

    I can find no major source on the web to verify that Santorum actually said this. It would not surprise me, but I need verification.

  566. #679 by MINNERZ on February 10, 2012 - 9:42 PM

    if the music sounds evil to them or has such a diabolic appeal that they feel puts a negative impression on young society, in most cases it is because it is in itself a reflection of the fucked up world we live in. we need a way to deal with it. there is way more heart/ soul/ determination for a better world within this side of the music industry. darker things lie within politics, so they need to turn the gun on themselves. fuck. what an idiot

  567. #680 by lvleph on February 10, 2012 - 9:45 PM

    Really, you people all believe that GWAR played at an inauguration? Wow!

  568. #681 by Alyssa on February 10, 2012 - 9:46 PM

    Because singing a Celine Dion is ALWAYS THE ANSWER…and completely American…WTF

  569. #682 by Em on February 10, 2012 - 9:47 PM

    People this is a FAKE article. He was in OKLAHOMA yesterday & not talking about heavy metal. A $10,000 a plate sock hop & you took that seriously?

  570. #683 by Shane Schofield on February 10, 2012 - 9:47 PM

    Nobody can see this is a parody? A joke? A hoax? You think a candidate for president could blame 9/11 on music and it wouldn’t make the network news? I forgive you all, but please do some research and get informed on the facts before the election actually gets here. I don’t want you all voting for Obama because he said Santorum was one of those “Twilight-Sparkly-Vampires” and it caused you all to panic.

  571. #684 by Jeffrey Engelage on February 10, 2012 - 9:47 PM

    hahahahaha, is this a joke? This has to be a joke, right? first, freedom of speech. second, i’m a christian, and there are plenty metal bands out there speaking the truth. the chariot, underoath, oh sleeper, mychildren mybride, for today, war of ages, devil wears prada, august burns red, as i lay dying, etc. don’t be afraid of what’s different from you. Michael W Smith… great guy, not my thing.

  572. #685 by foulphil on February 10, 2012 - 9:48 PM

    Those are all old bands. The new bands talk about how their parents abused them so they want to cut themselves and cry. Rap and Pop music is far more devastating to youth than Satanic Heavy Metal will ever be.

  573. #686 by Era on February 10, 2012 - 9:50 PM

    I can’t believe you morons actually believe this is true. God, do some research before you believe this shit!

  574. #687 by Ted Malanowski on February 10, 2012 - 9:50 PM

    Isn’t this the Rick Santorum that wants the Federal Government and Politicians to get out of the people’s business?—Or is it just Democratic or Third-Party politicians?—Just like anything else in our daily lives, if we don’t like it, DON’T Buy it, Watch It, Listen to it, Eat it, Wear it, or anything to it.—-This is the CHOICE we have living in the United States of America.—–Conservatives are always pointing the finger at Liberals for wanting the Government to run our lives.—-Liberals only want to even the playing field and help those who have fallen on hard times.—-Republicans (Conservatives) want to CONTROL EVERYTHING that has to do with MONEY.—-They will spend even more money than the Liberals but it is on and for THEMSELVES to make MORE MONEY. —-Santorum, Gingrich and Romney are ‘Poster-Boys’ for Wall Street and our Banking Industry!!!

    • #688 by Paul on February 11, 2012 - 12:57 AM

      Again an example of the shallowness of people who really don’t
      understand what self-interest is all about, and moreover, really
      don’t begin to understand what’s behind their “missionary zeal!”

  575. #689 by ron on February 10, 2012 - 9:51 PM

    There is no way that u can blame past events with the screaming and so called satanic vibe that u get from heavy metal. Music is to listen to how each person reacts to it is very different but u cant say that this one thing in there life was the reason y they did something.

  576. #690 by afspenguin on February 10, 2012 - 9:52 PM

    Article is satire. Please note the talk of internment camps. Suggesting something like that would be political suicide. While I don’t agree with the man on pretty much anything, nobody is that stupid.

  577. #691 by Sean Hellems on February 10, 2012 - 9:52 PM


  578. #692 by Randy Reiss on February 10, 2012 - 9:52 PM

    “Brand new” bands like Black Sabbath. LOL!!

  579. #693 by Bruce Moore on February 10, 2012 - 9:53 PM

    As a someone who is a Christian and has been involved in the heavy metal scene for more than 20 years I think this guy is and absolute idiot. I am the author of Metal Missionaries. A book that takes an in-depth look at the Christian Extreme Metal music scene and I find this not only inaccurate but horribly offensiveas well. This is the same old tired argument I have been hearing for decades. In the 70’s and 80’s they were playing records backwards and now this bumblehead is blaming 911 and the attempted assasination of Reagan on Hard and heavy music. I will leave you with a qoute that a good friend of min,(Clutch) wrote in the forward of the book. “God’s love for us knows no bounds and the free gift of grace and salvation is spoken in every language. That includes the language of distorted Marshall stacks that invite those who hear to worship Him with shouts of praise and swirling circle pits.”

  580. #694 by kots11 on February 10, 2012 - 9:55 PM

    There is always an idiot in some crowd. Lets look at Domenico Fetti,George Frideric Handel,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,Ludwig van Beethoven and others in Orchestrated Operas.

    Are their music responsible for the atrocities that were committed for WW1 and WW2?

    I think not. Germany listened and worshiped these musicians. The Nazi’s marched to their tune as others had.

    The responsibility remains with the Governments.The lust and greed for power and money on both sides of the Axis,had brought this,into a reality.

    Living under cruel environments and corrupt governments,have equal share on the problems of today.
    Whether Republican, Democrat or Independent.

    Music is a mirror,that reflects the living conditions,of every Generation.
    So I say to all Political leaders,Teachers,Law Enforcement,Military Leaders and so on.

    LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes,you will find evil lurking in all corners of the World and in.Education,Entertainment,Free Enterprise,Religions,
    Governments,extra, extra,extra.

    Yet you will see problems with people that are not associated with Heavy Metal.The root problem starts at theTop.Greedy,Lustful,Corrupted,
    Heartless,Lying Leaders of our Country.

  581. #695 by aphrodottie on February 10, 2012 - 9:56 PM

    “I’ve always known if you’re going to have a revolution, you’ll need two things: music and young people” ~ Ron Paul
    ROCK the R3VOLUTION!!!

  582. #696 by Nek on February 10, 2012 - 9:59 PM

    First off, Hail Satan!
    Secondly, you can’t attack art unless your an artist.
    Third, Satanists do not believe in Satan, to the Satanist there is no God nor Satan. Satan is a symbol, a father figure if you will, a role model to live ones life, for the here and now, instead of waiting around for false hope. Satanists are pissed off atheists with a sense for theatrics, receiving joy from that witch makes religionists cower, embracing the religionists arch enemy as a mentor. To be a Satanist is to indulge openly in what religionists call sin without regrets.

  583. #697 by Brett Cherokee Widner on February 10, 2012 - 9:59 PM

    One, all those new so called Heavy Metal bands are some of the oldest Metal bands ever. Haha The dude doesnt even know what hes talking about. All I see is a man trying to push his problems and the nations problems on the Music I live for, just so they can take the blame away from the idiots who created these problems, The government did.

  584. #698 by Courtney on February 10, 2012 - 10:01 PM

    Wow. I am amazed at how easily the sheeple can be influenced by FAKE ARTICLES. Why don’t people actually do research before drawing conclusions? And why doesn’t the columnist put a disclaimer? I’m not a Santorum fan, but it’s bs like this that’s REALLY poisoning the minds of the population.

  585. #699 by Bridger on February 10, 2012 - 10:02 PM

    he blamed 9/11 on “brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden”….

  586. #700 by rob on February 10, 2012 - 10:02 PM

    Guys ..wow the article is a spoof. Come on . Seriously if your a metal head and you bought into this ..maybe we need to ban it . Your Losing brain cells.

  587. #701 by Sam Ramirez on February 10, 2012 - 10:03 PM

    He dont even know what decade this is. And he he knows whats best for me?
    Damn, at least names some bands that have been played on the radio in the last 20 years

  588. #702 by Richard Lopes (@Coorsy) on February 10, 2012 - 10:04 PM

    I’d love to read or view this “sock hop” speech. Where do I find it?

  589. #703 by TJ on February 10, 2012 - 10:04 PM

    This is absolutely ridiculous and everyone who has posted before me is 100% right. Music has nothing to do with people’s actions, let alone metal music. I can guarantee that I could pull a random song from my ipod and hand Santorum the lyrics to prove our point. Now granted the same can’t be said for rap seeing as many of the lyrics (not all) are far worse than what Rick accuses of metal. This man is an idiot and should have been banned from even trying to be a candidate.

  590. #704 by Courtney on February 10, 2012 - 10:09 PM

    article’s fake, dude.

  591. #705 by Joe on February 10, 2012 - 10:13 PM

    I wonder what metal bands John Wilkes Booth listened to?

  592. #706 by stevey y on February 10, 2012 - 10:14 PM

    yeah i didn’t even make it down to the GWAR part…touche author, touche

  593. #707 by meech on February 10, 2012 - 10:15 PM

    I find it very ironic that all you guys call him stupid yet you can’t even figure out that it’s a joke article. Man, people on the internet will believe anything. Morons.

  594. #708 by Choel on February 10, 2012 - 10:17 PM

    I remember this whole argument. It happened when I was a teenager in the ’80’s. There were Senate committee hearings about it. Do we really need to go through that all over again? Metal won last time. I have no doubt it would win again. This idiot really needs to get with the times.

  595. #709 by kiersten heather stauffer on February 10, 2012 - 10:20 PM

    oh my god, they are about the dumbest people i have ever seen honestly ALL of the things theyve said in that are complete bullshit to the max. im pretty sure rap music is causing alot of gang related stuff but they cant do anything about that? okkaaay my father is 50 years old and is extremly successful and guess what hes been listening to metal his whole life and i am pretty sure he isnt retarded and also im pretty sure he isnt lactose intolerant either so i feel as if they should take this whole dumb pole and shove it up there ass. oh and metal is a part of my daily routine.. so i guess that makes me angry and thats why im saying this lol, yep exavtly what it is the government knows everything.

  596. #710 by Derek Henry on February 10, 2012 - 10:31 PM

    No one can destroy the METAL
    The METAL will strike frothy down with a vicious blow
    He will soon be a vanquished foe of the METAL
    He tried to win for why we do not know

  597. #711 by Don Sullivan on February 10, 2012 - 10:32 PM

    If he said it then he is a total IDIOT.
    If someone is trying to bring metal into the media..BRILLIANT.
    I want to see the video of him making this speech.

  598. #712 by Neil Stringfellow on February 10, 2012 - 10:37 PM

    It’s probably not much of a stretch to imagine that Mr. Santorum has destroyed a few Led Zeppelin records by playing them backwards too much. Or that his clothes permanently reek of burned paper from his monthly book burnings. Can anyone say “Fahrenheit 451 here we come”?

  599. #713 by jackie jackson on February 10, 2012 - 10:40 PM

    crazy man…what ever happen to seperation of church and state? Just one more reason Obama will be re-elected. Thanks you Rick…now why do they want to take everything away from us…just turn the dial on the radio station if you don’t like it…don’t buy the music and don’t vote for Santourum.

  600. #714 by MichaelEdits on February 10, 2012 - 10:46 PM

    Black Sabbath reunion. They are new again. Santorum’s onto something.

  601. #715 by brekinapez on February 10, 2012 - 10:48 PM

    Wow, almost three hours since I first read this and people are still falling for it hook, line and sinker. This is some of the most masterful trolling I’ve seen in a long while. Even better than the Daily Mail posting the article about conservatives being of low intelligence when the majority of their readership are conservatives, thus trolling their own readership.

    If people are still thinking this is real by this time tomorrow then maybe America should just throw in the towel and admit our education system is chock full of shit.

  602. #716 by Darkerpath on February 10, 2012 - 10:54 PM

    I can’t believe ANYONE fell for this. The Venom reference should have been a dead giveaway.

  603. #717 by nunopontes on February 10, 2012 - 10:57 PM

    Just when we needed Zappa, he’s way dead. Can’t we bring him from the dead?

  604. #718 by djdeadboy on February 10, 2012 - 11:00 PM

    Good god people STILL haven’t realized this is FAKE???? What a way to get site traffic!

  605. #719 by scabby on February 10, 2012 - 11:05 PM

    I love how you’re a moron (along with dozens of others) who fell for this obvious satire HOURS after people have been commenting on this site pointing that out. Use your brain when you read things on the internet, for God’s sake.

    • #720 by chewbakka on February 10, 2012 - 11:21 PM

      isn’t that the whole point of satire? to enrage people? stop thinking you’re better than everyone else because you got the joke.

    • #721 by scabby on February 11, 2012 - 12:54 AM

      Uh, no. The point of satire is for people to GET the joke, and for it to make them think. Jesus, if I can’t feel a bit superior to people who don’t have critical thinking skills when reading something like this, the bar is set pretty low.

  606. #722 by Qiana Eberly on February 10, 2012 - 11:11 PM

    Not only are u clueless but , unbelievably dumb in the music subject! YesI have to saw some music can inspire people in the wrong way, but it’s the atmosphere they have at home not the music. You just want to blame something so you can get votes! So do us all a favor and get your facts straight and leave music alone! In more cases it has saved lives then killed them!

  607. #723 by chewbakka on February 10, 2012 - 11:12 PM

    I believe most of the “satanic” metal comes from Scandinavia, which is like the birth place of black metal, or whatever it’s called. brb listening to King Conquer and Molotov Solution, bands whose lyrics consist of nothing but government corruption and politics. brb listening to For Today, The Devil Wears Prada, Sleeping Giant, bands whose lyrics consist of nothing but their faith which is Christianity. brb listening to The Ghost Inside, Stick to Your Guns, bands whose lyrics consist of nothing but positivity.

  608. #724 by Cat on February 10, 2012 - 11:16 PM

    I’m suddenly craving a big ol glass of 4% milk to take my zanex with, while warring a dunce cap, while listening to “Paranoid” needless to sat…Rick Santorum can kiss the fattest whitest part of my ass!!! Vote Ron Paul!!

  609. #725 by Josh on February 10, 2012 - 11:16 PM

    I am starting to think this is fake as I have read other things on here and it doesn’t make much sense. I did see it on other sites though and I saw alot of people post it to Facebook so I originally did think it was legit. Oh well if he did say something against metal that is stupid.

  610. #726 by guiseppe2200 on February 10, 2012 - 11:22 PM

    Well you just lost my vote rick

  611. #727 by Global Vagabond on February 10, 2012 - 11:26 PM

    I’m amazed more people don’t realize this is satire…

  612. #728 by tangosuka on February 10, 2012 - 11:27 PM

    Watching a thousand idoits fall for this on facebook has made my day, keep up the good work bro!

  613. #729 by Jon Not So Swift on February 10, 2012 - 11:29 PM

    You people seriously can’t be this stupid. I’d suggest reading A Modest Proposal but I’m afraid some of you would see it as an invitation to start eating your young.

  614. #730 by Leah on February 10, 2012 - 11:33 PM

    If this was true, it would be in the news and all over. Have I heard about it once? NOPE! I’m not supporting that governor,or any metal-music-haters but I think this article is a fake. By the way, Obama has no chance of being voted back in for office.

  615. #731 by grumpy on February 10, 2012 - 11:35 PM

    Santorum take a check of yourself. I started listening to heavy rock/metal since was I was in my teens. I’m almost 60 and hold a steady job own a home and pay taxes. Where did hard rock/metal make me irresponsible?

  616. #732 by SPENCEG on February 10, 2012 - 11:43 PM

    REALLY HOW STUPID!!!! we have way more important things to worry about let me think about them …………………………….GAS PRICES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  617. #733 by Craig Berlin on February 10, 2012 - 11:45 PM

    I’d love to see any corroboration of this story, anything from a legit news outlet or an actual eyewitness – this is the ONLY article on this on the whole internet. Before I go off lampooning Santorum I’d like to know if this is true or the author’s attempt at channeling the Onion.

  618. #734 by rachelle on February 10, 2012 - 11:45 PM

    “Brand new”? Where has this dude been living,cuz I need that radio station!!

  619. #735 by Tracy on February 10, 2012 - 11:47 PM

    This is the biggest load of Liberal Hoo-ha I have ever heard. You guys crack me up.

    • #736 by Shariys on February 16, 2012 - 12:14 PM

      Hey bozo — it’s not hoo-ha, liberal or otherwise — it’s SATIRE!

  620. #737 by Mike D on February 10, 2012 - 11:59 PM

    Sorry, that’s all bogus. We currently do have a tyrannical king in the White House, named Obama. You are scared of these boogeyman things about Rick that aren’t even true, yet you sit idly by while you are told what to eat, whether or not you should smoke, and what you are allowed to believe. But I guess since it’s your guy in office, that makes it ok.

  621. #738 by Mike D on February 11, 2012 - 12:04 AM

    Anybody here who believes that this article is true, please stay away from the voting booth. You have proven yourself to be too stupid to vote. And to the idiot that wrote this article, I’m glad you think this nonsense is cute considering it’s our country that’s at stake. If we end up with Obama for another 4 years, somebody talking bad about rock music will be the last thing you’ll be worried about. Things like food, and having electricity to even listen too music will be a little more pressing.

  622. #739 by Bobby Siekkinen on February 11, 2012 - 12:04 AM

    Rick Santorum has to be the biggest nincompoop ever born. The attack on people who listen to heavy metal is uncalled for and wrong. Lets just clarify that metal doesn’t make someone a Satanist,Depressed,Suicidal/Homicidal,Violent,Angry,Hateful or anything wrong. There are many religions followed by people who listen to metal including Christian,Muslim,Hindu,Pagan (And NO Pagan doesn’t mean Satanist it MEAN 1. One who has no religion or 2. One who neither follows Judaism,Christianity or Islam. This means Buddhists who are some of the most peaceful people ever are Pagan!). Secondly, you single out heavy metal as the most dangerous issue facing America today! Where have you been?! War,Terrorists,economic downturns,unemployment etc. Also a lot of rap focuses on rape,robbery,murder,drug dealing,mass amounts of unprotected sex,degrading women etc. Yet Santorum focuses on metal! So is this saying he thinks drug dealer who rapes,robs and kills living down the road from him is acceptable? Obviously this dolt, never goes around doing his research. As a lot of people who listen to/play in bands/love metal are involved in giving back to the community with long term charities,charity fundraising events,toys for tots,volunteering to go to hospitals to teach sick kids how to play instruments etc. Your stance is both ridiculous,persecuting of an entire part of the American population but it’s baseless. There are satanists everywhere and in every part of America. Plenty of them DO NOT listen to metal. Metal isn’t just a music genre it’s a lifestyle. One that is about pride (in yourself,your life,your family and friends etc.),Family whether it be the kind you’re graced enough to receive by blood or those you’re fortunate enough to choose whose blood is not the same but is family on a deeper level,Helping others and many other positive things. I would implore you to rethink your stance and educate yourself before you start spewing baseless rumors of hate that encompasses the people who listen to it and not just the music itself. If you have to stand for something, at least have it be something based of facts and truth. You had my respect for being a contender who was considered the underdog, but now have lost it for this. Good luck with your race, hopefully somewhere along this path you’ll find the truth and stop spreading rumors. As you’ll find other genre’s that have satanic or not good influence on our children today. I invite you to come out to Dallas or Denver anytime so I can show you the real side of Metal: Both musically and the mass of people I’m lucky enough to call my brothers and sisters on this road we call life.

  623. #740 by Mike D on February 11, 2012 - 12:10 AM

    I love how everybody here is calling Rick a moron. That’s really funny considering you idiots believe that this is a real article.

    • #741 by this chick on February 11, 2012 - 4:15 AM

      honey, you’re a moron if you’re a republican… enough said.

  624. #742 by Kim on February 11, 2012 - 12:12 AM

    Wow, these so called “new heavy metal bands” came around the 70’s and 80’s. Get your facts straight and stop being a bigoted ignoramus and maybe people will vote for you if you want change on REAL issues. And I do enjoy heavy metal myself, and it helped me out in my time of need. Not some errogent liar. And if I have children, I’ll teach them of the ways of rock n roll!! Cause you will NEVER be able to control America cause heavy metal in itself is free speech. >:D

  625. #743 by elmil on February 11, 2012 - 12:33 AM

    I think it is truly embarrassing for anyone in the metal community or otherwise that thinks this is serious. I hope that most of the posters on this article are not of voting age, since clearly many of you can’t even use google for research of any kind. You should be outraged on the REAL ISSUES that Santorum is opposed to such as gay marriage rights, abortion, liberal institution educational funding, and even the new law passed making contraception free in upcoming years. Get off the computer & get yourself into the real world.

    • #744 by Danikin Starkiller on February 11, 2012 - 12:38 AM

      Or, they could just develop common sense. It doesn’t take a college degree to figure out that this article is satire.

  626. #745 by Lucas on February 11, 2012 - 12:43 AM

    Take a Joke people. America really doesn’t have a sense of humor.

  627. #746 by Sean on February 11, 2012 - 12:47 AM

    This man is insane. It is ridiculous for someone to ban something just because they do not like it.

    If he ever makes it into the White House, I will give the same message to him as Zeid Harman gave to Lebanese President Michel Suleiman: GO HOME!

  628. #747 by John Smith on February 11, 2012 - 12:49 AM

    I’m a graduate of 2011, I’m now 19. I work a full time job, I’m getting back into school in febuary . I attend church on Sundays and I pray and I believe in our lord and our savior. I’m no angel and I have made alot of mistakes not due to heavy metal but from my own choice. Just like I chose to go back to school, just like I chose to go to church or get up for work and stay with it. I also opperate not 1 but 2 metalcore / christain rock bands. The point I’m trying to make here is that (once again) you can’t blame the worlds crisis on music. Music is what feelings sound like and I’m a young man that knows all about feelings and the moral of songs from many types of genres. Music is what helps us liberate from what we feel within so we dont have to act out in destruction. You think the terrorist caused 9/11 because of heavy metal music? most likely not. You wanna win votes. THE RIGHT WAY? Then quit wasting your time and everyone else’s time of nonsense thats costing not you but us hard working tax payers thousands of dollars for you to run your campaign. Instead why don’t you sit down with your repesentatives and possibly find a way to make the economy better for the people that support you! Music is something of many genres that many people enjoy and if you try to take away something of meaning to people the people will take away something of meaning to you. Eye for an Eye plays an eternity role in the path of life.

    Anyways , another point I’m proving is that I’m proud to say I AM a MeTaL-hEaD and I know I’m being positively progressed on with my life at a young age.

    John Smith

  629. #748 by Sam on February 11, 2012 - 12:53 AM

    This literally made me LOL.
    If this is true, this is full of absolute crap. This man is now one of the most arrogant, ignorant, close-minded dicks I’ve ever heard of.
    Sure, let us ban RAP music, for it’s lyrics that suggest we rape/harm women, steal, and deal drugs. Oh, wait, the entire genre does NOT consist of those messages. This man’s intelligence is equivalent to that of a 5 year old.

    Also, Christian metal.
    That is all.

  630. #749 by Allen on February 11, 2012 - 1:36 AM

    This Guy is REEEeee-DICK-Ulous. First of all music of any type has it’s place (Weather or not we like it) Not a fan of country or rap BUT It does have it’s place…. And lyrically it would be taking away our first amendment rights (Freedom of Speech) So in saying that this Ass Wipe has no business even being in politics at all !!! Nough Said.

    Now tell shit head to sit down and shut the HELL up !!!

  631. #750 by Walter on February 11, 2012 - 1:42 AM

    God Bless Rick Santorum!! It’s about time a politician stood up for values. These little punks go to the Hot Topic store and buy their “Satanic Uniforms”, then go in my back yards and set one of my cows on fire. They sing and dance to these metal songs around the burning carcus. God Bless Rick Santorum and God Bless the USA!!!!!

  632. #751 by Captain Metal on February 11, 2012 - 2:02 AM

    “There’s a sucker born every minute”

    PT Barnum would be proud, if he weren’t dead

  633. #753 by Roger Pedersen on February 11, 2012 - 2:16 AM

    If this is true then Santorum isn’t only a fascist, but a stupid fascist as well.. A very bad combination..

  634. #754 by dreadEd209 on February 11, 2012 - 2:51 AM

    wait, didnt pat boone cover ozzy (sabbath)?? clearly an agenda against those who would stand up against the powers that be, as most of our world leaders are involved in groups like bohemian grove that seem pretty close to this image of satanism!

  635. #755 by Al on February 11, 2012 - 2:59 AM

    Maybe he should consider relocating to the South of Taiwan, sure those rednecks will love him down there.

  636. #756 by Mrbradley101 on February 11, 2012 - 3:51 AM

    This guy has no concept what a dummy there better thing to talk about then picking on metal seen. I been playing for a long time metal and this is a good one every time hear about this kind of stuff. I just have to laugh at it funny thing is. i,m having a teenage flash back they did a thing like this on 60 Min it was cool it was around 92 try to pull crap like this

  637. #757 by this guy on February 11, 2012 - 4:02 AM

    wow even the politicians are jumping on the back to the 80’s bandwagon…but this (if real) is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. But, then again this is coming from the man who thinks that pregnant rape victims should “…make the best of a bad situation…” The part about lactose intolerance made me really laugh, and (again if it’s real) some one needs to get up on the times, “If you listen to the radio today, many of these brand new, so-called heavy metal music bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden use satanic imagery to corrupt the minds of young people,” DUDE WERE YOU CRYOGENIC-ALLY FROZEN?!!!

  638. #758 by Hotspaghetti (@hotspaghetti) on February 11, 2012 - 4:16 AM

    this is satire people.

  639. #759 by Jenna on February 11, 2012 - 4:48 AM

    I had to double check that this was not an Onion story. How sad.

  640. #760 by Space Mirrors on February 11, 2012 - 4:51 AM

    This is perfect, absolutely perfect. $10,000.00 a plate sock hop! Dear ‘heads, please take the time to actually read what’s written, otherwise quake in fear at the threat of Metal Internment Camps! The truly masochistic can search out the (real) video of Bobby Steele (ex-Misfits, Undead) playing a Tea Party benefit…solo…outdoors, in broad daylight…under a circus-style tent…save us Natas.
    Will you cut off the comments when they reach 666?

  641. #761 by Troy on February 11, 2012 - 4:52 AM

    im 40, and have been a METALHEAD since i was 10.

    i have a great job, great friends, no criminal record, and what do i think is the reason why ive turned out ME and who i am??

    METAL , its my life, without it there is NOTHING. I love how he says all these NEW bands…

    dude these bands are all 25-30 years old lmao. They were here when no-one knew who the hell you were, and guess what? they will be remembered long after you are forgotten.

    im glad politicians here in Australia are guided by idiocy like this ( or the church, same shit )

    america is looking dickier by the day, thanks to its leaders. I think metal needs to take over!!! ozzy for president, even he would speak more sense than what your leaders do.

    Australia rocks!

    • #762 by Aiden on October 22, 2013 - 11:15 AM

      I honestly couldn’t agree more.

  642. #763 by LONG LIFE TO EXTREME MUSIC on February 11, 2012 - 4:53 AM

    I’m not an US citizen, but I think this guy is an idiot…

    How can music change our behavior? Listening to Bob Marley, for example make us junkies?

    It has been proved violent games doesn’t have any bad effect on people. Why music would?

  643. #764 by LONG LIFE TO EXTREME MUSIC on February 11, 2012 - 4:57 AM

    They screwed us with megaupload, They doesn’t have any power against music

  644. #765 by Bobby Eaton on February 11, 2012 - 5:10 AM

    Now the Christians will be upset because they came up with this idea back in the 80’s and will feel persecuted that you’re making fun of them.


  645. #766 by K on February 11, 2012 - 5:43 AM

    Yes, research. Like the fact that his article is completely made up. Ignorance, intolerance, and fucking stupid. And Tenacious D is metal.

  646. #767 by K on February 11, 2012 - 5:49 AM

    Congrats on your over-hyped, idiot-driven meme, Keith Spillett, congrats. You draw out stupid in the metal community like Santorum draws unicorns.

  647. #768 by Sandra Chung on February 11, 2012 - 7:12 AM

    Great satirical piece. I almost snarfled my coffee out through my nose a few times reading this.

  648. #769 by Chris Crammond on February 11, 2012 - 7:41 AM

    LOL! Yeah this “brand new” band ‘Black Sabbath’. This guy is a band-wagon jumping dick. I like metal, I even drum in a metal band, but I have a steady job, I’m nice to people, I like animals, I don’t do drugs (other than beer), I’ve never stolen anything, or attacked anyone. Explain that..

    Millions more people have been killed or seriously injured in the name of Christianity than in any Satanic or occult religions. Let’s condemn all Christians!

    Go find another cause, one that’s worth your time and effort. I can’t help of think of Bill Hicks’ ‘Dead rockstars’ routine when I hear this tired rhetoric.

  649. #770 by Wally Dwight on February 11, 2012 - 8:08 AM

    Santorum need to share this message on the Morton Downey Jr. show.

  650. #771 by Wally Dwight on February 11, 2012 - 8:45 AM

    We all know the direct corallasion between listening to this Heavy Metal music and teen suicide. I’ve seen it on TV! They sneak backwards messages into there albumbs and use Satanic acronems in the creation of there names as a totemistic representation of the varying whords of hell who are now gathering for the final war of the apockalipse. We know that the Knights In Satan’s Service sold caskets to allow there followers to go directly to hell and lead there legions. We know Motorhead sent messages to make Charles Manson crazy and kill the West Memphis Three. We have watched frame by frame, and seen the Demon’s arm that Rick Allen drums with (a LEFT arm)! We have heard the Metal Christmas albums, spreading the pagan corruption of our true faith.
    Let Santorums rant be the clarion call to unite our planet against this lingering evil called Heavy Metal. Sound off the Klaxxons and make them Run for the Hills!

  651. #772 by Stephen D. Vandermade Jr. on February 11, 2012 - 9:03 AM

    Black Sabbath, Venom, The WASP and Iron Maiden might have used satanic imagery but since they no longer perform, tour or produce any music, does that just make him a bag of hot wind? What a moron. He wants to talk about that kind of stuff he should be looking in the direction of the Hip-Hop community now. . . .

  652. #773 by Chris Squire on February 11, 2012 - 9:15 AM

    “Mitt Romney officially denounced his earlier position of “tolerance towards all fans of extreme music”. This, in spite of the fact that GWAR played his inauguration as governor of Massachusetts back in 2003.”

    bwahahahahahahaha!!!! Raul Duke would be proud!

  653. #774 by steampunkscript on February 11, 2012 - 9:16 AM

    LOL… Nice way to remind everyone of the PMRC… which was supported by DEMOCRATS LIKE MRS. GORE.
    The real war on metal is currently in control of the white house.

    At least this went viral…. congrats! hahaha

  654. #775 by george Markunas on February 11, 2012 - 9:59 AM

    Sir, you are brilliant! This is all over the web!

  655. #776 by Phil on February 11, 2012 - 10:06 AM

    Black Sabbath, Venom, WASP and Iron Maiden as brand new? They’ve been around for ages, where is Santorum getting his information?

    • #777 by Andrew on February 11, 2012 - 1:26 PM

      He must’ve saw a video of one of Tipper Gore’s old speeches.

  656. #778 by speed drummer on February 11, 2012 - 10:07 AM

    Christianity and the inquisition killed more people than all music put together. Who is this idiot trying to fool. Metal will never die.

  657. #779 by Phil on February 11, 2012 - 10:14 AM

    This war on heavy metal reminds me of the 1990’s, when all the family and religion oriented groups came down on metal and rap. Santorum is just recycling old talking points.

  658. #780 by Susan Wright (@SueNC) on February 11, 2012 - 10:44 AM

    Please tell me you all realize this was just a joke and none of the candidates are stressing over music. I think they all realize they’ve got bigger fish to fry. Somebody was having fun at your expense. I only see a couple of you that ‘got it.’ Otherwise… please get out of your mothers’ basements and away from the internet for awhile. The lack of fresh air is affecting your thinking processes!

  659. #781 by Linda on February 11, 2012 - 12:24 PM

    This man is a danger to society. There is no such thing as God. There is no such thing as the Devil. Look up into the night sky, there you will find the origin of the universe. Long live metal \m/ and freedom of expression.

  660. #782 by Tom Walsh on February 11, 2012 - 12:53 PM

    This may be satirical, but the part where Romney needs to change his philosophies, well anything, is no problem for him. The fake, lying, wanna — be!

  661. #783 by Tony on February 11, 2012 - 12:56 PM

    From the quotes in the article – certain “new” metal bands on the radio in particular have been singled out. What’s funny is that the bands mentioned… They’ve been around since the early 80’s and one of them since the early 70’s. I mean really! Just seems to me that there are better ways to gain notariety and advance in the polls than to piss people off!

  662. #784 by dylan on February 11, 2012 - 1:08 PM

    for his birthday.. shall we make a package? some marduk, canibal corpse, gorgoroth and napaml death maybe?

  663. #785 by eric on February 11, 2012 - 1:37 PM

    check and mate

  664. #786 by BigAppleBucky on February 11, 2012 - 1:46 PM

    LOL. Next stop, The Onion. Good job.

  665. #787 by vlynn5894 on February 11, 2012 - 2:31 PM

    Is he still in middle school? Picking on people because of the music they listen to; how cliche. He needs to get his head out of his bible and into the real problems of this country.

  666. #788 by Nyann on February 11, 2012 - 3:52 PM

    Up the Irons! \m/

  667. #789 by J. Canfield on February 11, 2012 - 4:52 PM

    Ahahaha! What a fool.

    This guy isn’t going to win…he’s just wasting time and reving up the older, conservative generation that really needs to just die off and stop voting. Only then, will true change come to America.

    And for the record…


  668. #790 by brekinapez on February 11, 2012 - 5:00 PM



    You people who understand satire, let’s form a new country free of these idiots.

    The rest of you have a job waiting for you at Hardee’s cleaning the toliets.

    Good night, and good luck.

  669. #791 by rm on February 11, 2012 - 5:37 PM

    I wouldn’t mind reading sources for this accusation that he’s declared war on heavy-metal.. Also, Is declaring war on freedom of expression (or declaring war, in general) considered traditional American values?

  670. #792 by Rachel on February 11, 2012 - 6:20 PM

    Dumb politicians, more specifically stupid conservative republicans! They don’t understand anything! You think taking music away is a solution? Alls you’re going to accomplish is pissing off a bunch of people. Taking metal away from metalheads is like taking the cast off a broken arm! It sure as hell looks better, but it still hurts and the real problem isn’t being solved! Is this moron even aware that there are christian heavy metal bands? Seriously this guy is an idiot who needs to learn about real music.

  671. #793 by Newton on February 11, 2012 - 6:29 PM

    I am speechless…just hit play on that Death Metal CD, will you please?

  672. #794 by ImA SMF on February 11, 2012 - 7:19 PM

    Next! On Geraldo’s Satanic Underground! Rick Santorum takes on Satan in a one on one cage match!

  673. #795 by John Downing on February 11, 2012 - 10:02 PM

    Alice Cooper introduces Pat Boone as the “future of heavy metal.” Pat Boone comes out dressed in leather and temporary tattoos. They present the Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Artist Award to Metallica.

  674. #796 by Ruurd Woltring on February 12, 2012 - 1:33 AM

    What a nonsense! Heavy metal music is a part of (almost) every human being’s life. Without that, life wouldn’t make sense at all.

  675. #797 by Julian on February 12, 2012 - 3:24 AM

    He says we should listen to Pat Boone, and whats Ironic is that Pat Boone actually likes metallica!

  676. #798 by B on February 12, 2012 - 6:55 AM

    Anyone heard of Paralysys? Heard they’re coming out with a new cd soon. Should be amazing!!

  677. #799 by benmclendon on February 12, 2012 - 7:55 AM

    What a moron!!

    I live in Valdosta, GA and the sad thing is… this kind of ignorant blathering will get a lot of traction here.

    Sam Harris For President!!

  678. #800 by Mark on February 12, 2012 - 8:36 AM

    Wow this guy has no clue. All I listen to is heavy metal. I have a good job working with people all over the USA. I have I have my Associates degree and I’m the only working parent. I have two kids that are very happy and well taking care off, no criminal record or anything like that. I donate to charities and stuff like that, so how does heavy metal cause anything bad? I use heavy metal as an outlet for the stress in my life. Nothing like cranking some Hatebreed or Slipknot when I’m having a bad day. Rap is more of an issue then metal in my opinion.

  679. #801 by Rebecca on February 12, 2012 - 9:25 AM

    It’s almost impossible to know if something written about a politician is satire with the way they want to run everyone’s lives. The only give away here are the names of the bands.

  680. #802 by tmglost on February 12, 2012 - 10:27 AM

    Mitt Romney showed what kind of a lowdown dirtbag he is when he failed to show up at Flattus Maximus’ funeral service. Could have at least sent a floral arrangement.

  681. #803 by aidan on February 13, 2012 - 8:35 AM

    aren’t there more concerning matters at hand

  682. #804 by Seriously? on February 13, 2012 - 10:25 AM

    Wow…lot of morons here.

  683. #805 by Serena on February 13, 2012 - 10:52 AM

    The ironic thing about this is the fact that a lot of people in the heavy metal community are themselves conservative – or, at least, hold some conservative values.

    Anyway, down with censorship!

  684. #806 by CP on February 13, 2012 - 2:56 PM

    Just when you didn’t think Santorum could be a bigger idiot …. This is truly pathetic. Just go away, former Senator Man-On-Dog.

  685. #807 by Spinny Liberal on February 13, 2012 - 11:43 PM

    ITA with your readers that this is so 80s. Come on – Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden? I went to a Christian high school, and this topic was all the rage.

    I think the attendees need to declare war on Santorum. “10K a plate for dry chicken and death metal?” SOO not worth it.

  686. #808 by Tyler on February 14, 2012 - 12:29 PM

    OMG i almost was ready to assasinate this guy before i read the rest of this

  687. #809 by Spinny Liberal on February 14, 2012 - 2:14 PM

    😆 I am so gullible! I soooo bought this. Haha!

  688. #810 by Perry Como on February 15, 2012 - 12:55 PM

    He needs to fight the real demonic music- Nickelback, those evil and horrible men from Canada.

  689. #811 by Shariys on February 16, 2012 - 12:05 PM

    It’s flat-out SATIRE!

  690. #812 by Shariys on February 16, 2012 - 12:21 PM

  691. #814 by anonymous on February 17, 2012 - 2:02 AM

    Absolutely brilliant Keith! especially considering Mustaine’s recent statements of support for Santorum.

    F is for fighting, R is for red,
    Ancestors’ blood in battles they’ve shed.
    E, we elect them, E, we eject them,
    In the land of the free and the home of the brave.
    D, for your dying, O, your overture,
    M is for money and you know what that cures.
    This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me,
    As long as there’s a P.M.R.C.

    • #815 by Keith Spillett on February 17, 2012 - 8:21 AM

      Thanks!!!! These lyrics were on every notebook I had in high school.

  692. #816 by lol on February 21, 2012 - 3:02 PM

    Santorum, please shoot yourself.

  693. #818 by Stinks McGee on February 28, 2012 - 5:24 AM

    Oh yeah! That’s a major problem in America! Umm gee, you got my vote! What a joke! Clueless fool!

  694. #819 by E. Thomas on March 3, 2012 - 7:22 PM

    Santorum needs to stop acting so holier than thou and clean around your own front door and stop passing judgment. I don’t like heavy metal and don’t see the need for it but Satan is everywhere in this world. So we should just all stick our heads in the sand!?!

  695. #820 by John on March 3, 2012 - 8:23 PM

    How did I know there would be multiple references to Hitler, comparing some idiot to dictatorship and systematic genocide, just by reading the title? Oh yeah, internet. Hail Satan.

  696. #821 by Really Now on March 28, 2012 - 7:55 PM

    He should go after Le[a]d Zepplin, since that’s a really heavy metal all by itself

  697. #822 by Don on April 28, 2012 - 6:23 AM

    C’mon you metal morons, just the line “brand new so-called metal bands like Black Sabbath, Venom, Wasp and Iron Maiden” should be enough to clue you in that this is a total mock job! LOL

  698. #823 by Malphas on May 14, 2012 - 7:30 PM

    Nice so that i should step somewhat in politics and creat the American Metalhead Party xDDDD

  699. #824 by rocknrorose on October 28, 2013 - 7:52 AM

    would love to try and leave a comment but i notice this link is very slow. Is this also a blog? Its interesting because I have never seen Santorum talk against metal music just heard he has and nor do I support him. But I am a heavy metal lover conservative. I love Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquility, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Dark Moor, COB, and even this really young “death core” band Unlocking the Truth. Yes I find that most crazy metal like Amon Amarth and even Cradle of Filth (I know two different styles) to be very satirical. Do I find these real? no. even look at neu metal Genitorturers and Gwar. *LMAO* seriously. Sooo political and of course if metal heads really knew the band members personally NOW A DAYS, they are all around nice guys, have families of their own, and care for others. No longer are real honest musicians trying to be involved with negative issues. Shoot I have even heard metal bands sing ABBA and other Religious arias. Classical and Metal have always been my favorite. Black Sabbath is even bluesy, realistic, and talks about our American history and other histories around the world. Another reason why I love metal is that they sing about HISTORY that has truly happened. Although most of its music I find satirical and always compelling, I have never found “TRUE” heavy metal music (and its other sub genres) to be about satan. They would fight against satan if the time were to ever come.
    God Bless and BLEED METAL!!!! \mm/

  700. #825 by Kyle on May 9, 2014 - 2:47 AM

    If you want to take down music that corrupts people, take down this rap hip/hop garbage that only talks about sex and drugs and shooting people. Most people can’t understand what the vocalist in a metal band is even saying, metal in general doesn’t nearly have the same popularity as other trashy music. This politician is clearly a fucking retard.

    • #826 by rocknrorose on May 10, 2014 - 8:24 AM

      indeed. have to say Rap, hiphop and mainstream music that I hear even in FAMILY festivals because our local radio station enjoys to play hiphop and mainstream is all about sex even if it isn’t plainly out there. Of course ALLL music may talk about sex, drugs and rocknroll (hence, the motto) and of course it is life. But music videos and music that blatantly puts sex and drugs and violence out there in the mainstream in their music is sad.. I know they are just trying to tell a story of what happened in our news because that is where they get their lyrics but of course the MEDIA feeeeeeds on things like that.. They love it and it is sick. I can’t watch the news which support the hiphop music videos that people are grinding on each other and putting it out there for children to watch when people are coming home from work or shooting people and violence and mayhem is in the streets and you watch this after you pick up your kids from school.. It shouldn’t be on television BECAUSE television was made to have us escape from the real world. Whatever happened to cartoons, and fantasy shows, sitcoms that were filled with happiness after children came home from school. Now all we see is sex, violence and mayhem.. Its sad and wrong and the media loves it! 😦 We can’t just blame one person because we have to truly blame a large part of society who gives the media this kind of news that enjoy sex, drugs and violence.

      • #827 by hahahaha on May 10, 2014 - 10:52 AM

        Turn off the tv, and the radio. Problem solved.
        Don’t blame artists and networks for the choices you make.
        Slutty sells because people buy it.
        Consumers have power to change what they don’t like, but instead they choose to continue to watch and complain and ultimately, buy into it.
        If you choose not to exert your consumer power, you’ve no one to blame but yourself.

  701. #828 by Thomas Howard Greenhalgh-Bailey on December 4, 2016 - 4:48 AM

    i am a fan of metal …apparently he has never heard of christian metal , those who try to dictate what what people can listen to is a communist republican or not

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  9. The (Un)official write anything you want page - Page 804 - Ultimate Metal Forum
  10. US of A Presidential Elections 2012 - Page 79
  11. Politicians STILL Out Of Touch With Music Reality - ABSOLUTE ROCK 94.5
  12. Rick Santorum Declares War On Heavy Metal | Disinformation
  13. The war against metal is still alive — in some minds | Backward Messages
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